Hands Of Death

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This chapter is dedicated to Foxface4321, because her comments make my day!!!!

If you didn't know, Texas is one of the most bipolar states I've come to know. One day it 70* and very humid and the next day it dropped down to 30* with freezing sleet. Due to the weather church was cancelled and I took the opportunity to finish this chapter!!!

This is the what, fourth update this week?!? I'm on a role! You, my friends are very lucky because I usually only update once a week. Now on to the story my fellow readers!!

Danni's POV


A dark grey wolf stood in front of me baring his teeth. His eyes were a light grey with an angry expression flashing through. 'Shift now!' He yelled through my head. I jumped, shocked that he spoke threw mind link. I knew he wasn't from my pack and he was too young to be on the council so the only other way he could use the link was if he was from royal blood. I grabbed my clothes and nodded my head for him to leave so I could change. He shook his head no but turned around to give me my privacy.

I shifted and changed quickly. I cleared my throat to let him know I was done. He turned around and looked me over. 'Why did you hide my mate from me and fake scent trails? Do you know how much danger that puts her in, plus it gives other males a chance to claim what's mine!' He growled.

"Who's you're mate?" I asked. He looked over to the three girls.

'The one in human form. She ran before I would even get her name. Then when I started tracking her your fake scent threw me off. Taking me all day to find your little hidden cave.' He looked back at Jaylyn who was indeed still in human form. 'Why is she not in wolf form? It's snowing and too cold to be human. Answer threw the link.' He commanded.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. 'Since she ran from you her wolf has been punishing her and not letting her shift except when she fell asleep earlier, but now that she's up her wolf shifted her back to human form.'

'Do you know why she ran away from me?' He asked looking hurt.

'She was scared. Where she comes from, mates are abusive and cruel to the women. She didn't want that for her so she ran. When I found her I explained that true mates can't hurt each other.'

Suddenly the grey wolf shifted into a man with black hair and the same grey eyes. He resembled Jace a bit but nowhere near as tall or muscular. He stood tall and confident, either not caring or not noticing that he was now naked. "Why did you run from me mate?" His low voice sounded strained with hurt as he looked at Jaylyn.

"I was scared." Jaylyn said looking down ashamed. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." She looked up, a small smile graced her face.

"I'm Caleb, what's your name?" He asked now smiling.

"Jaylyn." Caleb's smile widen.

"Well miss Jaylyn would you want to come with me? I'm sure your wolf would like that." He smirked. Jaylyn nodded and walked towards him and showed him her neck in submission. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Let's go, I already scouted a safe place where I can keep you for the next month."

"Caleb, before you go I have to know, how did you use a link with me?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry for not clearing that up, I'm royalty." He smiled.

"So you're related to Jace?"

"Yes. Jacen is my cousin. His father is my uncle. Do you know him personally?" He asked sporting a smirk.

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