A Saved Kiss & A Cave

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Hey! Even though I didn't get all my votes for the last chapter I'm going to be super nice! Since today is my birthday I'm going to give all my readers (that's you!) a present!!!! I'm give you all.... A brand new car! Jk. I'm giving you two chapters in one day!!! Yay!! I do have one wish though... (Don't hate me!) as a birthday gift I would like all my readers to go and vote on every chapter. It's really not a lot. You just press the little button.. Please for me? Go back to every chapter that you haven't voted for and do so! It would make my birthday so much better! Thank you so much! On to the story!


Danni's POV


"Where have you been?" The three girls cried out, right when I opened the door.

"Jace's room. I was hiding the rest of the alarm clocks but before I could get out the clocks went off. Long story short Jace caught me." The girls squealed and jumped into their beds.

"Glad I came back when you told me too." Brittany breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Tell us what happened!" Miranda said.

"Did the prince get you in trouble? Are you banished from the mating games? On a scale of one to ten how hot is he when asleep?" Lauren asked dramatically while bouncing on the bed.

"No I didn't get into trouble and no I'm not banished from the games. I would probably say twenty-three." The girls looked at me in confusion. "On a scale of one to ten he's a twenty-three." I said giggling. The girls laughed along and laid down in their beds while listening to me tell the events of the night. I started thinking about the heated kiss we had and blushed like an idiot. The girls noticed and asked what really happen. After I finished telling them everything they screamed so loud I was surprise it didn't wake any of the surrounding rooms.

"You lucky dog you!" Lauren and Miranda shouted at the same time.

"Was it sweet and passionate or strong and lustful?" Brittany asked, most likely day dreaming about kissing the prince.

"Well this time it was more of a strong and lust filled kiss I guess." Shrugging my shoulders.

"THIS TIME!" All three hollered. Oops! I mentally slapped myself. I laid there and began to tell them of my first kiss with the prince. After explaining everything we agreed to go to sleep and talk more in the morning.

Waking up at six in the morning was not sitting well with me. I laid in bed trying my best to fall back asleep but I just couldn't get comfortable. After tossing and turn I got up and took a shower. The warm water relaxed my muscles and woke me up even more. After showering and finishing my morning routine I made my way into the lobby. I walked over to the coffee bar and began to make pot after pot of coffee. Afterwards I sat them on the warmers and began making myself an omelet.

"That smells wonderful!" A she wolf said coming from one of the four halls. "What is that smell?" She sniffed and caught a whiff of my scent and turned my way. "Oh! I didn't see you. Good morning! That smells so good!"

"Good morning." I said smiling at her. "Would you like one?" I asked her. She smiled shyly and and nodded. I laughed and slid the plate down the bar to her. "Take mine, I'll make another one." She hurriedly walked over and sat down. Picking up a fork she began to devour the omelet. I looked her over and noticed how skinny she was. She was thinner than Miranda. Either her pack didn't have much food or someone wasn't letting her eat.

Hastily I made two more and placed one on her plate while I ate mine. "Thank you." She said. I smiled and nodded while taking another bite of mine. Quickly other she wolfs filed into the lobby sniffing the air, making their stomachs rumble.

"What's that smell?" The others began to question. I quickly got up and began to make more.

"If you want an omelet grab a plate and get in line!" I called out. Quickly the girls rushed over forming a line. I began to chop the ingredients and beat the eggs. I had four pans on the stove ready for use, making four omelets at a time, causing the long line to shorten in a fast pace.

"Ooo! We want some roomie!" Brittany said, coming up to the bar. I looked at the line noticing all three girls where the last in line. I smiled and shook my head.

"Took you three long enough to get out of bed! I've already fed all the other females, not to mention all the females from the tenth floor too." I giggled. They stood there with their mouths open.

"Exactly when did you get up?" Lauren asked. I looked at the time realizing it's already ten o'clock.

"Um, I woke up at six and couldn't go back to sleep so I just came out here to make breakfast so I wouldn't wake you all." I replied.

"Six! Girl, you are insane! But so sweet for making everyone breakfast." Miranda said, taking the last plate I just placed down with a hot omelet. "Well we are taking these to our room because it's kinda crowded out here. I looked around and noticed how all the seats were taken and people were now standing up to eat their food. I sigh and wiped my forehead.

"All done-"

"We smelt something good and came to check it out." I looked up to see a huge group of guys come from upstairs, all of them looking dead tired. I laughed to myself. Let's see you chase after us now! My wolf howled out in laughter.

"It's the omelets, would you men like some?" I asked placing a friendly smile on my face. The men rushed over to the bar, tripping over one another to be first in line.

"Yes!" They shouted. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes what?" I asked, enjoying them glare at me for what I was making them say. Half of the men said 'yes ma'am' while the other half said 'yes please'. Either way I was happy and began making their omelets. I guess the girls didn't want to see the men that would try and hunt them down later tonight, so they went back to their rooms and finished their plates.

"If you want to have a seat I would gladly bring you your food when it's done." I said while flipping the omelets over. The guys took seats all around the lobby, some sitting on the floor. I finished four and took them out to the first four guys then returned and repeated the process.

I began to chop the fresh ingredients to make the men their second round of omelets when I felt someone's gaze on me. I looked up and stared straight into the deep electric blue eyes that belonged to the prince himself. "Ja-Your highness!" I stuttered. "Good morning. Would you like an omelet?" I asked looking down, making sure to pay attention to the ingredients and not to Jace's bed head and topless self. Of course some of the other men were topless but they didn't bother me. But Jace, he was a whole other story.

Jace growled lowly causing me to look up at him. "It's Jace. You call me Jace, not your highness, not prince, not any of those proper names. I am Jace to you." Red flooded my cheeks and I looked down once again.

"Yes your hig-" Jace growled again, cutting me off. "Yes Jace." I said quickly. "Would you like an omelet?" I asked pouring the mixture into a pan.

Jace smiled. "Yes please." I smiled at him for having the manors none of the others managed to have. "And can you add something extra for me?" He asked a smirk playing in his lips.

"Um, sure. What would you like?" I questioned, and opened the fridge. "I have onions, bell peppers, the green and the red, turkey, ham-"

"What I want you can't find in a fridge." Jace interrupted. Seeing my confused face Jace smiled one of his real, breathtaking smiles. "Can you add a extra pinch of love in mine?" He said in such a serious tone. I busted out laughing and closed the fridge. "What?" He asked now smiling down at me.

"That was cheesy! But I'll give you points because it was also adorable." I laughed and began to make his omelet, he sat there and watched my every movement. Finishing, I placed the plate in front of him and handed him a fork. I turned and saw all the dirty dishes and felt the urge to clean up the mess. Mine or not, it needed to be done. I turned to see the men about to walk up the stairs and then looked back at the dishes. As if reading my mind Jace hollered out.

"Men!" He said firmly placing his fork on the table. He stood up and turned towards them. The group of guys stopped and bowed their heads in respect. "Since Danni was such a doll and cooked for not only all of you but also all of the females, I expect you all to pay your respects by cleaning the dirty dishes. Am I clear?" He asked with no room to disagree.

"Yes your highness." The men said in unison and headed towards to sink. I watched in awe as the guys formed an assembly line and worked together to wash the dishes.

"Thank you." I said turning towards Jace who had now continued eating his food. He looked up from his plate and smiled. A warm feeling rose up in my chest, making my heart swell and me smile back. I turned around to head back to my room but quickly stopped and turned towards Jace. "Hey Jace." I called.

"Doll?" He asked making my heart melt with his nickname. I kissed my palm and then blew it towards him.

"There's your pinch of love." I turned around and began walking to my room.

"Dan!" I turned around to see Jace holding my imaginary kiss in an enclosed fist and then tuck it in his jean's pocket. I raised an eyebrow. "Saving it for later when I start to miss you." I blushed for the what seemed like the tenth time today and managed a small shy smile. "See you tonight doll." Then surprising me, he blew me his own kiss. I watched him get up and walk over to the sink only to start helping the other guys clean. I made my way to my room only thinking of him.


It was eleven fifty and all the female game participants were standing in a huge clearance staring into the thick forestry. The night sky was beautiful. The stars twinkled while the moon itself shined so brightly you could see very clearly. I looked over to the girls, they all wore a small purse or duffle bag around their shoulder which carried a pair of clothes so we could shift freely and not be nude all the time. Feeling my gaze, they turned to look at me and nodded remembering the plan.


"I'm scared Danni! What if some controlling, abusive, or just plain crazy male tries to claim me? I can't fight like Lauren, I can't hide like Miranda, and I can't run like you. What am I suppose to do?" Brittany was on the verge of tears but it was true. Her wolf wasn't tiny where she could hide in small places like Miranda, she wasn't a trainer fighter like Lauren, and she couldn't run as fast as me, but she sure is creative and that's her ability.

"Hey, don't talk yourself down. You're smart, you can always talk your way out of trouble or create a diversion."

"I just don't see why the girls can't stand together and defend themselves from the guys. It's not fair that one of them over powers two of us." Brittany huffed.

"Why don't we just band together and when a male comes to find us we beat the crap out of him!" Lauren said sarcastically while entering the room. In the blink of an eye an idea popped came to me.

"Danni is smiling like that cat again! This is not good!" Miranda said coming out of the bathroom.

"I have an idea! Why don't we just band together like Lauren said! When they release the females we shift and run together and find a safe hiding place! I'm sure four of us can handle one male wolf!" I said excitedly.

"It might just work." Miranda said thinking deeply about something. "When I was younger I had the slight tendency to rebel against my authority figures. Well once I was so angry I left my pack and went all lone wolf, it only lasted about a week but that's besides the point. When I ran away from my pack I can here, to the royals land and hid in the back forest, which coincidentally is where the games will be held in. When I was hunting one day I found this huge cave. It's by water so not only will we have shelter from the weather, and a hiding place from males, but we have water to drink. The other thing we need to work out is hunting for food, otherwise I'm sure this will work!" Miranda said excitedly giving us all a new hope with the new information.

"It's settled. When we are released, we shift and follow Miranda to the cave, we don't stop running till we reach the cave, got it?" They all nodded and I continued. "If any male comes we fight, no submitting unless he's your mate or if you want him as yours."


"Hello once again." The king said, standing up on a small stage they placed out here for this reason only. "In about five minutes I will signal you to run deep into the forest to start your side of the games. We will give you a hour and then let the males chase after you. The rules are the same from yesterday. Be safe out there ladies. Remember you must submit to the male when he finds you. Good luck and may you find your mate!" With that the king got down and walked to the forest area. Pulling out a gun, he aimed up at the sky and pulled the trigger signaling us to go.

Quickly the four of us shifted and ran. We followed Miranda, running wildly through the trees, jumping over fallen, decayed logs and huge rocks. We ran behind her and followed the imaginary path she has memorized from her past. We ran till we reached a small pond. Miranda's unexplained stop made the girls confused. Miranda quickly shifted into human form. "Drink up, we are barely half way and we've been running for over forty minutes. If we want to make it to the cave before the guys are released we must run even faster."

We nodded our wolf heads at her, showing her we understood. One thing about being in wolf form, you can only mind link with wolfs from you pack, your mate, and royals, which include the council. We began to lap up all the water that we could, Miranda shifted back to her light brown wolf and began to drink also. After our thirst was quenched and our energy replenished we took off once again.

After running a few more minutes a gun shot was fired making us all freeze on spot. We looked at each other with a knowing look. Desperate we took off in the fastest run we could manage. The men were just released and would catch up in half the time ,it took us to run this far. Being stronger, faster, and bigger helped them in ways that were not so fair in this type of situation. After another ten minutes of running we made it to a huge river that snaked through the thick forestry. The farther we ran up stream the steeper the land seemed to get. Miranda came to a stop and motioned to a miniature waterfall that stood about twenty feet. It was quite beautiful, the way the full moon's light bounced off the sparkling water, creating an amazing light show for us.

Each of us walked behind a tree to shift and change into our extra clothes. We walked back to regroup. "I thought you said we were going to a cave Miranda? Clearly this isn't a cave!" Lauren accused.

"Chill out, we are here. The cave is hidden behind the waterfall. I just wanted to tell you that it might not be a good idea to stay in human form after all. We are already weaker than the males in wolf form but in human form it's even worse. Plus our senses aren't as great, how would we know if someone was coming? And being cornered in a cave doesn't seem so bright now either." Miranda's observations make me realize how right she was, but there's no way we can find another safe spot before a male finds us. Our time was running out.

"Miranda is right. It's not such a bright idea to stay in a cave only to be cornered but right now it's our only option and there is no time to find a new safe spot. The guys will be running through here in just a couple of minutes. We should be hard to find since the water will mask most of our scent. Now on to the plan. One of us stays in wolf form and stays on watch duty while the others stay in human to communicate. We will take turns being on watch duty. We all stay in the cave and no one leaves with out a partner, got it?" I questioned.

They nodded together agreeing to the rules. I picked up four twigs and broke them all into the same size, then taking only one I snapped it in half, making it now shorter than the other three. "We are drawling sticks to see who's on duty first. Whoever picks the small stick goes first. I put the twigs in my hand making the tops even and let the girls pull one. I was left with a long stick in my hand. I looked around only to notice Miranda holding the small twig.

"I'm first then." She sighed. A howl broke through the silent night causing us to jump and turn in its direction.

"Let's get inside the cave!" Brittany cried out.

"Miranda shift and let's get inside now." I commanded. We rushed over to the waterfall and carefully slipped behind it, only to enter into a decent size cave that could hold a good amount of people, most likely around ten to twenty people. Miranda who was now in her wolf form was looking quite worried and started whining. "I'm guessing someone's closing in?" She nodded. Soon enough we heard foot steps crunching down on the fallen leafs around the waterfalls base. I notice Miranda perk up a bit and sniff the air. I knew what was happening, she was smelling her mate and most likely he smelled her too.

Surprising us all a wolf with bleach blonde hair jumped through the falling water and into the cave. It bared its teeth searching the cave, looking from me to Brittany, then to Lauren and lastly Miranda. When it's gaze landed in Miranda it calmed down and began to purr. Slowly it walked to Miranda, who was still in her wolf form, and rubbed himself up against her. In response, she began to purr also. "I'm guessing you'll be going with your mate to find y'all's own secluded spot?" Lauren winked causing Miranda to growl and the other wolf to purr louder. I giggled but felt bad for the wolf. Miranda's surely going to make him work for her love, she too independent to just start depending on someone else, a mate especially.

Miranda shifted and made her way to us hugging us all. "Well I didn't expect to find my mate on the first night but hey at least it's my real mate and not just some guy." We laughed and said our goodbyes. "Well, I guess I'll see you three in a month." She waved and then shifted back into her wolf. The two mates then ran out through the waterfall, now only leaving Brittany, Lauren, and I. We talked it out and decided it was best that we all shifted to our wolfs. After doing so we laid down praying to get some sleep.

I was happy for Miranda, but with her already leaving on the first night I began to get a bit nervous. What really bothered me was the one question that kept popping back into my thoughts. Who would be the next to leave our little cave?



It's a slow start to the games but it will get better! :)

Who is next to get taken from their little hideout?

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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