Emotional Mess

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This book has reached 100 reads! I know it's nothing big but this is my first book so it means a lot :) thank you soo much! Just for reaching 100 I am giving you a special treat! I'm not giving you one chapter but two!! Whoop whoop! Hope you enjoy!


Danni's POV

When Todd and I arrived home last night, Andi was waiting up wanting to hear every detail. After telling her about our little "play date" she bid me good night and left to her and Todd's room. All night my wolf wouldn't shut up. She wanted to see the mysterious black wolf again. Finally falling asleep we dreamt of him.

Waking up to the sound of my alarm clock, I groaned while slamming my fist into it, shattering the clock into many pieces. I laid there trying to fall back to sleep when blue eyes popped into my head, making me smile to myself. I replayed the dream from last night over and over again. My wolf stirred, a bit agitated, but I ignored her.

"What are you smiling about?" Andi asked, walking into my room without knocking.

"Andi, I know you're now Luna but please respect my privacy and knock before you enter." I said, trying to change the subject.

"I'm sorry, I will knock from now on, but don't try to change the subject! I bet you were thinking about Mr. Wolf, huh?" She giggled, raising her eyebrows in a playful manor.

I laughed and shook my head at her silliness. "To be honest, yeah I was thinking about him. It's so weird Andi, it's like we had a connection and I just can't forget him. It's crazy for me to have all these feelings for a person I don't even know. I miss him and I only met him last night." I paused, taking a deep breath in. "Andi, I need to see him again and figure out why I'm feeling all this." I said sadly. My wolf perked up a bit agreeing that she wanted to see him too.

"Awe, Dan, don't be sad, I'm sure you'll see him soon." She sat down beside me and embraced me. Rubbing soothing circles on my back. " You know what? He's defiantly not mated by the way he acted with you last night and that means only one thing! Your black wolf will be at the mating game sign ups Sunday and will be participating in it as well! You look for him, submit to him and boom! You get the guy! It's that easy!"

I stared at her in wonder and excitement. "Andi, you're right! Wait.., what if he doesn't want me?" I looked to Andi, my eyes filled with tears. "What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Water brimmed my eyes.

"Danni! What are you saying? If you felt a connection and feel so deeply about all of this, he has to feel something too, and by the way you described everything last night, I would say he feels exactly the same as you do. Everything will be okay." She hugged me again and stood up off the bed and headed towards the door, turning around one last time. "I actually came in here to wake you up for tracking lessons. Todd said since you were out most of the night you would try to sleep in and we can't have that, now can we?." She laughed.

"Haha, laugh all you want, but know that the only reason I'm getting up is because I love spending time with the pups, not to please you or Todd." I said sticking my tongue out at her. I really didn't want to get up and neither did my wolf.

For some odd reason she was sulking. 'I don't have time for her weird mood swings today.' I said to myself.

"Real mature, I got to go, make sure you're down at nine to start training." She said walking out the door.

After applying a little bit of foundation and throwing on a pair of shorts and a baggy T-shirt, I made my way downstairs. "Move out of the way pup." A red haired guy said while shoving me into the wall, making me bounce back and trip nearly falling on my face. 'I've finally had enough!' My wolf shouted, taking control of my body, I turned around and walked towards the guy. Grabbing his shoulder I turned him around, landing a punch straight on his nose. A cracking sound was heard and then a growl.

"What the crap!" The man shouted, holding his nose, blood poured out from his hands and dripped on the off-white carpet.

"You pushed me into the freaking wall! Did you expect me to just carry on like nothing happened?" My wolf shouted and then retreated, giving me control again. The man's nose stopped bleeding due to our incredible healing abilities. Now only dried up blood stained his upper lip and hands. He looked at me, anger clearly visible. Great, my wolf starts a fight and leaves me to finish it. Stupid wolf.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me! My wolf just took over!" I apologized and took a step backwards. "Please forgive her, she's never-"

"It looks like someone needs to learn their place and how to respect those that are more superior than them." He said cutting me off. He started walking towards me. My natural instincts said RUN, so I did just that. I ran out through the back doors and down the patio steps, looking over my shoulder I saw the red hair man running after me.

I ran full speed in the direction of the woods. I had a better chance of escaping him in there where I can easily maneuver through the trees. As I ran I kept looking over my shoulder, taking me by surprise the man seemed to not only stay with my pace and maneuver easily through the trees too, but seemed to be actually catching up to me. Not even a minute later I made it to the same clearing that me and the black wolf occupied last night.

I made it half way through the clearing, heading for the woods on the other side, when something heavy collided with me, making me and the object roll for a moment. Coming to a stop I was pinned under the man, his eyes glowing.

His wolf wanted out, he was the cat and I was the mouse. Me being the mouse wasn't a good thing at the moment. His finger nails turned into sharp claws and dug into my skin, not enough to draw blood but enough to make me wince.

"Please I didn't mean to do it! My wolf is stressed right now and I don't know why she's acting strange." I pleaded, hoping he would release his grip.

"If you thinking begging me will change my mind about what I'm about to do to you then you're sadly mistaken. If you can hit someone make sure you can take a hit back." He growled out, extending his claws a little more making me whimper.

Apparently he like to hear me in pain, because he extended his claws a third time, breaking the skin, causing my arms to bleed. Forcefully removing one claw from my arm, he raised his arm back in a position to slap me.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the man above me. 'God, I know I brought this upon my self but if you're listening, please help me!' I silently prayed, a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. I tensed up, preparing myself for the slap.

A deadly roar cut the silence in half. I opened my eyes only to see a humongous black wolf tackle the man above me, off and the two began to roll. The red haired man shifted into a brownish-red wolf, all the while rolling on the ground with the black wolf. All I saw was a blur of fur, while the two wolfs snapped at the other.

Finally having enough, the black wolf snapped the leg of the brown wolf. He whined and whimpered, then looked up to the black wolf, having a.. conversation? I was confused at what was happening the black wolf can mind link? I knew he had last night with Todd but that's because Todd is an alpha, and alphas can communicate with any wolf. I know for a fact the red haired man wasn't an alpha so the black wolf must be an alpha.

The brown wolf got up and limped back to the pack house looking back at me with shame in his eyes. 'I am terribly sorry, it will never happen again.' I saw the truth in his eyes, I nodded and gave him a tiny smile, indicating I forgive him.

I turned my attention to the black wolf. His eyes were the familiar blue eyes I dreamt about last night. Of course! This was my black wolf, what other huge black wolf would come and save me!

Wait, did I just say "my" black wolf? Crap! Here comes all those confusing feelings again. I really need to ask about those. My wolf woke up and became perky, acting like she hasn't been sulking or angry all day. She checked out the black wolf and willed me to go closer but I refused to move.

Noticing him staring at me I became self conscious. I probably looked crazy, sitting on the ground dried blood staining my arms and shirt, a tear streaked face, and one foot missing a shoe. When did I lose that? The black wolf walked up to me and licked my face. "I'm okay." I said, not knowing if I was trying to convince him or myself.

He lowered his head to where his eyes were leveled with mine. It seemed as if he peeked inside my soul and pulled the cork out of the dam, because the next thing I know, the waterworks start and won't stop. I sat up on my knees and hugged him.

I wanted his comfort and hoped he didn't mind. He sat down making it more easier for me to hug him properly. He placed a paw around my waist like the embrace we shared from last night.

We sat there for a few more minutes, finally the sniffles stopped and I pulled away from the beautiful wolf. I looked at his chest, where I had been crying on and started laughing. He looked at me with an emotion I didn't recognize but also with a look of "is she crazy?". This made me laugh even more. He sat there with amusement on his face, patiently waiting for my laughing attack to end.

"I'm sorry, it's just that today of all days I decided to wear a little bit of makeup and since I cried so hard on your chest, my makeup and tears kind of rubbed off on your beautiful black fur." At the mention of his fur his tail began to wag. Crap! I called him beautiful. Make it less awkward Danni! "And now it looks like a baby threw up on you." I blurted out.

'That was terrible Danni, baby puke really? Way to ruin the moment.' My wolf said laughing and shaking her head at me. I tried to stop my self from laughing, making me snort in the process. He smiled a wolfy smile and rolled his eyes playfully.

I hugged him once more than kissed the side of his muzzle. "Thank you. For getting here just in time and for letting me cry. I don't have anyone who would do that for me. I have Andi but now that she has a mate and is Luna, she don't have much time."

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "I have no family, only Andi. And the blue moon pack isn't very accepting of me, as you can tell." I muttered the last part. He growled and I bowed my head, feeling the power and anger roll off him.

"Will you shift for me?" I blurted out without thinking. He looked at me and shook his head no sadly. "Please, I need to know who you are. I need a name, I need something. I'm confused, and my wolf is acting weird and it all started when I met you. Please I need answers." I said, desperate for something, anything.

A deep, make-your-knees-go-weak, heart flutter, masculine voice spoke into the mind link. 'I can't give you answers right now, please wait till it's the right time. Can you do that for me Danni?' At the sound of my name both my wolf and I nearly fainted. I loved how he said my name and don't get me started on his voice. 'Is that a yes or no?' He chuckled. That chuckle! I'm about to die!

'Danni, answer him idiot!' My wolf shouted. "Yeah, I can do that." I answered a little breathless, making him smirk. My watch beeped, noticing its nine. Crap I'm late! I jumped up, startling him.

"I'm sorry, I got to go, thank you again for everything. I'm going to be honest and go out on a limb here, but I would really like to see you again Mr.Wolf." His tail wagged and a purring sound came from his chest. Is that even normal? He got up and rubbed his body up against me like a cat does, I hugged him once more and ran to the training area.


This chapter is mostly a filler, but there was a cute scene so hopefully that's enough to keep y'all entertained for now ;) Again, I greatly appreciate all my dedicated readers, even if they are silent. Lol. I really wish I could get some feedback from y'all but if not that's okay :)


Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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