Alphas & Ambushes

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Danni's POV

"Wha-what are you doing here?" I squeaked out. Standing there was Jeffery looking as chipper as ever.

"Oh sweet, innocent, Danni. I guess the guilt of lying got to you because early this morning the prince came forward to the council, explaining how he was mis led and how you really didn't have a mate. Therefore the council couldn't really pin me for anything." Jeffery took a step closer as I retreaded back. "Do you know what this means sugar? It means I can claim you and you can't do anything to stop me." An evil, gut wrenching chuckled came from his lips.

"Jeffery, I'm sorry I lied but you have to understand! I was scared and you were drunk." I backed up planing to flee out the door but instead I bumped into the wall beside the door. Jeffery took this opportunity to close the nearby door and lock it. Hearing the click of the lock my heart began to beat rapidly. If I don't calm down I'm sure I'll go into cardio arrest any minute.

Jeffery quickly grabbed my throat cutting off my air supply. Instantly my hands began to claw at his, trying to remove them from my neck. I began to get light headed. I called out for him to stop but no sound was made. "Listen to me and listen good. I will let you have today as your last free day, but tomorrow when the full moon comes out and the men are released, I will come for you and I will claim you as mine. Don't try to hide because I will find you." He squeezed my throat one last time and then released his hold.

I fell to my knees, gasping for air. Jeffery unlocked the door and opened it to leave. Stopping and turning back to face me he called out. "And if for one second you think someone will save you, you're wrong! Let this be your only warning. If any other male tries to steal you away and claim you as their own, I will kill them. If you tell anyone and they try to stop me, I will kill them. I will make you watch as I slowly tear them limb from limb. Do you understand?" I nodded and with those last words he parted from my room.

After retrieving my strength back I rushed to the door and closed it, making sure to lock it. Quickly I rushed to the bathroom and began to shower and get ready for the oncoming day.


Todd and Andi insisted on driving me to the royal territory. So here I am sitting in the back seat of Todd's truck listening to Andi sing along to some country song, while Todd talks business with some important alpha. My wolf was at her breaking point. Not only was she worried about Jeffery, but she was weary about the recent news she just received only an hour ago.


"Danni! Guess what I just found out!" Andi squealed as she skipped into my room. I had just gotten changed into printed leggings and a long dressy shirt that stopped at middle thigh. My hair was in its natural wavy, curly mess, reaching my a bum.

"I don't know, what?" I looked at her, realizing she looks too excited. I can promise you that whatever comes out of her mouth we will not like! My wolf spoke. I laughed internally and waited for Andi's response.

"I just found out that the future alphas of both the Black River Pack and the Eastern Light Pack are entering the mating games!" She shouted with enthusiasm. "That means even if you don't end up with your true mate and or the prince doesn't claim you, which both are likely since you're just a normal ranked wolf, no offense, you could still end up with an alpha!"

"Why would I want an alpha as my mate? They are like any other male, except they're ten times more irritable, confusing, and demanding."

"That's not true! Todd isn't like that, back to the point." Andi walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders. Shaking lightly she said,"Danni, you can be Luna like me! You could be the Luna of the Black River Pack!"

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