Finding & Saving Her

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Dedicated to ChassidieSullivan, if I'm not mistaken, it was her who happened to guess the black wolfs identity first!.. (If I got that wrong I'm terribly sorry) Thank you too all that voted and commented on the last two chapters! My phone wouldn't show me who all who voted or commented so I couldn't personally thank you.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, know that it was very difficult for me to write in a grown man's POV. Obviously I'm a teenage girl and don't think like a man but I tried! Enjoy!


Black wolf's POV


I stood in the clearing with the rest of the males waiting for our turn to start the games. I knew the plans of the other wolfs. They wanted to run and find their mate first and then find shelter for the rest of the month, but I had different plans. If they were smart they would think about the weather. We were informed that a blizzard was on its way, yet no one is taking it seriously. I listened as the rules were restated and then a gun was pulled out. As it was lifted into the air the heart rates of all the males raced and beat widely. The shot was fired and all the males shifted, ripping their clothes apart.

I shook my head at their stupidity. They would realize that eventually they would need a pair of clothes. I chuckled at the thought. I quickly undressed, placing my clothes into a duffle bag I decided to pack, which was filled with randoms that would come in handy later. I shifted into my wolf and began to run to the perfect spot I would make as my shelter for me and Danni.

As I ran I thought of her. It seems as if I hadn't seen her in eternity, yet in reality I've seen her everyday this past weekend. She might not have known that I was there, but I was, silently watching over her. I even ran her pack's border just to make sure there were no signs of rogues. Call me paranoid but my mate will be safe no matter what it calls me to do.

About four hours later I finally reached the perfect place for shelter. When the king decided to hold the games here in this part of the palace forest he didn't want any of the females trying to escape so he built a fifty foot wall to surround the forest borders. He also didn't want then to get the smart idea and try to dig under the wall so he made sure the wall was half a mile thick. During the construction there was a mistake made in one part of the wall which caused a big amount at the bottom to crumble to pieces, creating a deep cave type hole that was big enough to hold twenty wolfs or about fifty people.

With the games approaching fast, he just told the workers to leave it be. The wall was still too thick for a lone she wolf to dig out so he didn't care. Once I heard about this I knew it was the perfect place. Most of the other wolfs would stay deep within the forest searching for their mate, while I hide our shelter's entrance and prepared for the upcoming storm. That means hunting for food in case we get stuck inside for a few days.

After shifting and changing into clothes I began to tidy up the place, taking some blankets I packed and placing them to make a cozy little bed. I had tried to weave vines and leafs together to make a curtain of protection from the chilly winds that blew in but I failed miserably. It was decent enough for now but when Danni gets here I'll ask her for help, I'm sure she'll laugh at my ridiculous attempt. I smiled at the thought of her laugh. How I wish she was here right now. It was now past five in the morning and I was growing tired. Sleep sounds good right now.

No sleeping! My wolf growled. We have to hunt first. Do you want to bring Danni here and have no food? What will she think if we don't have everything prepared?

I thought it over and realized how right he was. Danni would probably think I'm a terrible mate if I didn't have everything perfect for her. I stretched, hoping it would waken me up a bit, then headed out. I let my wolf have full control, letting him hunt his prey. Within the hour we already caught three big bucks and dragged them back to the wall. I shifted into my human form to finish the task at hand.

I collected enough snow and placed it towards the back of the man made cave. It was cool enough to keep the snow frozen. I butchered the deer and placed the raw meat on the snow. I then covered the meat with more snow. This way it wouldn't ruin or grow bacteria. After I discarded the left over carcass I shifted back into my wolf and settled down ready for some sleep. Tomorrow I will hunt for more food so we'll be stocked and then I'll get Danni.

Tomorrow I will make Danni mine forever. I'll spoil her like the princess she is. Smiling at the thought I fell into a peaceful sleep, only to dream of my beautiful little mate.


I woke up later than I planned. According to the sun it was about noon. I shifted to human form and ran out to get some more snow for the meat, packing it on not only to ensure it doesn't spoil but to keep the smell from attracting other animals while I'm gone. I shifted back to my wolf and let him free again. We hunted a good three hour catching four more bucks. I returned back to the wall and dressed the deer, after placing the meat on top of the fresh snow I then covered that layer of meat with more snow.

After I discarded the left over deer, I cleaned the inside of the cave making sure no blood or guts remained on the floor. Time to go get my little mate! I thought excitedly. Now just wait a moment! We can't just go get her, we need to bath first, you may have cleaned up well in here but you haven't gotten a wash since the games started and you demolished seven deer in the past two days. You're a mess, let's bathe and then get Danni. My wolf argued. I sighed in reply.

Shifting into my wolf I quickly ran to the nearest river which was only a mile or so away from the wall. It was about seven o'clock judging by the colorful sky that dusk brought with it. Quickly I bathed the best I could. What's the use in taking a bath when you have no soap? I thought. After bathing I began to search for Danni's scent, being mates it was stronger for me and nearly immediately I picked it up and began to track her. After a hour and a half I was growing irritated. A growl erupted from behind me and I turned around to see who dared challenged me.

Standing there was a dark brown wolf. Small for a male, I concluded it was a female. 'I'm not here to hurt you, stand down.' I said calmly. Her tensed muscles slowly relaxed. Realizing I wouldn't go after her she ran away never looking back. I sniffed the air for Danni and realized she was still a ways off. Let's go back to the wall, tomorrow we'll run straight here and continue our search. We will get her tomorrow. My wolf said sadly. We both wanted her with us tonight but it was getting late and the meat would surely ruin if I didn't get back to cover it with fresh snow.

The next morning I woke up and realized it had snowed a lot more than I had excepted it too. The storm will be here sooner than everyone assumed. I got up and shifted, stretching and popping my joints to get my blood pumping. I rushed out and got more snow to tend to the meat. Quickly I shifted back and took off in the direction where I left off last night.

I tracked her scent all the way to a slushy river and waterfall. I sniffed around and realized her scent left this area a good while ago. I turned around to follow it when two growls erupted from the waterfall. Suddenly two black wolfs jumped out, barring their teeth at me. 'What do you want? This is our shelter for our mates!' They growled together so perfectly, it was uncanny.

'Relax, I'm not here for your shelter or mates. I'm looking for Danni, she was here not long ago, am I correct?' Both wolfs looked at each other and then back at me. Nodding their heads up and down.

'Yes she was here, but she took off in that direction.' One said motioning with his head where she had ran off too.

'Thanks.' I said and then bolted in the said direction. I sniffed and was able to scent her. Her lovely scent was beginning to fade which sent me into over drive running with all I had. In two minutes I covered ten miles. If it wasn't for her weak heart beat I wouldn't have found her. Her wolf's fur blended into the snow littered ground. 'Danni.' My wolf howled in sadness. Not caring if it was below ten degrees or that I'd be completely bare, I shifted to human forms and lifted the beautiful little white wolf in my arms. Running as fast as I could, I made it across the forest and all the way to the wall within three minutes, the whole time making sure a pulse was still there.

I laid her down on the blankets and began to make a fire. It doesn't matter if it attracts other males, I will gladly kill for the safety of my mate. After getting the fire to desirable height I raced over to my packed duffle bag and pulled out a thicker blanket and placed it over her as I massaged her paws. Gently I began to move up her arms and legs, trying to get her blood to circulate and warm her up faster. "Danni, please baby, wake up." I said quietly.

I checked her pulse once again. It was there, just very faint. Unconsciously she shifted back to her human form. Quickly I put my extra pair of sweats on her and one of my shirts to cover her naked body. I was a gentleman and made sure not to look, knowing she wouldn't be too pleased if I did. I laid down beside her and pulled her close, hoping my heat would help warm her up a bit. I listened to her soft heartbeat. Soon I was drifting off to its rhythm.

Suddenly the beat stopped and I shot up and listened but heard nothing but the crackling of the fire. I began to panic as I felt around for a pulse. Her skin was cool to the touch and seemed to be getting cooler by the minute. Her breathing had stopped all together. My heart broke and I felt as if someone was suffocating me. "Danni, no. Please!" I said as I gasped for air. "Baby doll! Please you can't leave me! I love you so much!" I shouted, holding her tiny face in my hands. "Please! I need you!" I began to cry.

The tears poured down my face unwillingly. You have to start CPR now! My wolf urged. I listened and leaned her head back to lightly breathe into her mouth. I then started chest compressions carefully, trying not to break any ribs. "Danni! Wake up!" I yelled. "Stop playing around! Open those beautiful eyes!" I shouted out through blurry eyes and a now hoarse throat. I stopped the compressions and blew again into her mouth. I repeated the compressions one again. My arms grew weak, not because of the compressions but because my mates heart was still with no movement.

"Baby, please!" I cried harder. I lifted her cold face, pressing my lips against her now pale lips, I kissed her with all my might. "Please don't leave me all alone, I-I didn't even get to show you my true identity and I'm so, so very sorry. I was selfish, so freaking selfish!" I cried out. "I was scared you would reject me for all the responsibility that would fall onto you when we mated. I-I." Claim her. My wolf softly spoke causing me to pause.

I didn't argue or ask questions, I just did what I was told. Now cradling her in my arms, I lightly turned her head to the side to give me better access. "Forgive me for not asking permission sweetheart." I whispered. I pulled the collar of her shirt down to reveal her pale skin. Bringing her closer I kissed her shoulder softly. I looked at her closed eyes and realized I would never see those beautiful emerald eyes so full of life again. I leaned back down and bit into the flesh between her neck and shoulder. I released my DNA into her blood stream and then pulled my canines out. I licked the wounded area, causing the punctured skin to close up, leaving no evidence of my bite. Now tell her the truth. My wolf spoke.

I didn't know where to start. All these emotions ran through me. Love, longing, pain, and anger. I was angry. Angry at myself for being so selfish. "Danni." I started to say but choked on the cry that erupted from my mouth. There was no use to wiping the tears, they just kept pouring. "Baby, th-the other night I promised to tell you my secret if you let me claim you. I told you...I told you I feared only one thing."

I stopped and tried to breath, my voice shaky and broken. "Baby, that one thing...that one thing was losing you." The shirt I had placed her in was now soaked with my tears. "And now that fear came true." I cried. "And now that it's happened I don't know what to do!" I cried into her chest even more. Only one person could comfort me during this time, yet here she laid, lifeless in my arms. Carefully I laid her lifeless body on the bed of covers and laid down beside her. I wrapped my arms around her tiny little body, pulling her close to me. As I cried in her long soft hair, I began to doze in and out of sleep.

"Princess, I love you. I love you so much." I murmured half asleep.

"I love you too Jace." I smiled. Danni loves me. Wait, Danni loves me! Wait! Danni loves me? My eyes shot open only to be greeted with bright emerald eyes.

"Danni! Oh God! Danni!" I yelled. Grabbing her face and kissing her with all my being. "Oh God, Danni I love you! I love you! I freaking love you Danni Grace!" I said each time moving to kiss her forehead and then her nose and lastly her lips. I began to cry again. "I thought I lost you forever. How? I-" I began to question.

"Shh." She said holding a finger to my mouth. "You've got a lot of explaining mister! Like for starters, why you never mentioned that you're my black wolf!" She questioned. "And why yo-" this time I cut her off. I attacked her lips and gently pulled her closer.

"How about we talk in the morning?" I asked. She smiled a breathtaking smile.

"Sounds good to me." And with that I fell asleep for the first with my mate by my side.



FYI to dress a deer practically means to gut it. Not put clothes on it. Lol

Okay so we know Jace is the black wolf!!! Congrats to those who realized this chapters ago!

Did I do okay on the whole "his mate died and he's in pain" scene?? Was it emotional enough? I'm not an emotional person to be honest.. Unless you count crazy as an emotion.. Haha jk. (Or am I?) ;)

FYI : it's freaking hard to write in a man's POV!! I'm sorry if it wasn't so great...

Next chapter= 25votes 15comments!!

I will not update unless I get them! So please make sure you hit that little button and then write your opinion of this chapter down below!

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!!

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