Dead Man's Land&Our Room

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Danni's POV


I was back in the great vast meadow but this time there was no music. I began to look for the single tree that stood in the open area but it was no longer there. Thinking that I may have ventured the wrong way I turned around and searched in the opposite direction. I don't know how, but for some reason I knew that the tree was the only way to return back to Jace.

I searched for hours but still there was no sign of the tree. My feet ached from walking the distance and I decided it was best to take a brake. Most likely I would never find the tree and be stuck here in Dead Man's Land. I sat down in a patch of white tiny flowers and began to hum. Any noise was better than the pregnant silence. I sat there plucking the small white flowers and began to twist and tie them together.

I then resorted to braiding my hair, remembering the way Jace held it in his hands, gently weaving the strands together. I missed Jace. I missed the warmth and laughter he brought with him but most of all I missed the undying love his blue eyes shown. Without warning a pain deep in my chest began to throb. Crying out in pain, I grabbed my chest. It felt as if something was being plucked out from my chest.

My hands became damp as did my shirt. I looked down to see red staining my shirt and palms. Panic set in as I stared down at the warm blood. I looked around searching for something, someone, anything, that could help me right now, but came up empty. As if someone flipped a light switch, the sun began to set too fast for reality. As the moon rose high into the sky it quickly grew cold. A chilly wind blew through, making goosebumps appear on my bare arms.

If this was death then I must admit it's a lot worse than I expected. With pain erupting and the unending flow of blood pouring out from my chest, I cried out. I had no escape and nothing to do so I sat there in excruciating misery. The temperature dropped a great amount making the painful state I was in even more agonizing. "Could things get any worse?" I cried to myself.

Another gust of wind blew through the land but this time it was freezing. I watched as the green grass danced when the wind blew through. I gasped out loud as I watched the wind freeze the grass in its place and coat it with a layer of frost. The beautiful spinning wildflowers froze in their place as well. I reached out and lightly grazed the flower with my fingers. A crunch was heard as the flower snapped in half.

Suddenly I heard a beep. I forgot all about my painful condition and the crazy weather conditions and listened closely. The beeping comminuted to go off in a repetitive rhythm, sounding more like a heart monitor. The beat was steady but the colder it seemed to get the slower the beat became. I became numb. The beat slowed so much that I was sure any minute now the beat would stop for good.

"We're losing her!" A thick voice hollered out, causing me to jump. I looked around startled, yet found no proof of another life form.

"What do you mean?" A rich, deep voice filled with hurt and longing asked. I looked around once again and found nothing, nobody.

"We've patched her up but she has lost so much blood it seems she might not make it. We need a blood transfusion but she has no family alive to give blood." I assume a doctor was the one giving the news.

"She has a twin sister, why can't she give Danni her blood?" The familiar voice asked with desperation laced through his question.

"We tested her already. They might be twins but their blood isn't the same type, it won't work." The icy winds of this fantasy world bit at my skin leaving me in a world of numbing pain.

"Wait! I am her mate, I already marked her. My DNA has had enough time to change her blood. We should be compatible by now! Use my blood!" The man commanded.

Mate? Mate. Jace. Jace! I thought. Wait, if that was Jace then that means I really am dying. How hard has this been on him? This is his second time losing me. I grew sad with realization. My heart ached for his smile, his lips, his touch. I touched my lips and remembered how soft and gentle he could be, yet at the same time strong and protective. I need to get back to him, I needed to live.

"Why didn't you mention that in the first place?" The man asked. "Tell me when you're ready to start and we will set it up, the sooner the better."

"Now, right now. I want my mate, now." Jace stated. The voices faded and silence filled the air. No matter how bad I wanted to live and see Jace I had to lay down. The numbness had taken over causing me to lose all control of my body. I fell back and laid in the now frozen wildflowers. As I laid there with no control of my own body I gazed up to the night sky. The stars were beautiful as always while the moon's silver light danced throughout the vast meadow.

What seemed like hours pasted and I laid awake, not able to sit up. I was in the middle of playing a game where you find the constellations in the sky, when a sharp prick pierced the soft skin of my inner elbow. I looked down to see a small drop of blood there. Soon my body began to warm up. Within minutes my fingers and toes began to come to. Feeling was present in the tiny limbs and began to make its way to my arms and legs.

Soon I was feeling so much more alive and warm. The grass that laid beneath me began to thaw out as the wildflowers bloomed back to life. The frost that once covered them turned to tiny water droplets that shined in the moon's light. The now dewy looking grass shined with a silver glow. The wind blew softly but instead of its chilly bite it was a warm caress. The calming wind blew the grass gently making it appear as a silver ocean. It was truly beautiful.

My ears picked up the soft beat and listened to how it changed back to a normal rhythm. "Doc is it working?" Jace's voice sounded close. Using all my strength, I sat up and looked around in search for the man I was longing to see. Jace wasn't found but the single tree with the bright golden leaves stood there shining in the moon light. My heart jumped in joy. Making the beat speed up a bit and then return to normal. When I tried to get on my feet my body collapsed with exhaustion.

I laid there and began to think. If the beat is my heart beat and the voices belong to those who surround my real body then I must somehow be in the confinement of my own mind. I looked down at my arm, the blood had dried up and instantly things made a lot more sense now. Jace had the doctor use his blood in the blood transfusion I needed. So the prick was the transfusion taking place and the warmth that spread throughout my being, making me strong enough to sit up, was Jace's blood pumping through my veins.

I laid there trying to muster up enough strength to sit up again. After multiple tries I managed to sit up but sat breathing heavily. "Her body is taking your blood with no complications at all and it's slowly healing her. Understand that this process is very time consuming. You will have to sit here for a good four hours while your blood is being transferred to her and even after that it will take a good four to five hours to fully replenish her strength." The doctor sounded tired but joy was laced throughout his words. "Soon you'll have your queen." I could tell there was a smile plastered on his face as I felt the love he already held for me, his future queen.

"Thank you Doc." Jace began to say. Their voices became soft as it faded from my ears. I sat there happily. In just a couple of hours I can be back with Jace! My wolf stirred at the thought. She was at peace hearing this. I began to grow tired, as my eyes started to droop low. I laid down slowly and turned to lie on my side. My eyes shut but a glitter in the moon light caught my attention. My eyes fluttered open only to see that the golden tree has somehow moved closer to me now only standing a few meters away.

Smoothly I rolled over to lay on my stomach and turned my body in the direction of the tree. With all my might I began to crawl forward, only stopping to grab a quick breath. Within ten minutes I reached the base of the tree and used the last of my strength to pull myself into a sitting position. Leaning my back against the tree, I sat there trying to reestablish my barrings. Soon my eyes began to droop and I found myself falling asleep.

I was in the deepest sleep when a constant beep sounded from my left. My eye lids were heavy but I managed to open them just a bit. Bright light blinded me making me instantly shut them. Ever so slowly I opened them and waited for them to adjust. I looked at my surroundings and noticed I was in a room that resembled a hospital room.

To my left was the door and a couple of chairs. The walls were bare but painted a light blue that seemed to have a calming sensation. Right next to the bed sat machines making all these strange noises. The one making the constant beeping was my heart monitor. The wall across from me held another door that most likely held a bathroom. On the same wall was mounted a small T.V. On my right was a large window that poured the bright sun light in making me wince again. This side held chairs also but one chair was occupied. I looked over at the sleeping man. His hair was longer than usual and he had dark stubble from the days of not shaving.

His long, muscular legs were stretched out, reaching the hospital bed I was laying on, while he was slouched down with his head hanging off the back of the chair. His mouth hung slightly open and a light snore was heard if you listened quietly. I inwardly giggled at how cute he was. I went to reach out for him and noticed all the wires attached to me. I wanted to touch him, to make sure it was really him, to make sure this wasn't just some dream. Without thinking I began to pull the wires off and the I.V. out. Sudden the heart monitor deadlines causing it to make a terrible ruckus.

With no warning Jace flew out of his chair at the same time a man in a white coat busted through the door. The man was tall but not as tall as Jace. He had grey hair and a kind face. He would resemble a grandfather type figure but was more of a skinny fit grandfather. "What's going on?" Jace and him asked at the same time. Both men looked at each other and then at me. Noticing my conscious body Jace practically picked me off the bed and hugged me in a bone crushing hug.

"You're finally awake." He whispered into my hair. I nodded, hugging him back I held on for dear life. I didn't want to let go and he noticed it. He sat down on the bed and sat me on his lap hugging me but now from behind. "What did you do to the monitors?" He asked chuckling. I looked over to the machines, the doctor stood by them pressing buttons, turning them off.

"I didn't touch them." I played with hospital gown I wore. "I just wanted to be close to you so I just pulled them off of me." I said sheepishly, hoping the doctor wouldn't be angry with me. I looked over to the doctor only to see him smiling in our direction. He noticed me looking and bowed.

"My queen, I am honored to see you healthy and so lively looking!" He smiled. I returned the smile and looked up at Jace. He was already staring down at me with a smile plastered on his face.

"You pulled all the wires and the I.V. out just to be closer to me?" He asked cocking his head to the side. I nodded and he laughed. "You nearly gave me a heart attack, I heard the heart monitor and thought something went wrong."

"You nearly gave me a heart attack." The doctor said. "I was just walking by and I heard the commotion, scared the crap out of me." This time we all laughed.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

"It's fine dear, let me check your vitals real quick to see if you're ready to go." After the normal blood pressure, heart rate, eyes, ears, and reflex test I was good to go. The doctor, who I learned was named Joe, bid us goodbye and left to go tend to the other patients. Jace grabbed some clothes and placed them in my arms.

"You can change in the bathroom." He pointed to the door I had guessed was a bathroom when I first woke up. I stood up and stumbled at first but quickly got my balance back. I walked into the tiny bathroom and changed out of the gown and into the grey sweat pants and black t-shirt Jace had given me. I came back out only to be picked up by Jace and carried out of the royal's hospital all the way to his beat up truck.

"The rust bucket!" I giggled, making Jace's laugh along.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go home." Jace chuckled while putting the vehicle in drive and pulling out of the parking lot.

As we drove I watched the beautiful scenery past by. "Hey Jace?" He looked over to me and then back at the road.


"I was just wondering. We only stayed in the game for two and a half weeks what happened to the whole mating game? Where are the girls? What happened to Mike and Jeffery?" I questioned feeling a bit nervous to hear the answer to the last question.

"Dad cut the games short since there was so much violence. Him and a team are trying to figure out how Jeffery got a gun into the games without being caught." He stopped and looked my way. "Dad thinks someone on the inside helped Jeffery get that gun, but he's not certain. Lauren and Brittany were up at the hospital but after a couple of days Alpha Liam and Jon made them go home."

My face dropped in disappointment. I was hoping to see the girls when I woke up. "Wait, how long was I out?" I asked.

"You were out a week and two days. They left on the fourth day, but don't worry they said they will come visit soon." This made me smiled but I remembered he still didn't answer my last question.

"So what happened to Jeffery and Mike?" I tried once more. Jace stiffened, his knuckles turned white from his strong grip on the wheel. "Jace please, I need to know." I pleaded. He looked over and sighed.

"Doll you know it's not fair when you give me those big, sad, puppy dog eyes." We had arrived at the palace and pulled into the garage. Turning off the truck he turned his body facing me. "When Jeffery shot you I just lost it. You're small body crumpled to the ground and blood was just pouring out all over the place. I thought I lost you for sure." He paused breathing deeply to prepare himself for whatever he had to say. "I lost control Danni. I lost control and killed Jeffery right on the spot, no mercy, just flat out tore him to pieces."

"And now you feel guilty for killing him?" I asked a bit confused.

"No, that's the problem. I don't feel guilty at all. I thought he took what's most precious to me and my wolf felt the same, we had to do something, we had to punish the man who dared to mess with my mate." He stared at me waiting for a response of some sort. "Are you mad at me?" The question caught me off guard.

"Why would I be mad at you?" I scooted over to his side of the truck and took a hold of one of his hands.

"I killed him and didn't even think about how it would affect you, you know, being a peacekeeper. I just figured you'd be mad that I didn't give him a chance." He looked down and studied our entwined fingers.

"Jace, we gave him multiple chances and he took advantage of them. I am not angry with you, I would however, be very angry if I woke up and found out you didn't do anything to him." I laughed trying to lighten the mood. This made Jace smile. "He tried to kill you Jace, he tried to take away what's most precious to me, and for that I believe he deserved what he got."

Jace leaned down and lightly kissed me. "I will never ever let some one harm you ever again." He spoke in the most serious tone I had ever heard. He opened his door and got out, pulling me with him. As I made my way out of his side of the truck he quickly picked me up bridal style and carried me into the palace. At the moment I truly felt like a princess. He made his way over to the elevator and pressed his floor's button. "This will be the second time to see my room, you know." He smirked down at me.

"You mean our room?" I playfully teased. He chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I mean our room." The elevator dinged and came to a stop. He made his way through the beautiful victorian style lounge and to the huge doors that led into his room. He walked in, the lights automatically turning on by themselves, and sat me down in his large, soft bed. He sat down beside me and just stared.

"What's the matter?" I asked, his face held a sad smile. He didn't speak or move, he just stared. I stood up and walked to stand right in front of him. "Jace what's wrong?" I asked again. He stood up and took a step closer. I looked up to see his face. It held that undying love I missed seeing when I was supposedly dead. Slowly he brought his hands up to my face caressing it ever so gently.

My heart picked up its pace and then I heard his do the same. Soon one hand traveled down to my neck then down my arm, sending a wave of fire throughout my body. The other hand lightly pulled my face up, making me look into his bright blue eyes. Slowly he leaned in, pressing his cheek to mine, he whispered, in a soft but deep voice, words that had my heart skipping beats. "I love you so much Danni. I can't imagine a life without you." He pulled back a bit and placed his lips over mine. It began as a soft gentle kiss but soon he couldn't hold back and neither could I.

That fire that shot through my body was back but now it was covering every inch of my body because at that time so was Jace. His hands traced the curves of my body as his lips danced with mine. Soon my back was pressed against a wall and I found the leverage I needed to wrap my self around him. My hands gripped his hair and pulled him closer not leaving any space in between us. He pulled away and breathed into my ear. "I will not lose you again!" A clenched fist hit the wall behind me and he placed his forehead on mine. "I love you so so much." He whispered. Once again his lips crashed down onto mine. My heart exploded with love for this passionate man in my arms.

My hands found their way under his shirt, feeling the way his muscles moved under my palms. His hands burned the skin of my back causing me to go breathless. I pulled away to breath at the same time as him. "I love you too Jace, and so much." I didn't realize I was crying till he wiped a fallen tear off my cheek.

"You need to rest. Let's lie down for a bit." Still wrapped around him, he carried me to the bed and laid us down.

"Jace, know that I love you but I won't be mating with you till we are officially married or what ever you want to call it." I blushed thinking about Jace and me like that. He laughed a soft tired laugh.

"Why do you think I pulled away when you did? I might be a man but I have morals too." He chuckled. I wondered if he was a virgin but if he wasn't I didn't want to know so I kept myself from asking. I laid there trying to fall asleep but the question played on repeat in my head. "Yes, Danni." I lightly jumped.

"What?" I asked, turning to face him.

"I am a virgin. I planned on waiting for my mate and that's just what I did. Before my mother died she gave me some advice on mates." He smiled remembering fond memories. "She told me that when you have sex with someone you literally give a part of yourself to that person. She then explained to me that my mate wouldn't like it if I had given parts of myself to another women when every part of me belonged to my mate. Of course, I was young at the time and didn't totally understand, but growing up and watching all my friend find their mates and seeing the trouble their past relationships put on their relationship with their mate now was eye opening. I didn't date because I saw no reason to date someone who I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life with."

I smiled and lightly kissed him. "Thank you." He smiled and began to play with my hair. I yawned and closed my eyes. "Night Jace, love you."

"Night doll, love you more." He whispered and then pulled me closer. This time I fell into a much needed sleep.



Finally together with no threat! Or is there?? Haha

Sorry that not a lot happened but I can't have every chapter filled with action, romance, or death ! Lol

Give me a good enough reason to dedicate a chapter to you and I will! ;)

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NOTE- I do read4read as long as your book isn't rated R, same sex, or demonic.

Update on my newest book- I haven't uploaded the first chapter yet because I still haven't gotten my cover for it :( if you know of anyone who is great at making covers please inform me! Thanks :)

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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