Submitting To Him

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Jace's POV


The rest of the flight we sat by the window basking in the glowing lights. I didn't care what we did or where we were, as long as I had Danni by my side I was perfectly fine. I looked over at her, she sat facing me but watched as the lights danced throughout the night sky. Her emerald eyes sparked brightly making her even more beautiful.

Today was the best day of my life. When Danni walked down that aisle my heart stopped for a moment. Everyone in the crowd disappeared and it felt as if we were the only two in the room. When the crowd gasped from her beauty I woke from my daze and realized my small mate was nervous. I spoke through our link calmly. I saw her visibly relax and I smiled at her.

To be honest I didn't hear a single word the council man said. The only reason I started my vows was because my father linked me telling me to stop staring at my mate and to start speaking. After the ceremony we made our way to the ballroom. The women did a superb job on the decorations. After everyone made it to the ballroom the DJ called for our first dance.

One thing I will never get tired of is dancing with my mate. The feel of her in my arms is like a drug and I'm a hundred percent addicted to it. I hated keeping the secret of a honeymoon from her but I wanted to surprise her. The only reason I told Brittany and Lauren was because they helped me set everything up, along with Maggie, Maria, and Suzzie.

As the night drew on I danced with every Luna, never really paying attention to them but to my mate across the dance floor. She was light on her feet and danced with grace. After dancing the night away I walked up to Danni who had just finished dancing with my father. I wasn't paying much attention to what was being said but managed to catch a couple of words. After embarrassing myself with my childhood story and saying goodbye to everyone, we began to make our way out.

Liam and Jon's mate stopped Danni and whispered a few words then said goodbye. We continued on our way out but was stopped once again but this time by her sister. As Andi and Danni talked Todd spoke to me about the usual rogue threats and other alpha business. I listened closely but felt my mood change drastically. I looked over to Danni and noticed that she's clearly upset.

Worriedly, I tried to link her but she kept me blocked out. I was shocked. I didn't expect my mate to block me but I knew she would eventually talk to me about whatever her sister said to cause her such sadness. I watched them closely, shockingly they hugged and then out of no where began to jump up and down in what I assumed was excitement. I slowly approached them, informing Danni that we had to leave. The sisters said their goodbyes. Pulling Danni with me we made our way outside.

Cautiously, I asked her what was wrong and just as I assumed she explained everything to me. I tensed and bit back a couple of growls. I didn't like to hear how cruel people were to my mate, even if it was behind her back. She told me she forgave them all and I knew that if she could be that forgiving I could too. Then she dropped the bomb about Andi carrying a pup which made me just as excited as her. I was happy for Todd and Andi, I was also excited about being an uncle.

When we arrived in front of the carriage Danni's face lit up like fireworks. I was proud that I made my mate so happy by doing something so little. I loved how the simplest things could bring so much joy to my mate. After boarding the jet I ordered us a drink and her favorite dessert. Once again she was blown away. We toasted and then talked nearly the whole flight but after a while I could tell she was a bit tired. I suggested taking a small nap. Surprisingly, she curled up in my lap and did so.

Five minutes before reaching the lights I woke her up. I wanted it to be dramatic for her so I blindfolded her and turned the lights off, making the dancing, glowing lights outside shine even brighter, appearing ten times more radiant. Just as I thought, she became giddy with excitement and filled with wonder. She asked me how I came up with this and I explained. We sat and watched the lights for awhile longer. As she gazed out at the amazing scenery, I gazed at the breathtaking, beautiful, masterpiece, that stood in my arms. Soon the jet began its decent and I got nervous once again, praying she liked the last surprise I had planned.

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