Barries & Braids

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Danni's POV.


People say that when you're dying you see a bright white light or your life flashes before your eyes. I didn't see either, no what I saw was a beautiful meadow. The land was made up of green grassy hills and wild sunflowers. "Hello?" I called out. I began to walk, looking around trying to find another life form. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Scouting the area, I noticed one hill that seemed to be the tallest of them all. If I climb up the hill I would be able to see all the land, I thought to myself.

As I walked up the steep hill I began to hear a beautiful melody drift through the air. Reaching the top I looked in the direction that I came from and saw nothing but clear fields for as far as the eye could see. I turned in the opposite direction and scanned the fields. Clear just like the other side. I went to scan the area once more when a tiny dot on the horizon caught my eye. I strained my eyes and squinted to focus on the little dot. "A tree?" I whispered to myself. The soft music began to grow loud and appeared to be coming from the direction of the tree.

Becoming extremely curious, I began to walk back down the hill and in the direction of the distant tree. The trip seemed to be longer than I expected. When the tree was within twenty yards away from me I noticed how beautiful it really was. The bark was a dark, rich chocolate color that made the golden yellow and orange leafs glitter in the sun's light. The music was now at the loudest volume yet still smooth and soft. I noticed the sun was setting and that soon it would be dark, leaving me alone in a deserted place.

As I reached the base of the tree I lifted my hand and lightly caressed the smooth looking wood, immediately the music stopped. I pulled back quickly and looked around for the source of the music. Not finding anything I walked around the tree, inspecting it closely. Finding nothing of importance I began to feel tired. I sat down with my back pressed against the tree and leaned my head back. It was greeting colder by the minute and that's when I realized the sun was hidden from view and the sky was now a light blue with tiny stars twinkling in the distance.

I sat there trying to fall asleep yet no sleep was coming. I was far to cold to sleep. At first it was just my toes and fingers, but soon my legs and arms became so cold I couldn't feel them any longer. I'm already dying, so why am I going through all this again? I thought as I shivered from the freezing temperature. Soon my lips felt numb and I lost all the feeling in my being. My heart began to slow down and I knew it was final this time. I wanted to cry. Cry for all the things I never got to do, all the things I wouldn't be able to experience.

I wanted to cry because I would never say goodbye to Andi and Todd, never get to see Miranda, Brittany, Lauren, or Jaylyn again. I want to cry because I would never see Jace or the black wolf again. Never would I meet my mate and never would get my wedding ceremony and experience true love. I would never get to have my own baby and spend my life with my little family. I wanted to cry because never again would I be able to live life and yet there's nothing I could do to stop my terrible fate. I wanted to cry, yet I had no energy to muster up the tears. My eyes closed slowly and my heart stopped once and for all. I am dead.

I. Am. Dead.

With a searing pain shooting through my neck I shot up and screamed with all the strength I had. I was still in the lovely meadow under the single tree. I reached for my shoulder and felt a warm thick liquid coating my skin. I pulled my hand back and realized that the liquid was blood. Soon the pain was gone and replaced with a calming sensation. Next thing I know I'm bombarded with different emotions running through me. Love, longing, pain, and then anger. I didn't think anything of them until the last one ran through me. I was angry, but I had no idea why. 'We are feeling our mates emotions.' My wolf howled.

'I thought you could only feel their emotions when they claim you?' I replied.

'He claimed us, that was the pain that awoken us from death's bed.' My wolf purred in joy knowing her mate found and saved us. 'Danni, it's time to go back. Our mate needs us, his wolf is calling out to me.'

'How do we go back?' I asked.

'Close your eyes.' I did so and waited for further instruction. 'Now open them.' I obeyed. I looked around to see that I was surrounded by concrete walls. A nice fire was burning and blankets were thrown over my sleeping form. I looked down to see me dressed in a pair of sweat pants that were too big and a baggy shirt that was five times too big. A thick muscular arm was wrapped around my waist making me realized how I was closely pressed up against a firm chest.

I slowly turned around to see who held me. Thick black hair framed a tan face, while the same coal black eyelashes caressed smooth cheek bones. The beautiful tear stained face belonged to Jace. My heart leaped and my wolf purred. Mate. I smiled and continued to check him out. "Princess, I love you. I love you so much." He murmured in his sleep, his eyes fluttered a bit. He was truly beautiful and now he belongs to me!

"I love you too Jace." I spoke quietly. This made him smile and then look confused. I smiled and waited for him to realize what was happening. His eyes shot open and stared into mine. Shock, disbelief, and love passed through his eyes making my heart melt.

"Danni! Oh God! Danni!" He yelled. Next thing I know he's grabbing my face and kissing me. "Oh God, Danni I love you! I love you! I freaking love you Danni Grace!" He said attacking my face with kisses, moving from my forehead, to my nose, and lastly my lips. He began to cry making my heart ache. "I thought I lost you forever. How? I-" He began to question.

"Shh." I hushed him, placing a finger to his mouth. If anyone was asking questions it was me. "You've got a lot of explaining mister! Like for starters, why you never mentioned that you're my black wolf!" I said teasingly. "And why yo-" this time he cut me off by attacking my lips and gently pulling me closer to him.

"How about we talk in the morning?" He asked. I smiled, liking the sound of waking up to my mate.

"Sounds good to me." He smiled and then closed his eyes and immediately began to lightly snore. I smiled and snuggled closer to his chest, draping my arm around his torso and falling to sleep myself.

The sound of chirping woke me up from the best sleep I had ever gotten. The urge to urinate hit me hard and I slowly began to wiggle out of the hold Jace had on me but was stopped when he unconsciously tightened his grip. I stopped all movement, trying not to wake him up. I laid there for a few minutes and then began to wiggle a bit more. The urge became stronger and finally I escaped his grasp. I stood up and looked back at Jace. He was still fast asleep, looking too handsome for his own good.

I changed out of his baggy clothes and shifted to my wolf form. I walked out of the shelter and examined the surrounding area. The shelter was a deep hole in a wall that must have been built for the game. The entrance of the hole type cave was covered by a curtain of leafs and vines, which blended in well with the rest of the wall since ivies and other plants had crawled up the wall and grew everywhere. I giggled at the thought of Jace weaving a curtain out of plants, I would have to remake the curtain later. Maybe I can "accidentally" tear it and then suggest that I make the new one.

I sniffed around and found a place to do my business. Luckily I'm a wolf and not just a normal human, otherwise this whole using the bathroom in the woods for the next month would be awkward, messy, and very cold since it's getting colder everyday. I trotted back to the wall and entered. Jace was sleeping but now holding the pillow I was using to his face. I shifted and quickly threw his clothes back on. I moved Jace's arm off my pillow and laid back down beside him.

I stared at him for what seemed like eternity. I wanted to kiss him and feel his lips on mine once more. He is ours, so therefore we can do whatever we want. My wolf said in a suggestive tone. I laughed at how forward she had became but realized how true her words were. I looked at his lips. They were begging to be kissed. I leaned up and lightly pressed my lips against his. I went to pull away when his lips then came up and met mine. He kissed me a softly then pulled back and cupped my chin with a smile place on his face. "Little mate, little mate, you better watch it." He laughed sleepily.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered.

He pulled me closer and kissed me again. "If you wake me up with kisses I'm going to expect them every morning." He smirked. I laughed and shrugged.

"If you're lucky I might just hold you to your words." I said playfully and then quickly pecked his lips. I pulled back before he could deepen the kiss.

"Hey! You can't deprive me of my kisses!" He whined. I laughed and slapped his chest.

"No kisses for the little prince!" I joked.

"Little? There is nothing little about me mate." He said playfully while reaching out to grab me. I jumped up and dashed out the cave. I had already ran into the thick forestry and was playfully running throughout the trees. "Danni! Stop!" His voice became serious and immediately I stopped. Something was wrong, he sensed it and I felt his worry.

I turned around to head back to Jace and see what was wrong but was stopped by a light grey wolf. He smiled a wolfish smile and then licked his lips. A sickening feeling ran through me and I knew I made a mistake to run out of the shelter without Jace. The grey wolf began to walk closer to me baring his teeth. I knew what he wanted, he wanted me to submit to him. Seeing that I wasn't going to submit, he snapped his teeth and prowled forward. He barked out at me making me take a step back. I was defenseless in human form, I need to shift.

"Listen I already found my mate so you don't-" His loud growl cut me off. I stumbled backwards a few steps but gained my balance back quickly. The wolf jumped at me but I maneuvered out of the way so fast that he ran into a tree. I found this the perfect opportunity to run towards Jace. "Jace!" I yelled. All I heard in return was snapping of jaws. I felt a slight pain in my side and knew it was Jace's pain not mine. This made me run even faster. I broke out of the trees and onto the sandy bank of a river. Jace was in wolf form and was currently pinning a sandy blonde wolf down.

They had a silent conversation using the link and a couple of growls were emitted from one of the two wolfs. The grey wolf that was chasing me came running out and tackled me to the ground. The air was knocked out of me and I laid there with a giant wolf on top. "Get off!" I growled out. The wolf bared his teeth at me. The wolf that was pinned under Jace howled out something to the grey one above me. The grey one jumped off me and then ran back into the wooded area. Jace also got off the other wolf, letting him go. The blonde wolf then disappeared where the grey one had.

I turned to Jace, who had now shifted back to his human form and was only wearing pants. He looked worried and upset but mostly worried. Cautiously he walked up to me and took my face with both of his hands. "Are you okay?" I nodded. He examined me closely making sure nothing was broken. "Doll I know you were playing but please don't ever run away from me again. You have to realize even though we are mates and I've claimed you, other males are still out here and will take you, claimed or not. No running from me. Do you understand?" He asked softly rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I understand. I'm sorry I ran, I wasn't thinking about the dangers." I said looking into his eyes. He was scared but not for himself, but for me. "I love you Jace."

He smiled and dropped his hands off my face but hugged me tightly. "I love you too." He kissed my forehead lightly. "Hey, is it just me or are you hungry too?" He chuckled.

"Let's eat!" I laughed. "Oh and you have some explaining to do!" He laughed and then quickly pulled me into his arms bridal style. "Jace! Please don't drop me! I'm scared of heights!" I cried out, making him shake in laughter.

He began to walk back to the safety of the wall. "I got you and I promise I won't let go." He spoke softly. I smiled knowing his words held a double meaning.

We reached the wall and Jace placed me back down on my feet. "Danni is there anyway you could make a better curtain for the entrance of the cave? I'm not to good at the whole weaving, sewing, and creating things out of nature." I laughed and dramatically exhaled.

"I thought you would never ask!" He looked at me with confusion clear on his face. "It was hideous!" I explained laughing.

"That's mean." He fake pouted, making me laugh even more. "I'll go get more supplies for the curtain, stay here and be careful. Love you." He kissed me and then left. I walked inside the hole and began to look at everything. He had stored. Many blankets and pillows for our comfort, a few pot and pans for food, clothes, and many other little items that would come in handy, he even brought shampoo and body wash.

A mountain of ice at the far side of the cave caught my eye. I walked over and dug through the ice to find raw meat, by the smell of it, it was deer. My tummy rumbled with hunger. Next to the ice was a pile of wood for the fire. I began to pile a few pieces of the timber on the fire to keep it alive. I grabbed a pan from Jace's stash of randoms and set it over the fire. I took out five strips of the venison and placed them in the pan. With no other ingredients it wouldn't be great but when it's all you have you got to make do.

By the time lunch was ready Jace returned with all the needed material for the curtain. "Smells good!" He called out. "I was going to cook but I guess you beat me too it." He smiled.

"You can cook?" I asked. He smiled and came sat beside me.

"Doll, I can do anything." He said cockily with a smirk.

"Except make a curtain." I replied. His cocky smirk instantly disappeared.

"Give me some credit. I think I did pretty good for a man." He laughed.

"Okay, okay. You did fairly well...,for a toddler." I laughed. He gave me a playful glare. "I'm just kidding, you did great. Now tell me Jacen, do you want to eat or talk about your lack of skill in the weaving category?"

"Ah, the first name." He laughed. "Who told you that? No one really calls me Jacen except family really and I choose the eating option! I did forget to bring plates and silver wear we are going to have to use our hands." He said sheepishly.

"That's fine. I think he said he was a cousin of yours, Caleb?" I asked. He nodded his head and smiled. I picked the pan up from the fire and set it in between us. I grabbed one steak and he did the same. As we ate he explained everything from finding me to his wolf telling him to claim me. Apparently the claim awoke my wolf, bringing me back to life. He then went on to tell me his secret. He cried a bit and I felt his emotions, I saw into his mind, he was remembering losing me and I felt all the pain with him. I comforted him and promised him that he would never lose me again.

"Hey want some dessert?" He asked.

"You brought dessert?" I questioned.

"No, silly. When I went out to get the supplies for the curtain I saw a bush of berries."

"Let's go then!" I said jumping up. I reached down and pulled him up. "Come on! Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay. I'm coming." He chuckled. Since it was snowing again and the temperature dropped even more we shift into our wolfs and made our way to the bushes of berries. After finding the bushes I figured we would just shift and pick a handful, Jace seemed to have a different idea. He began to dig up the rooted part of the bush. Snow and dirt flew backwards as he dug the whole bush out of the ground. I sat back and laughed the whole time finding this incredibly amusing. 'Don't laugh doll, it's easier this way.' He chuckled through the link.

After taking the whole bush back to the wall we shifted and ate our berries. I began to take thin branches and sticks and weave them together with vines for our cave entrance. Jace asked me about Andi and Todd, my childhood, and lastly my parents. I told Jace how Andi and me are twins yet total opposite and Todd seemed like a great person, now that he's mated. It was hard but I told him of my parents and how they died In a forest fire. No one knew how it started but some claimed to was the rogues that once tried to over throw the king but the peacekeepers came in and stopped them by killing their leader.

I started to braid one section of the curtain to keep it from all falling apart. Jace watched my hands move and create a braid. "That looks really good." He said leaning closer to the curtain in the making. "How do you do that?"

"What braid?" I asked continuing to braid the vines. He nodded his head. "Make three strands. Take the left and overlap the middle. Next take the right strand and over lap the middle, then repeat the process. It's very easy." I smiled up at him as I finished the curtain. He picked it up and took it out side to rehang it above the entrance. He walked back in and sat next to me. I was laying down on the covers enjoying the warmth. Lightly, he pulled my head onto his lap and began to play with my hair making me drowsy. I felt his fingers move slowly and repeatedly continued the same movements over and over again. I reached up and felt of my hair.

Jace had braided a small piece of my hair. I smiled and closed my eyes while he continued to make more braids. "Jace?"

"Yes?" He asked.

"What were you and the wolf talking about earlier when you had him pinned under you?" I questioned and looked up at him. His face became a bit pale and I knew I wasn't going to like the answer.



This chapter got deleted three times! I got very annoyed with it so forgive me if it isn't the best.

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Will not update if I don't receive them!

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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