Dancing, Confessions, & Lights

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Danni's POV

The dance started as soon as the ceremony was over. Pack after pack filed into the large ballroom. Everyone treated themselves to the amazing finger foods the girls and I made for this very occasion. "Your highness." Brittany and Lauren said sarcastically while bowing dramatically. I laughed at them and curtsied.

"Where is Liam and Jon?" I asked searching around the room.

Brittany was the first one to speak up. "Over there with your mate. I'm pretty sure they're setting a date to come over and play another round of Xbox." Lauren and I laughed.

"That or discussing how your hon-ouch!" Lauren cried when Brittany elbowed her in the side. Brittany glared at Lauren, silently holding a conversation with their eyes. They were hiding something from me.

"What are you not telling me?" I asked a bit hurt. They instantly felt bad and it showed through their emotions.

"Danni it's not like that." Lauren said softly.

Brittany nodded. "Jace told us a secret and told us not to tell you." Hearing that Jace was hiding something from me made me feel even worse. "Dan, it's a good secret and you'll find out tonight." She smiled making me believe her. I nodded and gave a small smile back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the King and Queen's first dance." The DJ announced to the crowd. In all his glory, Jace walked over to me and bowed a bit. He came back up and took my hand.

"May I have this dance?" He smiled, love flashed through those blue orbs making my heart giddy. I nodded and curtsied. Lightly pulling me to his chest, we began our first dance. The crowd awed and whispered when we pasted by. Soon couples joined in making the room fill with different emotions. I looked up at Jace. His eyes were trained on mine. "You're beautiful." He softly whispered. I felt myself blush.

"Thank you." I whispered back. "Jace." He cocked his head to the side. "I love you." He smiled and leaned down, closing the distance between the two of our lips, he slowly kissed me. In the background I heard the people awe and felt the pride they held for us.

"I love you too doll." He said after pulling back. We danced until the song ended. "I'm suppose to dance with the Lunas. You go and dance with the Alphas." I guess he saw my confused look. "Sorry, I forgot to mention that. It's a tradition to dance with them, it's a respect thing." I smile and nodded.


"Dance with an old man!" Thomas laughed, as he pulled me onto the dance floor. Even though I've danced with nearly every alpha and pup here and my feet were aching, I didn't have the heart to say no. The ball room was styled more modernly and prepared for the crowd that now occupied it. It was rather breathtaking. Lights twinkled here and there giving the room a sweet yet playful vibe. For older women the three trouble makers did an astounding job on hiring the perfect DJ.

"Danni." Pulling my gaze off the decor, I looked up to Thomas. "You are going to make an amazing queen. Jace is very lucky to have found you." Heat took to my cheeks and I smiled at him.

"Thank you Thomas. I only wish my parents were here to see me." I sighed.

"Don't worry dear, they would be so proud." He smiled warmly. "Never did I imagine my baby boy to grow up and find such a kind and beautiful queen to rule with him." I laughed.

"I bet Jace was a handful as a child!" Thomas chuckled while spinning me and lightly pulling me back to him.

"You can say that again. About ten years back we had a large feast to prepare for the local alphas. Maggie and Suzzie marinated all the meat the night before so the next day they would be ready to cook. Jace had barely received his wolf a couple of days before and was constantly eating everything in the palace. He asked Maggie if she could make him a steak that night and she told him no because all the meat was for the alphas the next day. Later that night I woke up and went to go get a drink. When I walked into the kitchen there stood Jace in his wolf form. It was the funniest sight to see. His wolf has always been huge compared to most, so when I saw his huge head in the fridge I couldn't do anything but laugh." I laughed and followed Thomas' lead. He was light on his feet, never once stepping on my toes.

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