A Ceremony & A Chase

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Because Im weird and like to celebrate the "month until my birthday" day, I've decided to upload the next chapter.

Even though you didn't give me all the votes and comments I wanted for the last chapter, I couldn't wait any longer and I love my dedicated readers and voters! So here is A Ceremony And A Chase!


Finally arriving at the location of the ceremony we made our way inside I gasped at the beauty of it all. Maria did an amazing job. The room in which we were standing in was the room in which the ceremony will take place.

There were three aisles, separating each other were many rows of pews, which were decorated with a silky lavender till. The left and right aisle were for our use to seat ourself, while the middle row was blocked off and was only to be used by the female mate or in human terms, the bride.

After writing our names in the guest book we began to mingle. When I say "we mingled" I mean Ryan mingled and I stood there hanging from his arm taking notice of the beautiful decorations set up by Maria.

It wasn't that I didn't like to mingle, it's just that everyone Ryan had mingled with are either girls in our pack that despise me, for whatever reason, or boys who play sports with him and have no idea who I am. One guy even asked which pack I was from. When I told him I'm from the same pack as him, he didn't believe me.

Noticing my boredom and discomfort Ryan asked me if I would like to go and find a seat. I nodded and we made our way to the front. "It's a good thing we made it a bit early, we now have good front row seats." He chuckled.

"Yeah, now I won't have to worry about some tall person sitting in front of me, blocking the view the whole time." I laughed.

People began to make their way to the pews and pick their seats before others arrived. Todd's little brother Travis came up and punched Ryan's arm in a playful manor. "Hey, little man!" Ryan said ruffling Travis nicely combed hair, now making it look a bit messy.

"One, I am not little! Two, don't touch my hair ever again unless you want your hand bitten off! Three, how did you end up with Danni as your date?" He said with a discussed face.

"Hey, I thought we were friends!" I said butting in. Ryan and Travis laughed.

"We are friends, I only asked him cause clearly you're too beautiful to be his girlfriend." I blushed at the mention of me being beautiful but hearing the girlfriend part the blush quickly faded.

"We aren't-"

"She isn't my girlfriend, only my date for tonight." Ryan interrupted me. I said hurt flash behind his eyes but I didn't think too much about it. I already made myself clear that I didn't see us as anything more than friends.

"Well that's great news for me." He said to Ryan. One of Ryan's eyebrows raised in questioning. Travis turned to face me and a smirk appeared in his face. "Danni I think I could do a greater job of being your boyfriend than Ryan here." He jutted his thumb in Ryan's direction.

Ryan and I busted out laughing drawing attention to us. After calming down I placed a hand on one of Travis' shoulders. "Maybe if you were five years older and a few inches taller." I said with a smile. This time Travis cracked up laughing.

"Danni, I'm thirteen and I'm already two inches taller than you. I think you're the one that needs to grow a couple of inches." Ryan and Travis laughed while I pouted. He was right, being 5'3" was short and most of the pre-teens already passed me in the height category. I stuck my tongue out at the both of them resulting in them laughing even more.

A beautiful melody started to play and I realized nearly everyone was seated by now and Todd had walked in and taken his spot. Everyone stood up and turned waiting for the bride, female mate, to take her place and walk down the middle aisle. After the council man, an older man who looked to be in his fifties with silver hair and dressed in a spiffy suit, walked in and took his place a new melody started up and Andi came around the corner and made her way down the aisle.

Andi's dress was simple yet beautiful. Silky white material flowed loosely towards the ground while a sheer sparkly material laid atop of it. The dress was strapless, with a sweetheart neckline that dipped a bit low, showing a little cleavage but not enough to distract or engross others, the train was a good three feet long with the same sheer material on top.

Andi was beautiful and seeing her in that dress didn't make me feel bad for wearing this one. There is no doubt in my mind that everyone's attention would be on her tonight. When Andi reached the front, Todd reached out and grabbed Andi's hand. He smiled and she smiled right back. It was like they were the only one in the room and didn't realize a crowd was watching them. Soon the ceremony began and I grew bored.

A mating ceremony is practically a wedding except a few changes here and there. In a mating ceremony there is only the male and female, there is no brides maids or groomsmen. Instead of a priest it's just a council member reading from a book stating how one complete the other making them a whole. Then they kiss.

After what seemed like hours I heard the council man said the famous line "You may kiss your mate!" Just in time I looked up and saw Todd eating my sisters face off. "Save it for the bedroom!" Ryan shouted, standing up beside me. The crowd got to their feet and whooped, hollered, and whistled in congratulations.

After the cutting of the cake and having a few words to the newly mated couple, we drove to the packs old historian post office. After it shut down they remodeled it into a club, which is why we're here. "Time for some dancing! Come on Danni!" Ryan said, practically pulling me out of the car. As we entered the building I noticed how packed the place was.

I agreed to dance with Ryan for a bit but after a couple if songs I notice how stuffy and humid it was on the dance floor. Needing a drink I walked up to the bar and asked for a water. "Here you go." The bartender said placing the water down in front of me.

"Hey beautiful, can I buy you a drink?" I turned to my left and faced a man who looked to be about twenty-one or so. His blonde hair was messy which made him look like he just woke up. His eyes were a light brown with flecks of green scattered around the iris. He wore dress pants and a red button up shirt accentuated with a silky black tie. His breath reeked of alcohol and he slurred some of his words indicating he was drunk or close to it.

"I just got one but thanks." I said and turned back around. The man laughed making me turn back to him giving him a questionable look.

"I mean like a drink, drink." I didn't understand what he was getting at, noticing my silence he spoke once again. "A drink with Alcohol in it." He chuckled.

"Oh!" I laughed and he smiled. "I'm sorry, I must look very stupid right now, but I'm still going to have to decline the offer though." I took a drink of my water and watched him. I expected him to look upset but instead he just looked surprise. "I don't drink." I informed him. He didn't speak just raised an eyebrow.

"Hey." Ryan appeared, little beads of sweat spotted across his forehead. "Can we talk?" He asked looking a bit nervous. I nodded and looked back at the guy to my left.

"Nice meeting you." I said, not bothering with his response and followed Ryan outside. We stood in the back alley which was a couple of meters from the woods. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked grabbing his shoulder to turn him towards me. As my hand made contact with his shoulder he flinched away. His action sent a sharp pain through my chest. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked, dropping my head, not wanting him to see how badly his little reaction hurt me.

Besides Andi and the black wolf, he was my only friend that was my age and I don't want to lose that. "No! No, you didn't do anything. It's just, I found my mate while dancing. She's one of Todd's cousins that came here for the ceremony from another pack." Hearing this cheered me up. Thank the heavens I didn't do something to ruin our friendship.

"Oh! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" I said giving him a hug. A growl come from the clubs back door, the same door we walked out from. I turned around and saw a gorgeous girl about my age. Her blonde hair and brown eyes with a bit a green reminded me of the guy who offered me a drink. They must be related. She had a scowl on her face.

"Sheridan! This is Danni, Danni this is Sheridan, my mate." He smiled and the scowl disappeared from Sheridan's face and a smiled graced it. She truly was beautiful.

"Hi! I'm Todd's sister-in-law, Andi's my sister." I introduced my self holding my hand out to her. She took it and shook it firmly.

"Hi, sorry about the whole growling thing, since I'm new at the whole mating thing my wolf is kind of territorial and possessive." She giggled and and I laughed along.

"It's cool, you should go spend some time together." Ryan looked at me with a sad emotion.

"I'm sorry for not being able to be your date all night long. I can still take you home afterwards though, if you want." I shook my head.

"No, it's okay, I'm actually going to head home now."

"You're going to walk? You know it's about ten miles to the pack house and you're wearing heels?" He said pointing to my feet.

"Ryan, go have fun! I'm going to be fine. I'll see you two later. With that we went our ways. Instead of taking the road I took the woods. It made the perfect shortcut, cutting the milage in half. I looked at my watch to check the time but realized I didn't wear it tonight. Looking up towards the sky I notice the moon at its highest point, that means midnight. I sighed. I have a long walk ahead of me.

'Why don't you let me run the way home!' My wolf spoke.

'I would if I weren't wearing this beautiful dress. I don't want to shred it to pieces or get your drool on it, it would only ruin the fabric.' She sighed. 'Hey we have to save your energy for Monday night. If the black wolf isn't there or it just doesn't try to claim us we have to have enough energy to run from the other males. If I don't find my true mate, or the black wolf doesn't want to claim us, I wont let just any male claim us. He'll have to work hard for us.'

'What if the black wolf doesn't want us? What if he doesn't even show up? What if he found his true mate?' She asked. I stopped mid step and thought over her question.

'I don't know.' I replied sadly. Thinking about this seemed to weigh me down and I began to sulk. I continued on my journey home, the heels now taking a toll on my toes. I stopped and slid them off my aching feet. A snap sounded behind me, with the heels in my hand I straightened up immediately. Quickly I turned around to come face to face with the guy from the bar.

Surprising me, I stumbled backwards. "Oh, you scared me!" I squeaked out.

"I never got your name beautiful." He said taking a step closer to me. His eyes filled with an emotion I didn't like.

"Da-Danni" I stuttered. "My name is Danni, what is yours?" He smiled, whether it was at my stuttering or my interest in his name, I don't know.

"Danni, beautiful name for a beautiful girl, my name is Jeffery. I see you're not mated. Neither am I." He replied stepping closer to me. "Want to have some fun?" An animalistic look covered his face and I realized the situation I was in. Alone in the forest with Jeffery, who seemed to want more than just my name and friendship.

I began to back up. "I'm sorry Jeffery but I do have a mate." I figured I might as well stick with the lie I told the prince just this morning. "I'm actually going to meet him right now." I said quickly.

"Really? That's a shame." He said mockingly.

"Yes, it is, but I'm sure you will find your mate one day!" I said trying to turn things around.

"Dear Danni, I meant it's a shame for your mate. You see, you bare no mark so technically your still on the market." A gut wrenching grin appeared on his face and I knew it was fight or flight.

I bolted off in the opposite direction. Yes I chose to run. I know there was no way I could outfight a male were' that was twice as big as me so I was only left with the option to run. I heard his heavy feet behind me and realized that sooner than later he would catch up.

My dress and the shoes in my hand were slowing me down. If I was in normal apparel I would be long gone by now, but like I said, I'm wearing an elegant dress I really don't want to mess up. The chase had been on for about ten minutes and I was tiring. In human form I'm not in shape what so ever and now I'm regretting it.

I turn my head to see Jeffery even closer. Please forgive me Andi! I thought to myself as I threw one heel at Jeffery. I heard a thunk and him cursing. I looked back to see him rubbing his forehead. A giggle erupted come me. Just picturing a man chasing a girl and her throwing her shoe at him. I began to laugh even harder.

"You will pay for that!" I heard him scream. I looked back once more and regretted it. At the exact same time he leaped and crashed into my back, pushing me to the ground with his weight on top. I grunted and struggled to get loose. He gripped my sides and turned me around to face him.

Straddling me he leaned down and smiled a terrifying smile. "Who's the one laughing now?" He asked.

"I'm still laughing." I said and began to beat him over the head with my other shoe. He quickly pinned my arms and yanked the shoe from my grasp. "Get off me! You psycho!" I yelled and began to squirm.

"Where's your mate now? Too bad he won't be able to stop me from claiming you as mine." He leaned down and sniffed my neck. "Hmm, you smell so amazing. I was going to take you back to my place and mark you there but I think right here will do the job just as good, don't you? This is the royals land, don't you want to be able to say you were claimed on royal territory?"

At the mention of the royals my mind began to form a plan. "Jace! Jace! Jace help me! Please help me!" I screamed as loud as I could. Hopefully the prince was home and could hear me. My sudden outburst seemed to surprise Jeffery.

His hand covered my mouth while I tries to scream louder. "This may hurt a bit." Jeffery said turning my head to get a better view of the flesh where a mates mark would go. Slowly he leaned down and placed his mouth to the soft flesh.

With all my might I tried to get out of his grasp but failed. Feeling his canines protruding and lightly scratching my neck I began to beg him to stop, but with his hand still covering my mouth it came out as a mumbled cry, a cry he ignored.


Are you as excited for the next chapter as I am? I bet not! Haha. Thanks for the support, I appreciate it soo much!

I'm just going to be real... Every vote makes me so giddy! It encourages me to write more and upload faster. And every time I receive a comment I literally do a happy dance. (I received some crazy stares at wal-mart the other day. Haha) You don't know how much it means to me!

10votes, 5comments for the next chapter!

If I do not get the votes and comments I will not upload the next chapter.. Sorry!

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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