Memories&First Kisses

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I woke up feeling anxious. In the back of my head I knew something was going to happen today and I was dreading the outcome. I did my daily morning routine that consisted of showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed.

Today was Saturday and I had no plans which means my long dark, chocolate hair, that ended right above my bum, would be fine in a messy bun. I didn't have to apply any makeup. I had a nice complexion, a little on the pale side but it looked nice with my pale pink lips and natural pink cheeks. I had long thick eyelashes that any girl would envy therefor I didn't need mascara. I know I'm not ugly but I wouldn't call myself good looking.

I can walk down the school hallways and not a single guy will notice me, but if Andi walks down the hallway nearly all the boys are drooling. This leaves me in shock because me and Andi look exactly alike, we're twins for crying out loud! How can she be so mouthwatering yet I'm repulsive?

The only way to tell us apart is our eyes. While she has piercing blue eyes, I have dark green with a light brown ring around the outside. While I over analyze the situation in my head I fail to realize the bubble gum scent that has now entered my room. "Deep in thought, I see." Andi joked as she walked over to the mirror. "Have I ever told you I have the prettiest little sister in the whole wide world?" She stared at my reflection while I looked directly at her.

"Andi, you're only seven minutes older than me and don't call me little, you know it annoys me." I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest showing how serious I am. We both know she's right because even though its only seven pesky minutes she's always been the big sister.


When we were eight Andi dared me to go sneak into a certain backyard in this small village near by and steal the German Shepard's, Bear, favorite squeaky toy. The gate was unlocked so I quietly snuck in and closed the gate back.

Turning around I scanned the yard looking for the bone shaped toy. I guess since I was sneaking in and trying to steal what's not mine, the God above had consequences set out for me. I say this because the moment I picked up Bear's toy he came running from the other side of the yard. "Danni! RUN!" Andi shouted while opening the gate for my safe get away. It's a shame that Bear was faster than me but now that I look back I realize I deserved it.

Five feet from the gate I felt a sharp pain through my right thigh. I screamed in agony and fell to the ground. "Danni!" Andi yelled. "Get off her you mangy dog!" Andi kicked and punched at the dog making him lose focus on me and turned to attack her. The dog bit into her left ankle sending her to the ground also. I wasn't sure what to do I was in shock seeing all the blood seeping out through my now tattered jeans. Andi must have kicked the dog hard enough because he yelped in pain and took off to his dog house.

Andi stood up hissing as pain shot through her ankle. She held her hand out for me and I took it using it as a crutch so I wouldn't put too much pressure on my hurt leg. As we limped home I cried. Andi was the one who comforted me and cleaned our wounds the best she could till our parents arrived home.


Since then Andi has always acted as the older sister. When our parents died she was there for me, comforting me when all I wanted was my mother's touch or tickling me when I needed a laugh. "Hey midget, you in there?" Andi asked smirking.

"Huh?" I realized I zoned out while thinking about the accident with Bear. "Andi how many times must I remind you, you can't call me a midget when you're the exact same height!" One thing that separates Andi and I from the blue moon pack is our size. The average height of a female here is 5'9", while Andi and I barely reach 5'3". The average male here is 6'.

Andi walks towards my bed jumping on top, making herself comfortable. "Oh come on Danni, I was just kidding. So, what are you're plans tonight? I heard there's a killer party at Ryan's house." She smiled so big it reminded me of the joker, kinda creeping me out a bit. Ryan is the soon-to-be beta, not to mention I've had the biggest crush on him for the past year.

I feel my cheeks heat up, knowing that my natural pink blush turned to a flaming red one. "I don't know Andi, the whole party scene isn't my thing, plus.. I already have plans." Oh shoot me for lying, but the last time I went to a party I swore to myself that would be my first and last one.

I came home early a bit freaked out that night, when Andi asked me why I was home so early. I was too ashamed to tell her the real reason so I lied saying I felt sick and that I probably caught whatever she had, well it wasn't exactly a lie, I did feel sick and disgusted.

I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't sleep around so I don't see the reason of going to a party but then Ryan personally invited Andi and I so I accepted. I figured I could show up, mingle, and maybe even dance for awhile. Andi was sick that night so I went by myself. I talked to a couple of girls that don't actually despise me and danced with them for awhile.

I felt hot and sweaty so I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. Long story short some drunk guy followed me in and tried to make a move. I kept saying I wasn't interested but that didn't stop him. His hands roamed over my body making me panic. I yelled for him to stop but he continued. I tried to push him off but this male wolf was to strong for me and I hadn't received my wolf yet.

I guess Ryan heard me screaming because the next thing I know he's pulling the drunken guy off me and punched him in the face and then in his gut. I thanked Ryan and made him promise to never speak of this night again. Ever since then I never attended a party. "Danni, you need to let loose! You're not living a normal teenage life. And staying in your room all night to read isn't exactly what I call "plans". You are going to that party like it or not!" I sighed knowing she would get her way in the end.

"Fine!" I huffed as I jumped on the bed sitting beside her. "But only if you promise to never leave my side the whole time we're there. Deal?" I raised one eyebrow and held my hand out for her to shake.

"Deal!" She squealed throwing her arms around me and caging me in a hug. I sat there awkwardly and stiff waiting for my release. She pulled back and I relaxed. "You know Danni, you should embrace people back when they show affection towards you, otherwise they can take it as you being rude."

"Yeah, yeah." I grumbled. Here's the thing, I've never been a touchy type of person while Andi is all for being close and personal. I'm more of a I have my bubble, you have yours, lets keep it that way, type of person. "Andi?" I got up off the bed and walked to the closet.

"Yeah?" She asked. I opened the doors and turned around with a small smirk on my face.

"I don't know, I just thought that you would want to help me get ready for tonight. Like, as in do my hair and pick out my clothes?" I asked while looking down bashfully, hoping she'd take the bait because honestly I had no idea what to wear. Andi jumped off the bed and made her way to the back of my closet as she squealed in delight.


By the time we got to Ryan's house people were everywhere. The music was loud making the windows rattle when the bass dropped. The lights where dimmed while strobe lights lit the shadows. The main room smelled of alcohol and smoke making my stomach turn. I wasn't enjoying this at all and I've barely been here for fifteen minutes. Andi of course, broke her promise of not leaving my side and said she wanted to dance with some friends. I decided I would find a empty room to hang out in for about an hour and then find Andi telling her I had my fun but was going to head home.

I walk upstairs and turn down a hallway, I opened the first door and saw something my virgin eyes should have never seen. "Ahhh! Get out!" A girl wearing only a bra and underwear screamed while trying to pull covers over her and the naked guy she was on top of.

"Sorry!" I screamed as I shut the door and ran to the next door. "This time knock you stupid head." I mumble to myself. As I knock I wait for a reply. Nothing. I slowly open the door praying for this room to be empty. Peeking around the door I sigh in relief. Closing the door behind me I make my way to the bed and sit down. "Come on Danni, it will be fun Danni!" I say mimicking Andi's voice.

"Ah, Danni I see you are clearly enjoying my party." I jump off the bed and spin around to see a shirtless Ryan walking out of the attached bathroom smirking while drying his glossy golden hair. His green eyes shimmer with playfulness.

"Uh. Sorry Ryan, I don't mean to be rude, it's just that the whole party scene isn't me. Not to be nosy or anything but why are you taking a shower and not down there partying?" I watched his smirk turn to a shy smiles as his cheeks turn to a light pink. Can this guy get any cuter?

"It's okay Danni I understand and at least I'm not the only one not enjoying my party!" He laughed while scratching the back of his head. "To answer you're question some girl puked on Jeremy, Jeremy puked on his girlfriend Alissa, and then Alissa puked on me. Lets just say I'm done partying tonight." He laughed and sat on the bed patting the space beside him, an invitation for me to take a seat. I sat down feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Danni, I'm not going to hurt you, you don't have to be uncomfortable with me."

"I know you would never hurt me Ryan, I'm just uncomfortable cause you, umm, you have no, cause you're naked!" I squeaked the last part out feeling slightly embarrassed. Ryan looked shocked for a second then glanced down his body. He looked up at me and then back at his body then once again looked at me. Then did the last thing I expected. He laughed. He sat there laughing so hard his body shook the bed. "What's so funny?" I asked clearly puzzled.

"Danni, I'm not naked. I'm just not wearing a shirt. Does it really make you that uncomfortable? If so I'll put on a shirt." He said amused.

"It's not that it bothers me so much it's just, well I can't keep my eyes off it. Can I..umm.. Never mind." I looked down not knowing what to do.

"Hey, what did you want to ask? " Ryan lifted my chin with his finger.

I looked down at his chest then up at his face. "Can I touch it?" I asked shyly. Ryan looked at me strangely then nodded. I slowly reached out but stopped right before touching his chest. I looked up for a second confirmation. Ryan nodded his head again but this time smiled. I lightly touched his chest. It was firm and warm. I let my hand travel down to touch each carved muscle. I traced every indention, when some of the muscles jumped at my touch I giggled and retraced them. With my curiosity satisfied I removed my hand to only have Ryan take it in his.

I looked up and notice his green eyes full of wonder and amusement. He catches me off guard by what he does next. Ryan leans forward and gently asks me in a whispered voice "Danni, may I kiss you?" I stare into his eyes and without thinking I slowly nod my head. Ryan leans forward and lightly presses his lips to mine.



Cliffhanger! What!?! Haha
How do you think Danni is going to react to Ryan's kiss? What do you think that bad feeling is that Danni had earlier in the morning? Is this chapter long enough? I tried to make it longer than the first. :) hope you enjoyed! Feed Back would be lovely, so would a vote, comment, or a fan ;) have a blessed day!

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