My Little Mate

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MBW's(Mysterious black wolf's) POV

Running in my wolf form through the forest in the dead of night is my favorite past time. It's the only time I actually get to myself without any interruptions. I was thinking about the whole "mating game" thing when I smelled the most mouth watering scent, strawberries with a hint of chocolate and mint. I took a big whiff and immediately my wolf called out 'Mate!'

As I closed in on the scent I made sure to be as quiet as possible, if it really was my mate I wanted to be able to see what she's like when she thinks she's alone. Soon enough I saw her running, or should I say flying, through the trees and brush. She was beautiful. She had the purest, whitest fur I've even seen, there was not a single blemish of color on her coat. I ran behind her, putting at least fifteen feet between us. As we ran I noticed she wasn't very focused on the run but more intrigued by the nature that surrounded her.

She looked as if she was invincible, like she could run forever with no care in the world, well until she ran head first into a tree trunk. She whimpered and pawed at her muzzle, looking cute. It had to be the funniest thing I had ever seen, I couldn't help but to laugh. I guess she heard me because she froze and sniffed the air, not finding a scent she continued with her run but seemed tense.

I had been following her for the last twenty minutes, watching every move. I couldn't take my eyes off her, all my attention was on the white wolf. All of a sudden she stops, taking me by surprise, I fly past her. Noticing that she stopped, I quietly make my way back to her. I circled around so that I would be behind her. She sniffed the air once again and seemed to have a silent conversation inside her head, never noticing how close I was. She seemed to stiffen for a second then turned around starting to run but rammed straight into my chest.

Tingles spread throughout my chest from where she head butted me. She shook her head probably feeling the same tingles. She looked up to see what she had ran into, I started into the most amazing emerald eyes I had ever seen. While she check my wolf out I check out hers inspecting every inch and might I say she was perfect.' I wonder what she looks like in her human form?'

Suddenly she growled backing up a bit while doing so. Once again I checked her out, I really hope I get to see her in her human form before the end of tonight. I felt fear coming from her and felt bad for scaring my little mate. I laid down, rolling over, showing her I mean no harm. She was hesitant at first but slowly she approached me sniffing all around. She looked disappointed that she couldn't place my scent. Seeing her still a little wary, I rolled back over and lifted my tail in the air, wagging it playfully.

Next thing I know we're rolling around in the dirt. I would lightly nip at her ear or neck every once in a while, her doing the same. Coming to a stop, I ended up pining her down. I stood above her giving her the biggest smile. Not even knowing her that well I already loved her. Out of no where she leaned up and licked me! It surprised me and I stumbled backwards a bit. She took that opportunity to escape my hold and took off running, looking over her shoulder. She wanted to run and she wanted me to follow. I smirked and ran after her, the whole time keeping her only a foot away, letting her have lead.

She came to a stop when we reached a clearing with a small pond in the center. She made her way over and drank from it, wanting to be closer to her, I walked over and stood to her left. Leaning down to get a drink I felt her gaze upon me, I tensed and took another drink, she quickly looked down staring into the pond. I looked up at her. She was staring at our reflections deep in thought.

Seeing my reflection she looked up at me. It's strange to think that even though I don't know her name or what she looks like I already love her. Losing myself in thoughts of her I didn't notice the intruder until my little mate stood in a defensive stance and growled. I stood up and looked at the wooded area to my left, growling as a boy only wearing shorts walked out, looking angry.

From the power that flowed off him I instantly knew he was an alpha and knowing this land belonged to the Blue Moon pack, I would have to guess this is the newest alpha, Todd Price. "Danni! What do you think you're doing?" He shouted while eyeing me.

So my little mate's name was Danni! Cute and very fitting for her fun, carefree attitude. "Get away from him!" He shouted using his alpha tone. I watched as my mate struggled against her alpha's command. She didn't want to leave me and that little notion made me very happy. Not being able to resist an alpha's command she slowly walked away and whimpered quietly.

How dare he use a command on my mate and upset her! Becoming angry I growled and bared my teeth letting my power roll off of me in great waves. Not only did the new young alpha submit to me but my mate did as well.

'You know my identity and if you know what's best for you, you would never order my mate around like that again. Are we clear?' I mind linked to Alpha Price. Alphas and Lunas are able to mind link with anyone even if their not in the same pack.

'Yes sir, wait mate?' He questioned raising an eyebrow.

'Yes, and I would like to see my mate in person. Make her shift.' I commanded and he nodded.

"Danni, go shift and get back here." He said calmly. She nodded and walked into the surrounding woods to look for some type of clothing to cover up. 'Does Danni know who you are and that you're her mate?'

'No, she doesn't know, and it's going to stay that way till the game."

'Why wait?' He asked curiously.

'Don't you understand? What if Danni doesn't want me when she sees me? She'll reject me and I can't have that. I already love her.'

Todd looked at me with knowing eyes, 'I understand, but why wait for the mating game?'

'Here is where my genius plan comes into action. You see, in the game the male picks a female and makes her submit to him first right?' Nodding his head signalling for me to continue.

'Well Danni already submitted to me and I didn't even have to try, and if she starts to feel anything like I feel towards her, I wont have to worry about making her submit to me in the game. Then all I have to worry about is protecting her from other males, and anyone that knows me should know its death if you try to come between me and my mate.' I stated the last part pridefully.

I would never let anything happen to my tiny mate and no male will take away what is mine! My wolf howled in anger just thinking about it. Calming him down I returned my focus on Todd.

'Okay, if you think this is the best way to go, I give you my word, I will not tell Danni.' Todd spoke with the truth of an alpha and I believed him. As soon as I smelt the delicious aroma, a nearly naked Danni appeared from the bushes. Only wearing a T-shirt that reached the middle of her thighs, I noticed the tan, toned legs that peeked out from underneath, and her eyes, the same emerald green as her wolfs.

What surprised me was her hair. Since her wolf was white, I figured her hair was white, or at least blonde but no, it was a rich chocolate color that seemed to make her eyes glow brighter. Her wavy hair ran down her back ending near her bum, which lead back to me staring at her legs. 'Remember, no telling Danni.' I reminded him, and he nodded.

"Danni, we need to go home. Andi was worried about you when we found your room empty." I froze, wait she had another male waiting for her and he was worried about her? A growl slipped through my clenched teeth. Todd turned to me. 'Don't worry, Andi is her twin sister and my mate.' Realizing there's no other guy I nodded and relaxed. "Plus you have to get up early and train the pups to track" Todd said, leaving in the direction of his pack house I'm guessing.

'That's why my mate was sniffing around so much earlier, she's a gifted tracker and wanted to catch my scent. She's too cute.' I thought, smiling to myself.

"Well, I guess I'll see ya around." She said, her voice light and heavenly sounding. She smiled but I knew it wasn't a real one. She was sad, she didn't want to leave and I didn't want her to leave either. I whined trying to express that I felt the same. Walking up to her, I stopped leaving a foot of distance between us. Next thing I know, my little mate closes the distance and hugs me. I loved how even though I'm in my wolf form and she's in her human form, our bodies fit together perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle . Wanting her closer, I wrapped a paw around her waist and pulled her into me.

She stood there for awhile holding onto me like her life depended on it. She breathed deeply while pulling away. "I really have to go now." She sounded as if she wanted to cry which made my heart ache. Wanting to cheer her up I leaned down and gave her a big wet kiss. She giggled the cutest giggle I had ever heard and wiped the drool off her face.

"Ew, cooties!" She teased. I laughed and licked her cheek again. I took a step back and bowed to her, showing her, she was royalty in my books. She curtsied and nodded in a goodbye manor,then took off in the direction of Todd.

I stood there staring at the space in the woods where she disappeared to, holding my wolf back from following her. 'Wait till the mating game, then we can see her again and make her ours.' I reminded him and he mellowed out agreeing with the plan. I turned around and made my way back home, the whole time thinking of my little mate.



So this is practically chapter 5 but in the black wolfs POV. I wanted you to see how he thinks and feels about Danni. It was just a little treat for my dedicated readers :)

So what do you think about him? Did you like his POV or should I just stick with Danni's only? Please comment and let me know! Again I know this was short, I'm sorry but next chapter will make up for it! Pinkie promise!

Comment because I love fresh ideas, vote because it makes my insides happy, and fan/follow (whatever you call it) me so I can get to know my readers :) I appreciate it! Bless your face, if you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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