Lost &Found& Lost Again

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Here is the second chapter for getting 100 reads! Again thank you so much! Now, on to the story!


"Sorry I'm late!" I said running up to the group of young teens and kids. "Today we are learning how to track! Are y'all ready?" The kids sat there staring at me with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked confusion taking over.

The girl from yesterday came over to me lifting my arm and examining it. "What happened to your arms? They have little read marks like the shape of nails and you have dried up blood everywhere!" I looked down and examined myself, I looked like a mess.

"Nothing, just an accident. I'm fine, lets get going with tracking." I said pulling their attention from me to a bucket of ripped fabric. "The cloth inside this bucket was ruined when a few kids thought it would be funny to pour pickle juice into the washer machine. They have been washed multiple times but the smell won't come out. Therefore we will be tracking down the scent of pickles."

The kids laughed and a few even gave high fives to each other. 'I think we've found the pickle culprits!' My wolf laughed. 'I think so too!' I giggled. I cleared my throat and raised my brows at them, saying "busted!"

The little boy with dimples walked up to me and gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. "Please don't tell Alpha Price." He begged. This boy is too cute and he knows how to use it to his advantage.

Sighing I bent down to his eye level. "Lets make a deal. I won't tell Alpha Price as long as you and you're friends promise not to pull anymore of those stunts. Do we have a deal?" He walked over to the other boys, getting into a football huddle.

"What are you doing?" Another little boy asked him. "Her deal was perfect there's no way we're turning it down." The little boy placed a hand on his hip, looking even more cute.

"Duh! But I wasn't going to let her know how easily she got us! Hence the huddle!" He whisper-shouted. I laughed inwardly, knowing that they have no clue that I can hear everything. They broke the huddle with a little chant and he walked back to me.

"Well? Do you accept or what?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"We accept!" He said with a smile the size of Texas. We shook hands to seal the deal.

"Okay, lets start tracking. I'm leaving this piece of fabric here for y'all to memorize the scent while I go and hide the others." I threw one piece to the kids and took the bucket into the forest. I ran through trees hiding a piece of cloth here and there. Putting some in trees and others in tangled up brush, earning me a few cuts and scratches. After hiding all the fabric I ran back to the kids. Taking their piece from them I yelled out a go and the kids ran throughout the forest.

I sat down thinking about the blue eyed wolf. 'Thank you God for letting him show up this morning.' I prayed as I sat there waiting for the kids. A good ten minutes went by and a group of kids came running out with the colorful fabric. I counted the kids and saw that we were missing one. Scanning each kid I noticed I couldn't find the boy with the dimples.

"Okay we are missing a little boy." I said. The kid's chatter stopped and they began to count themselves.

"Robby is missing." A girl with blonde hair said. I looked at my watch. Ten fifty-five, is what it read.

"Okay everyone stay here and I'll go find him. You!" I pointed to the oldest girl. "You are in charge till I get back." She nodded and I took off into the woods.

The scent of the children were still lingering making it hard to pull Robby's scent from theirs. Quite some time later I was hot on his trail, for a little boy he sure does travel far in such a little amount of time. I started to worry and think of all the bad outcomes that could happen to little Robby. "Robby!" I shouted, then listened for a reply. "Robby! Robby!" I kept shouting while still tracking his scent.

"Dani! Come here! I found him! I found him!" Robby shouted back.

How did Robby find himself? Confused and now even more scared, I ran after his scent. Coming to a stop, only to see Robby standing in front of my black wolf. There I go with my black wolf!

"Danni! Look, I found him! It's the huge wolf I was telling you about! The rogue!" Robby said while petting him.

"First off, don't you ever run off like that again, I was so scared something happened to you." I said pulling him into a hug, just making sure it was really him. I sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry Danni, it's just I saw him and I just had to meet him!" He said turning around to the black wolf, giving him a toothy grin. He sure did admire the wolf.

I laughed. "I guess I can understand that, but what if he really was a rogue? He could have took you, or worse killed you. Robby, please promise me you'll never do this again."

"I promise. What do you mean if he was a rogue? Isn't he a rogue?" I thought the question over. Only an alpha can mind link so he can't be a rogue.

"No, he is not a rogue. He is an alpha." After saying this the boy and the wolf perked up.

"How do you know that?" Robby asked.

"Well, for one, he can mind link with anyone and only alphas can do that. For two, he's the biggest and most powerful wolf I've ever came across, so that must mean he's important, and lastly, he's too beautiful to be a rogue." I said, shrugging.

Robby thought my answers over. "Makes sense." He said, then walked back towards the wolf and continued to pet him.

"Robby, you can't just pet someone like a dog, it's rude, plus we have to continue tracking lessons."

"Okayyy." He dragged out the word, and walked towards me grabbing my hand. "Bye Mr.Wolf!" Robby said, pulling me back towards the training field. I looked over my shoulder and gave the black wolf a smile.

"Bye Mr.Wolf." I mimicked. The wolf huffed and wagged his tail, looking too adorable for his huge size.

Making it back to the training field I congratulated the kids on their great tracking. "Now is time for the final test. I'm going to run throughout the forest and then hide, you have to find me. First one to find me will be crowned the tracking queen or king! Y'all ready?"

The kids shouted a reply. I took off into the woods, jumping long distances, climbing trees, and circling around and making more than one path of my scent. Making it more difficult I started rubbing dirt and leaves all over me, masking my scent just a bit. I then climbed up the nearest tree. 'Okay I'm hidden, come on and find me!' I mind linked to the kids.

Soon enough, I heard little feet running by, taking another path of my scent. I looked at my watch. The kids only have twenty minutes left to find me before lessons are over. As I sat there trying my best to be quiet I thought of the black wolf. He just let Robby pet him without complaint, he actually looked like he enjoyed the boy's presence. 'I bet he would make a great dad!' My wolf said interrupting my train of thought.

'Just because you're infatuated with him doesn't mean you can just assume that. We hardly know him!' I said back to her. 'Now that I think about it, we don't know him. We know absolutely nothing about him.'

She thought this over for a second then agreed sulking a bit. I sat there waiting for a kid to find me but it was eerily quiet. You know that feeling you get when you think someone's watching you? Yeah, that's what I felt.

I searched the forest floor for a sign of a kid or another pack member but there was no one. "Boo!" A voice shouted from behind me making me shriek and jump out of fright. Losing my balance I fell out of the tree, luckily landing on my butt and not my neck or some other limb I actually needed.

Looking up into the tree sat the older brown haired boy who questioned me about being gifted yesterday. "What the crap! Young man get down here now!" I shouted while standing up and dusting my butt off. He jumped down, landing gracefully. "What is your name?" I asked.

"Travis." He replied smirking. That smirk sure was familiar.

"Two things Travis. First, don't you ever do that again! You scared me half to death! Plus you could have killed me!" I half heartily shouted. "Secondly, congrats, you found me! Bonus points for doing so without me noticing you."

"It was easy really. You were daydreaming, probably about me, so you really didn't notice anything. I'm surprised you didn't even notice the twig I snapped when I climbed up the tree." He said while smirking the whole time.

"Whoa, slow down there buddy! One, I was not daydreaming about you. Two, you're way to young for me, and three, what's your last name?" I asked raising an eyebrow, already predicting his answer.

"Baby, don't play innocent. We both know you want all of Travis Price." He said while motioning down his body. I busted out in laughter ending with me snorting in a very unladylike way.

"I knew you were related to Todd! The smirks, the 'charm', and especially the vain personality is what gave it away." I laughed out. He stood there and crossed his arms.

"Are you done yet?" He asked, looking a bit angry and sad from my remark.

"I'm sorry." I said slobbering up. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, honestly. It's just, you are like a mini version of Todd."

"I know, I get that a lot." He said looking glum. "I'm tired of being Todd's brother or the alpha's other son. I want to be Travis, I want to be my own person, be known for the great things I am." I felt bad for him.

"Travis?" I said, making him to look at me. "I know how you feel. The pack hates me and I'm pretty sure they only put up with me all these years because they loved Andi. Now it's because Andi's their Luna. I'm known as the Luna's sister, not Danni, not the greatest tracker in blue moon, nope, just the Luna's sister."

I didn't realize I was crying till Travis wiped a tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry Danni. I thought I had it bad but at least I have friends who like me for me, you don't even have that!" I know he meant well but for some reason it made me cry even more.

"Danni don't cry, I will be your friend and I know for a fact Robby wants to be your friend too. In fact, all of us in training likes you, heck we love you." He paused and thought of something and sighed. "Danni there is something different about you. All of us kids talked about it yesterday at lunch when the adults left." He looked at me and smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked the tears now dry. He hugged me and smiled a full on smile.

"When we hug our mothers we feel protected and loved. When we hug the Luna we feel protected, love, and we sense her kindness, but when we hug you or are just around you, it's different. Not only do we feel protected and loved, and can sense your happiness, but we feel like its our duty to love you, to care for you. We have a connection with you, we love and care for you even more than we do our Luna. If we had to pick you or our Luna, every one of us would choose you, even if that meant death! Remember this is coming from kids who are the age of eight through fifteen."

"Shhh! Travis, don't say that! That could be counted as treason and you never know who might be listening. Alpha Todd could hear you though the link and then we'd be in trouble." I said looking around expecting an angry alpha or the pack warriors.

"Todd is my brother Danni, what is going to do? Throw me in the cells?" He asked chuckling to himself.

"No, Travis but if he overhears any of the kids saying this he could throw me in jail or worse! He could kick me out of the pack!" I explained. His chuckle came to a halt and he looked at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry Danni, I wasn't thinking! We have to tell the others." I nodded in agreement.

"Lets head back now." I said taking his hand in mine.

Reaching the training field I had mind linked all the kids to come back. I named Travis the tracking king and let all the kids congratulate him. I quickly explained to the kids about not telling anyone about these "feelings" they were having towards me and how it can get me in trouble.

The news worried them beyond my belief and they all swore to keep silent. Soon after our discussion my watch beeped, informing me it was lunch time. I released the kids to go to lunch and made my way to my room.

Entering my room I noticed a sleeping Andi on my bed. "Andi?" I said walking towards her and leaning over her still frame. "Andi!" I said a bit louder, making her shoot up, cause our heads to collide. "Ouch! Andi what the flipping pancakes!" I shouted, holding my forehead.

"What? You the one that startled me!" She retorted, rubbing her head.

"What were you doing?"

"Sleeping, what did it look like?" She asked a bit of attitude leaked through her voice.

"I meant what were you doing in here to begin with? Don't you dare say sleeping because you can do that in your bed."

" I was waiting for you to get done with lessons. I'm going to town to pick up my dress for the ceremony."

"What ceremony?" I asked.

"My ceremony, the one that ties me and Todd together forever as mates." She said in a duh tone. "Do you even attend the pack meetings?"

Her reply hurt. "No I don't! No thanks to you or your mate!"

"Excuse me? What is that suppose to mean?" Confused, she got off the bed and stood a foot in front of me, placing one hand on her hip.

"It means you nor your mate invites or even informs me about pack meetings. I may not be liked here but I'm still apart of this pack and that entails of me being informed of any pack meetings." I said through gritted teeth.

"Well you won't be part of this pack much longer so it doesn't matter." She said venom practically dripping from her words.

This time it was my turn to be confused. "What do you mean?" If I wasn't so confused and shocked at her words I'd probably be in tears.

"What I'm saying is, when you leave in two days to enroll in the mating game, find a mate, stay with him and his pack, and never come back here again." Tears ran down my face without warning.

"How can you say that? After everything we've been through? Just this morning you were happy, giving me advice and now your kicking me out of the pack? I don't understand." I cried.

Her eyes held only one emotion, hatred. "Exactly sister! My point is, after all we've been through, after all the things I've done for you, always being there for you, putting you first even before myself, you still get the best. You take everything I want." Anger poured off her.

"The best? All I've gotten was a pack that hates me for no reason, years of loneliness, and a sister who is prettier, loved by all and now has an alpha as a mate! What do I have that you want? You have the perfect life while I'm being sent off to a freaking game to be won like a prize. So tell me sister, who has the greater life?" The tears poured even heavier than before. Saying this out loud made me truly realize how unhappy I've been.

"You don't know it yet but sooner or later you will. The only reason I can't tell you is because I'm under command." She turned to walk out of the room acting like she didn't just abandon her only family.

"Why don't you just kick me out right now?" I shouted feeling anger creep up on me suddenly.

"Because I'm under command to keep you safe and in this territory till the game. Plus Todd wants every member to attend our ceremony tomorrow night. Oh and by the way you smell like that red head, I think his name is Greg, and another male. What, are you the pack slut now?" Leaving that question hanging in the air, she walked out.

What happened to my loving sister? Most importantly, who was keeping her under command to keep me here and keep her from telling me some "secret" I was suppose to find out about sometime soon?

With a headache the size of Texas, I locked my door and laid down in the bed. Maybe I'll wake up and all of this will be a dream. I thought to myself, slowly dozing off into a peaceful slumber.



Another filler and a few details for later. Next chapter is probably going to be half the black wolfs POV and the other half Danni's . Not totally sure yet . Oh and don't forget about Ryan! He will be making an appearance soon!

Isn't Travis a little sweetheart when you get to know him!? I really hope you enjoyed it.

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Bless your face! If you sneezed while readings this bless you!

[I sneezed while writing this chapter so I laughed just now while typing this ;)]

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