Best Friends & Alarm Clocks

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In the last chapter it talked about the two alphas Liam (blackriverpack) and Paul (eastern light pack). Well I made a mistake! Paul's name is suppose to be Jon. I went back and fixed it but I just wanted to inform you all so you're not confused later. Paul is suppose to be Jon! Sorry! On to the story!


Danni's POV


Slowly I opened the door only to be ambushed.

Ambushed by three overly loud girls. Grabbing me they pulled me in and shut the door behind us. Gently yet firmly, they pushed me down to sit on the only empty bed, taking a seat also they all smiled widely. I looked around examining the room. The room was abnormally large. Three fourths of the room held the four full size beds and a small sitting area that also held a flat screen, while the rest of the room was a small kitchen and master bathroom.

"Let's get to know one another! I'll go first!" A girl with black, shoulder length hair and mocha colored skin exclaimed. I couldn't tell if her eyes were dark brown or black but they shown kindness and maturity. She stood at a whopping five-ten with long legs and hardly any fat on her. The only fat she had went strait to her bum. She wore a decorative sweater and some designer jeans with a pair of flats. "My name is Lauren, I'm seventeen, my wolf is red, and I can't wait to find my mate! Miranda, your turn!"

"Why am I next? Why can't Brittany go next?" Miranda had pale skin, was five-six, and was tiny. To say she was a tooth pick was an understatement! Her hair was dirty blonde with streaks of different colors and pulled into a little bun. Her light blue eyes had this whole independent vibe. She wore a black T-shirt with some band name and logo on it with colorful skinny jeans and converse.

"Just hurry up and go!" Lauren commanded, making Miranda glare her way.

"I'm Miranda, I'm eighteen, my wolf is a light brown and I don't want and/or need a mate." Yep, defiantly independent. "Brittany your up."

Brittany was naturally tan, was five-nine, and had a body every girl would be proud to have. She was skinny yet built more like an athletic. Unlike Lauren and Miranda's pin strait hair, she had curly hair that went to her shoulder blades. You could tell she was a natural blonde but she had different shades of blondes, browns, and red highlights.

Her eyes were a mixture between green, blue, and brown. It was like the artist couldn't decide which color so he used them all. If her eyes didn't give away how creative and artsy she is her clothes did. She wore a puffy light pink shirt that was tucked into a baby blue pencil skirt with custom painted Toms that had a small heel. They were painted the same light pink as the shirt with crosses painted the same baby blue from the skirt.

"My name is Brittany, I'm eighteen, my wolf is sandy blonde and I don't like going into this game not knowing whose going to claim me. Your turn!" She said, causing the other girls to focus their gaze on me.

"Okay, my name is Danni. I'm nineteen, my wolf is white, and I pray this game ends well for me and all of you. What packs are you from?" I asked.

"Brittany and I are from the Grey Stone Pack. We've been best friends since we first shifted!" Lauren replied. My gaze shifted to Miranda.

"I'm from the Eastern Light Pack. I barely met these two ten minutes before you got here. By the way, what took you so long? Did the elevator break down?"

My jaw dropped and all three girls gave me a puzzled look. "There was an elevator! I walked up all those stairs for no reason?" I exclaimed, making all three girls burst into laughter.

As the day drew to a close, the girls and I became best of friends. They were all down to earth type of people who enjoyed everyday things. We have a lot in common but one thing none of the girls could agree on was their taste in music. While Brittany enjoyed boy bands, Miranda couldn't stand them and listened to rock. Lauren didn't enjoy either type and chose pop over every other gene. I of course told them I enjoyed all music except country. They laughed and said that I was the weird one.


The girls and I were all dressed for bed and doing our own bed time routines. While Miranda and I brushed our teeth in the kitchen's tiny sink, Brittany was washing her face in the bathroom's and Lauren was taking a shower. I come to find out that Lauren and Miranda aren't very modest, while me and Brittany liked our privacy. A knock at the door sounded and I rinsed my mouth out. "I'll get it." I told Miranda and walked to the door.

On the other side of the door stood a staff member holding a clip board and pen in her hand. "Hello, this room is occupied by Brittany M., Lauren C., Miranda F., and a Danni G., am I correct?" The women asked studying her paper.

"Yes ma'am."

"And they are all in there as of this moment?"

"Yes ma'am. They are."

"Thank the heavens!" I gave her a confused look. "Let me explain. You see the tenth and eleventh floors hold all the females while the twelfth floor holds all the males except the prince of course. The females on the tenth floor were trying to "explore" the twelfth floor, causing havoc and loud noises disturbing the males. We can't have that because the males need rest for the games. Luckily we quickly got them under control but kept a couple of guards down on the tenth floor just in case."

"Why didn't we hear anything?" I asked." Each floor is sound proof, therefore you couldn't hear all the noise upstairs. Since this floor seems more calm I don't see that there is reason to bring guards here. Have a good night." She said smiling and then left, leaving a very bad idea with me.

Quickly I shut the door and ran into the kitchen. "Come!" I said grabbing Miranda and pulling her in the small sitting area. I then ran into the bathroom and grabbed a startled Brittany and a wet Lauren, only wearing a towel around her body and on top of her head. I pulled them into the sitting area and pushed them onto a chair, or in Brittany's case, a beanbag. "I have an idea!" I squealed and smiled the biggest smile I could make possible.

"She's smiling like that creepy cat on that one movie, this isn't going to be good." Lauren said.

"I'm not creepy!" I said.

"Are you talking about the creepy Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland?" Brittany questioned with a small smile gracing her face, totally ignoring me.

"I'm not creepy!" I said again.

"Yeah! I can see the resemblance! That cat freaked me out. I don't see how kids enjoyed that movie, it was plain weird and creepy!" Miranda joined in.


"Creepy? How was it creepy? It's a kids movie, there's no way it was creepy." Lauren replied.

"Guys, I've got-"

"Just because you don't find it creepy doesn't mean others don't!" Miranda said raising her voice a bit.

"Guys!" I shouted.

"WHAT?" They shouted in unison making me flinch a bit. "Sorry." They replied quietly. I noticed ever since they got to know me they treated me like I was a porcelain doll. They didn't man handle me like they did when I first entered the room. They were all quite gentle now. I don't know either it was because I was smaller than them in size or because they seen how hard I cried earlier.


"No keep it here! I like this channel. Look it's a baby seal!" I said pointing to the screen. Lauren sat beside me keeping me company as Miranda took a shower and Brittany made coffee in the kitchen.

"Animal planet? Really Danni?" Lauren raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow but I ignored her. I sat there in awe as the baby seal played with his mom. It was furry and white, blending into the snow. The only thing that kept it from being totally invisible was its big black puppy dog eyes. It made cute little noises and flopped around looking so adorable.

The narrator began to talk about all the potential threats when all of a sudden a killer whale bust through the surrounding ice and in one swift movement grabs the baby seal and disappears back into the dark frozen water. "Ahh! No!" I screamed, scaring Lauren, making her jump. I began to cry. Maybe it was time for me to get my monthly or maybe I'm just emotionally attached to cute little creatures, I don't know but either way I was an emotional wreck. Uncontrollable tears poured down my cheeks while my nose began to get a bit runny.

A scared Brittany walked in holding her hand to her heart, her shirt had a huge coffee stain."You scared me!" She huffed. Noticing I was sobbing uncontrollably she came and sat on the other side of me. "What's wrong?" She gently asked.

Lauren explained, retelling the story, making me cry even more. Both girls hugged me. Brittany reminded me that it's part of life and that it happened so fast that the baby probably didn't feel any pain while Lauren rubbed my back and nodded her head in agreement.

"What's wrong! Whose hurt?" All three of us looked up only to see a soaked Miranda holding a bottle of conditioner in one hand and a razor in the other as weapons. I busted out laughing forgetting about the baby seal. The girls looked at me and smiled.


"It's fine. I just thought y'all wanted to have a little fun before our doom starts tomorrow." I shrugged. The girls smiled and got comfy in their seats.

"What did you have planned?" Brittany asked. I leaned in to get closer, leading them to lean in as well.

"There are four alarm clocks in this room, meaning every room has four also. In every hall are twenty rooms so just in this hall are eighty alarm clocks. Now there are four halls on this floor, so in all there should be three hundred and twenty alarm clocks." I stopped to make sure I did the math right.

"Okay? What do alarm clocks have to do with anything?" Miranda asked.

"Here's where the fun comes in. We get every alarm clock and set them all a minute a part. This means they will go off continually for about five and a half hours. After we set them all, we go and randomly place them all over the boys main lobby. They won't get a wink of sleep and will be so tired tomorrow night they won't be at their full strength when the full moon rises! This gives us an advantage for the first day."

The girls stared at me for a full minute before bouncing around in their seats. "Let's do it!" They giggled.

"Wait! I have to get dressed first!" Lauren shouted running to her duffle bag, holding onto her towel. I laughed and ran to get my shoes on.

"Miranda grab the four clocks and set the first one for one o'clock, set the second one for one-oh-one, set the third one for one-oh-two, and the third one for one-oh-three." I said while taking the pillow sheets off our four pillows. "This will be your job when we get the rest of the clocks. After you set them hand them to Lauren, she will toss them in the pillow cases. I'm going to ring every room and tell them the plan."

"What can I do?" Brittany asked. I smiled my "Cheshire Cat" smile while lifting both eyebrows repeatedly.

"I have something special for you!" She looked a bit worried. "Don't worry you'll have a blast I swear it!"


After retrieving all the alarm clocks and having Miranda set them and Lauren bag them, I grabbed three pillow cases full and Brittany grabbed the remaining three. "What are we suppose to do?" Miranda asked.

"You are our backup. Place our pillows in our beds and cover them up. If anyone knocks on the door say we are sleeping. If they find the pillows act surprised. If we get caught we will tell them you two were asleep when we left. Got it?" Miranda shook her head while Lauren seemed a bit upset she didn't get to go. "Come on Britt, we have ten minutes to get these set up before they began to go off."

We took the stairs not wanting the ding of the elevator to disturb anyone. With quiet giggles here and there, Brittany and I placed the alarms everywhere. We even hid some in the couch cushions and cabinets. After seeing the lobby filled with alarm clocks we realized we still had a whole pillow case full. "What are we suppose to do with these?" Brittany whispered while raising the pillow case.

Snapping my fingers I grinned. "There's thirteen floors right? But we only stay in ten through twelve, that leaves thirteen for one other person." Brittany stared at me not getting my drift. "The prince!" I whispered loudly.

"Oh!" Brittany exclaimed and giggled. "Let's go!" We ran over to the stairs and started up them. Checking one clock I realized we had only two minutes left before the alarms would start going off.

"Change of plans! We have two minutes and there's no way we can make it. You head back to the room I'll do the dirty work." I said taking the pillow case from her.

"Are you sure?"

"I forgot to mention, I'm a gifted tracker. Not only do we know how to track but we know how to be silent and fast while doing so. I'll be fine, you go and make it fast!" I said pushing her the opposite way that I planned to go.

Seeing her take off I did the same, but heading up stairs. Praying that the bag I had wasn't due to ring for a while. Making it up the stairs I realized how beautiful the top floor was. It was built and decorated much like the bottom floor, very elegant and eighteenth century. Large, thick pillars surrounded the room, holding the beautifully painted ceiling up in place. On both the left and right side of the room were built in bookshelfs filled with old and interesting books.

On the far wall, instead of four different hallways, there was a gigantic set of double doors made of a deep, dark red stained wood. Walking closer I noticed little tiny swirls and carvings etched into it. Not realizing that my hand had a mind of its own, I grabbed the door handle and pulled it open quietly. The room was beyond breath taking. On the left wall was a normal size door and then a set of double doors. Most likely his bathroom and wardrobe. The right wall held a huge entertainment center that was filled with DVDs and all kinds of game consuls and controllers. In the middle of the wall sat a huge flat screen TV.

That wasn't even the best part of the room, no, the best part was the back wall. It was made from panels of thick glass that let you see the beautiful forestry and dark night sky. The moonlight shined through casting a silvery shadow over the large bed that sat in the middle of the room. I swear the bed could fit at least five people comfortably. I checked the clock and realized the alarms should have started going off by now.

Quickly but silently I hid the alarm clocks everywhere inside the room. In the entertainment center's drawers, in the shower, in the cabinets, in his closet, and even under his bed. I giggled to myself and took the last clock out of the pillow case. Where should this one go? I asked myself. Slowly I walked closer to the bed and leaned over the bed, placing the clock right beside his ear. I looked him over. He looked so cute when he was asleep it made me want to crawl in beside him and cuddle. Say what?

Gaining my train of thought back, I hurried towards the door. Grabbing the door handle, I began to pull it open slowly, afraid it might creak. Halfway open I slid through and went to pull it shut when one of the alarm clocks went off with a piecing noise. Quickly I pull it shut all the way and run towards the stairs. Bolting down the stairs with light steps I make it halfway feeling safe when suddenly I feel a pair of arms enclose around my waist, pulling me to a stop.

"Danni, did you really think I wouldn't realize someone entering my room?" Jace asked in a deep husky tone, his breath warm on my neck. I froze and ignored his question. "I smelt your mouthwatering scent when you started up the stairs doll, you can't hide from me even if you tried." I was thankful he hadn't turned me around to face him because then he would see how bad I was blushing.

"I'm sorry?" I said making it sound more like a question. For some reason he chuckled and then turned me around. My eyes met skin and I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. I felt my face flush with color. "Wow." I breathed. "They look better than Ryan's." I said in a quiet whisper, reaching out to touch his irresistible abs. Before I could make contact a growl erupted making me jump a bit.

"Ryan? The boy who gave you your first kiss?" Jace lowly growled. I nodded my head. "Exactly what happened between you two?"

"Nothing really." I said putting my head down. For unknown reasons I felt guilty. "We kissed once and I felt his..." I said quietly trailing off at the end.

"You felt his? Wait, what did you do?" Jace asked, now a bit confused. Not knowing how to explain I just imitated what I did to Ryan but on Jace. Slowly I traced his muscles, my finger slowly trailing over every indention, every line on his toned stomach. When I finished I realized Jace had his eyes closed and was purring like a cat. I lightly began to trace the muscles on his upper chest, next his shoulders, and then up his neck.

Once I got to his jaw I trailed my finger down to his chin. I wish I could blame my wolf for my next action but I can't say it was her fault. Swiftly I stood on my toes and pulled his head down and lightly kissed his chin. He pulled me closer and his eyes opened. He stared at me for a minute. " you did that to Ryan?" He growled out.

"Not all of that but yes." I said looking down at my feet except Jace had pulled me so close that all I saw were our two chest pressing together.

"Don't you ever touch another man like that again. You're mine baby doll, and I will claim you as mine when the full moon rises so be ready." He then pulled my head closer and attacked my lips. Unlike the first kiss this one was urgent and full of want. It was strong and demanding yet gentle all at the same time. To say the least, I loved it. We broke apart a little too soon for my liking but then the black wolf popped into my head.

I opened my mouth to inform him that I already agreed to let my black wolf claim me but before I could speak a single word a man burst through the doors. "Prince! The twelfth floor is going crazy. Alarm clocks are going off yet we can't seem to get them to stop. Once we stop one another begins to go off. We started taking batteries out but some are still going off yet we can't find where the noise is coming from!" Internally I laughed. Brittany hid the clocks very well. She even planted one in a flower pot. Knowing full well I was responsible for this Jace turned to me and surprisingly smirked.

"Search everywhere, in cabinets in sofas,try in pots and pans, under rugs, and even in the potted greenery." Jace told the man. The man nodded and bolted down stairs. "It seems someone has been a very busy girl." Jace said raising an eyebrow.

I laughed and shrugged. "I wonder who could have done that." Jace laughed and then kissed my forehead making me freeze for a bit.

"Go to bed, this will be our little secret." He winked and walked to his room. I heard the alarms in his room playing their screeching song and then suddenly they were shut off. That punk watched us hide every single one while pretending to be asleep! But at least we got all the other males! My wolf said with a giggle. I laughed at her and with that I made my way back to my room.



next chapter= 20votes, 10 comments. If I get the votes by morning then I'll Upload another chapter!

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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