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Dedicated to my best friend! Love you girl and hope you enjoy :)

Danni's POV


The last twenty one months of life have been wonderful. Jacen and I became parents to a baby boy and girl. Little Julian came first but in the next two minutes his baby sister, Jewel, followed. Julian took after his father with thick black hair but inherited my striking green eyes, while Jewel had my dark brown hair but Jace's icy blue eyes. When looking at them they looked nothing alike but both beautiful.

Jace was amazed with the whole labor process which I guess is better than passing out like Todd. Andi and Todd had another pup as well, another boy. Baby Trevor looked identical to Troy, their first pup. Surprisingly, Todd didn't pass out. Brittany had her pup later that night when we announced I was pregnant and Lauren is now pregnant with her second pup. Miranda and her mate Colton couldn't visit because Colton had surprised Miranda with a summer vacation in another continent that Miranda had always dreamt of visiting. Over all life has been pleasant and I couldn't have asked for better.

"Dan, it's time!" Jace said, entering the kitchen. "Here, let me take this." Jace carefully picked up the large cake Maria, Maggie, and Suzzie made for the twin's birthday. One half painted with a royal blue icing, the other half a royal purple icing. Across the cake read: Happy 1st Birthday! Julian&Jewel

"Thanks Jace." I kissed his cheek and carried the two candles and knife out side to the gardens while Jace followed behind. Sitting at a rather large picnic table, all of our friends laughed and joked around. Maggie held Julian in her arms while Suzzie held Jewel in hers. Maria walked around snapping as many photos as possible. Jace sat the cake down and I placed one candle in the blue side and the other candle in the purple side. Thomas appeared and lit the two candles. I took Julian in my arms while Jace grabbed Jewel from Suzzie.

The crowd of friends began to sing happy birthday while the babies bounced happily in our arms. At the end of the song Jace and I blew the candles out, knowing that the newly one year olds couldn't do it themselves. Everyone clapped and came over to Jace and I to play with the babies.

For hours we barbecued and just talked. Eventually pups got restless and everyone began to leave. While the three women and Thomas cleaned up the mess we all created, Jace helped me feed the babies. After burping Jewel I began to rock her to sleep. It took a bit but after awhile she fell into a light sleep. Quietly I made my way into the nursery and laid her down in her crib. Softly, I kissed her forehead. "I love you Jewel, so much." As quietly as I walked in, I walked out.

I heard Julian's cries and rushed to see what was wrong. I entered the room to see a grumpy Julian in Jace's arms. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know, I fed him and burped him, he just won't go to sleep." Jace said rather tiredly.

"Here let me see him." I walked over and took Julian from Jace. Immediately he quieted down and cooed. I began to softly bounce him to sleep.

Jace lightly chuckled. "I guess all he wanted was his momma." He stood up and kissed my cheek. "Do you want me to stay with you till he's asleep?" He asked.

"No, you head to bed. I'll be in there in about five minutes." He nodded then departed. I took his seat in the rocking chair and lightly rocked baby Julian to sleep. Julian was the one it forever to get to sleep but once he was out, he was out for the rest of the night. I slowly stood from the chair and made my way to the nursery once again. I kissed Julian's forehead and whispered the same words I do every night. "I love you Julian, so much." I walked into the nursery but wasn't expecting what came next. "Jace!" I screamed, Julian woke up and began to cry. "Jace!" I cried out, tears erupted like volcanoes.

Jace barged into the room. He froze in place, too shocked to speak. Finally breaking free from his daze he linked the guards. Dozens of men showed up as did Thomas and the three women. "Maria take Julian, get him to sleep and watch over him." Jace said in a voice void of emotion. Maria took Julian from me and a couple of the guards followed her out as did the two sisters. "I want every tracker here in ten minutes and every warrior here also. Alec!" Jace called.

Out of thin air Alec appeared and his group of men did as well. "Yes sir." He saluted in total seriousness. Alec was on duty and when he was serious it was scary.

"Keep all your men with Danni and Julian at all times. From here on out neither one are to be left alone, understood?" Alec nodded and disappeared. Jace called out multiple orders to everyone. Chaos was everywhere and I had a feeling things were just getting started. "Father, call up Dragon." Thomas nodded and then looked at me with sadness.

Walking up to me he hugged me. "Everything will be okay, it might take awhile but trust me." I cried harder. Thomas patted my back and then lightly kissed my cheek. He walked away already pulling his phone out to call Dragon.

"Danni, I swear everything will be fine. We will find him and make him pay for everything he's done." Jace gripped my arms and pulled me into him.

I cried endlessly but nodded. I believed Jace. We would find him and we will seek justice for all he has done. I will get my baby back if it's the last thing I do! I examined the room once again, dread filling my being. Every piece of furniture was ripped and torn to parts. My baby was gone, missing, taken. My precious Jewel was kidnapped and in the hands of a lunatic. How this was possible, I have no idea but there written on the wall, in blood, was the proof that this was real.

Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and down will come Jacen, kingdom and all. ~ Mike


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Thank you all for the support! I want to personally think my three best friends and sister that encouraged me to continue on when I felt like giving up.

•Lauren, you made me laugh with all the silly ideas you gave me and I'm glad you like the big booty joke when I introduced Lauren (the character) in the book.

•Brittany, you were the one to encourage me to keep writing and to keep updating every week! So without your consistency this book wouldn't have been finished.

•Kayla, little sis, I love you and I'm blessed to have such an amazing sister stand by me. You helped me out with a lot on this book and you were always honest about how each chapter turned out. Thanks for the honesty even when I didn't want to hear it ;)

Thank you (Miranda,Kayla,Britt, and Lauren) for always being there and supporting my idea when others said "You're writing a book?" I truly appreciate your friendship! Love you!

*Miranda, you've been my best friend since we were like five! No mattet how far we are we'll always be inseperatble! I can't wait till you get to read this book, I hope you like it, if not thats okay haha i miss you like crazy! Hopefully one of my next books I can add a character that will repersent our relationship alot better than this book did! I didn't add alot of you in this book cause i didn't ask your permission cause at the time ihad no way of communicating with you. Sorry :/ lol love ya girl!

•My biggest thank goes to the man upstairs! The idea for this book came from a dream but when I started writing I began to feel defeated and blocked. After wanting to give up on it I prayed for some ideas or at least a way to quickly end the book. I didn't write for a while and thought that I might as well take the book down but suddenly ideas came to me.

Matthew 19:26(NKJV) says "Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.""

I didn't think I could write a book much less finish it! But I was proved wrong! Don't give up on your dreams not matter how big or small! Even if your closest friends or family aren't there to support you.

This was the epilogue, yes it's a bit short but that's all I have. I hope you're excited for the second book!

Submitting To Them - Coming Summer 2014

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