Wet Willies & Grandpa

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I woke up and found myself laying halfway on top of Jace. Quickly I moved off and scooted away, placing a bit of space between us. My attempt was useless because as soon as I moved Jace pulled me back to him. His breathing was deep and slow, indicating that he was still asleep. I felt all hot and sticky and being so close to Jace made me even more hot.

Being asleep for over a week must have caught up to me since I haven't showered. Curious I sniffed myself. I didn't stink so someone must have cleaned me while I was unconscious. I paled automatically wondering if Jace bathed me. Wanting to take a shower, I tried to move once again but his hold was firm and heavy. I turned around and faced his sleeping form.

"Jace." I whispered, he laid there still deep in sleep. "Jace." I said a bit louder. He groaned and pulled me even closer to his bare chest. I guess sometime throughout the night he took off his shirt. A plan formed in my head making me giggle internally. "Oh, Jacen!" I sang. "You better wake up before I do something drastic." His eyes cracked open a bit as he looked at me.

"Shh, go back to sleep doll." His voice was filled with sleep which made him sound irresistible. I huffed as he closed his eyes and dozed back off.

"Okay Jacen, I warned you and now you're going to get it." Giggling softly, I put both of my pointer fingers in my mouth soaking them with my saliva. Then quickly plunged them into Jace's ears, twisting and turning them. Jace's eyes shot open and he began to wiggle away from me. I busted out in laughter as he pulled my fingers out and rubbed his ears and trying to dry the saliva.

"What in the world! Did you just give me a wet willy?" He asked laughing while still cleaning his ears. I laid there next to him laughing so hard tears began to form. "I will get you back you know." He smirked. I shook my head denying his words.

"Nah, I don't think you will and you brought this upon yourself mister!"

"What? I didn't do anything! I was peacefully sleeping and you attacked me with your saliva covered fingers!" He laughed shaking the bed slightly.

"No, I wanted to go take a shower but every time I tried to get up you would pull me back towards you. So you are at fault!" I smiled showing I was right.

"It's not my fault you're so irresistible that I can't stand to be away from you even when I'm asleep." He smirked. Dang it! He made a good point. I giggled and hugged him. "Whew! You stink, maybe you do need that bath." He playfully pushed me away. I frowned and sniffed myself again.

"I don't stink that bad!"

"Only because you were given a sponge bath a day ago." He laughed.

"Speaking of that. Did you, you know..." I trailed off, blushing a bit.

"Did I what?" He asked.

"You know...did you do it?" I peeked over at him, he looked generally confused.

"Danni, I'm not following you." He said cluelessly.

"Were you the one to bathe me?" I asked looking straight at him now. His face grew red and he chuckled awkwardly.

"No, Danni. I told you, I have morals, I wouldn't do something like." He said seriously, tracing down my jaw to my chin. He pulled away and leaned up on one elbow. "I want to make everything perfect for you and that means waiting for our wedding night, which will be absolutely amazing." He winked playfully making me blush.

I lightly pushed him and stood up to stretch. He sat up right in the bed and watched me as I made my way to the bathroom. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's rude to stare?" I spoke with a smirk then proceeded to close the door behind me. Jace's chuckles could be heard through the thin walls as I undressed and started the shower.

The bathroom was beautiful. Dark stained cabinets with beautiful marble tops, held two elegant sink faucets on one wall, while across the room was a large pearl colored bathtub with lion paws as the feet. I'm sure the tub could hold two Jaces, it was so huge. To the left of the tub was the shower, it was a walk in shower that could hold three people comfortably. Steam began to roll out of it, informing me that the water was hot and ready.

After quickly showering, I pulled an oversized towel from one of the cabinets and wrapped it around my small body. I looked around for my clothes only to realize I didn't have any clothes at all. I had left the hospital only wearing Jace's sweats and shirt. I slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked out. "Jace." I whispered, seeing if he was out there. No answer came notifying me that Jace wasn't in the room.

Quickly I ran out and ran to the other door hoping it was a closet, like I predicted the first time I visited Jace's room. Opening the door, I was relieved to see clothes. The closet was huge, being twice as big as my bedroom back at the pack house. This wasn't all that surprising, since Jace was prince and lived in the palace, but what really shocked me was that the closet not only held man's clothes but women's too. I walked in and examined the side that held the women's clothes.

Then I realized the clothes were a mixture of my clothes and newly bought clothes that still had the tags attached. "Hello dear!" I jumped in fright, nearly losing my towel. I turned around only to see a smiling Maggie.

"Maggie!" I shouted and ran up to her, giving her the biggest hug possible. Even though I barely met her before the games started, I felt a connection to the older women. She hugged me back, lightly patting my back while doing so.

"Jacen had me go out and buy you some more clothes, you didn't have much from the start." She smiled kindly. I nodded in agreement. "Here let me help you find something to wear." She walked us over to the closet and began to go through all the clothes. "Here this is perfect for today's events!" She said, pulling out a white sundress that ended a little above the knees, a tiny yellow belt was attached right under the bust area.

"Maggie, I need underwear first." I said sheepishly. Maggie laughed and walked to the back of the closet where a dresser was hidden behind the hanging dresses and men's suits. Opening the first drawer she pulled out white underwear and bra. Tossing them to me I walked out and into the bathroom.

Quickly I changed and met Maggie back in the room. She held a pair of yellow heels. "These are for you." She smiled. Smiling back, I took them and slipped them on. "Now let's dry that hair before you get sick!" After ten minutes of agonizing heat, my hair was dry and already naturally styled into loose waves.

Maggie and I spent a few minutes talking about life and her connections to the palace. I was shocked when I found out Maggie was Jace's aunt and that she cooked everyday for the people of the palace. She explained how she enjoyed it and how it was the escape she had when she missed her mate that died years ago. "Maggie what's taking you so long?" A women who looked identical to Maggie asked, barging into the room. "Oh, hello! I'm Suzzie." She smiled warmly as she reached out shook my hand.

"Hi, I'm Danni. I'm guessing you are Maggie's sister?" I asked. Maggie and Suzzie laughed and both nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, my queen." Suzzie bowed a bit causing me to smile.

"Just call me Danni."

"As you wish, now both of you get your tails down to the kitchen. Maggie we have to cook for all the guest, and you missy," she said pointing to me playfully, "need to eat and greet all your friends." My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.


"Come see!" She exclaimed then happily walked out of the room. Maggie and I followed her to the elevator and pressed the kitchen's floor. As we dropped down and came to a stop the elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal a beautiful kitchen. It was huge of course, filled with shiny appliances and smelled wonderful.

"Suzzie and I have lunch to prepare for you and your company. Go through that door right there and you're in a hallway, take the first left and then enter the first door in your right." Maggie spoke joyfully and patted my back, while lightly pushing me out the kitchen. "Lunch will be served soon." I turned around to thank her but she was already back in the kitchen and the door slammed in my face.

I did as Maggie instructed and took the first left and then entered the first door on my right. "Danni!" Lauren and Brittany shouted as they ran towards me, crushing me into a group hug. "We missed you!" They cried out in unison.

"I missed you too!" I pulled back and noticed Liam and Jon sitting down on some couches behind the girls. "Alpha Liam, Alpha Jon." I smiled and nodded in respect. Both alphas stood up and bowed a bit.

"Princess." They replied together. I laughed as they glared at one another.

"Please, just Danni." They nodded their heads and sat back down. The girls joined them as I at across from them on a love seat. "How have you been? Has anyone seen or talked to Miranda?"

Lauren was the first one to speak up. "Oh we've been great! I met my new pack, got settled in, and we planned and scheduled our mating ceremony. We are having it on the first of next month, which you are invited to. Will you be able to come?"

"Oh wow a New Years wedding! That's so soon, congratulations! I'm not totally sure what my plans are, I've only been fully awake and alert for a day and a half." I joked. This made all their faces turn into frowns.

"I'm sorry Danni, I'm so glad you're alive and healthy, believe me when I say we were all worried for you." Jon said softly. I smiled at him.

"I know Jon. Jace told me how you all were there waiting for me to wake up but had to leave for pack duties. I understand and I don't blame any of you."

"Dan, everything's so much better now that you're well. Liam took me to our pack, they are kind and loving people." Brittany smiled and looked up to Liam, love clearly written in her eyes. "Life is good. I spoke to Miranda and her mate Colton, they are doing good as well. I know you said you don't know what your plans consist of but I also wanted to let you know that you're invited to our mating ceremony as well. It will be the first of February."

"That's just amazing! I'm so happy for you two! I'm so happy for all four of you! I will talk to Jace and see if I'm able to make the ceremonies!" I said giddily as they laughed at how excited I was.

"So have you and Jace set a date?" Liam asked catching me off guard. "I'm sure it will be very soon since he's probably having a very hard time keeping his wolf in control while he's not beside you." Confused, I cocked my head to one side.

"What do you mean 'keeping his wolf in control'?" I asked. Liam looked shocked for some reason.

"No disrespect princess, but do you know not anything about mates?"

"I know the basics." I said sheepishly.

"Lunch is ready." Maggie came in and announced. "Come, come, before it all goes cold." Both girls and Jon followed her into the hall an probably to the dining room.

"While Jon is distracting the girls with lunch right now let me inform you on the male mate." Liam said coming and sitting by me. "When we first see our mate everything stops being important and is put to the back burner. Our mate is first priority. We have the urge to claim and protect what is ours. Jace has been doing that, but this is where it's harder for Jace. Since Jace is an alpha his urges are stronger. Since he is also future king, his urges doubles the normal alpha wolf."

"But I'm not in danger so why should he have to control his wolf?" I asked clearly confused.

"Listen. In the short time you've been with Jace two other males tried to take you away from him, this makes his wolf agitated and even more possessive. One of those males are dead now, the other is being taken care of. Jace's wolf is on edge, and since you two haven't fully mated he's not a hundred percent linked to you. If you were in danger there's a chance he wouldn't know. So right now Jace's wolf is practically clawing at any chance he has to mate you. The sooner, the easier it will be for Jace."

Thinking over everything I began to feel guilty. "Am I putting Jace into pain?" I asked. Liam looked at me and guilt flooded into his eyes. He reached over and patted my hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel guilty." He said. "And to answer your question, no, you are not putting Jace into pain. His wolf is just pressuring him into mating you. It's normal for every male. Now let's stop taking about this dull subject and let's go eat!" Liam laughed and pulled me up as he stood up.

It's a good thing Liam knew where the dining room was because I had no idea. Soon we joined the others and were served lunch. As we ate we discussed the future ceremonies and the themes the girls had already picked out, we also discussed other packs and the issues of rogues and wars. As we finished lunch we shared goodbyes and made plans to see each other soon.

I sat down on the love seat and breathed in deeply. I already missed my bubbly friends and their mates that couldn't stand each other. I softly laughed to myself as I recalled Liam and Jon glaring at each other during lunch when both unknowingly copied the other. "Excuse me miss, but you have more visitors." Suzzie announced walking into the sitting room I now sat in.

Following her in was Todd and Andi. "Danni!" Andi yelled as she ran over and hugged me. She began to cry. "I heard what happened and we left immediately!" She cried into my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I asked "Left where?"

"Todd and I decided to take a little time off from the pack and go on a honey moon. We were in France when I got the call and we caught the first plane we could. But our flights got cancelled because of the terrible weather over there. I'm so happy to see that you're okay now." She had dried her tears and patted my cheek.

"I'm fine, you didn't have to cancel your get away." I groaned. "Now I feel bad." Andi laughed and pushed me lightly.

"Danni you're so selfless, it's pitiful!" Todd said teasingly, making Andi and I laugh. The rest of the afternoon we talked, laughed, and even cried. Jace appeared right before they left, apologizing for being away for so long. Even though I missed him like crazy, I didn't blame him for being away. Being the future king has it's responsibilities that can't be ignored.

After saying goodbye to Andi and Todd, Maggie informed us that dinner was ready. Hand in hand we made our way to the dining room. "You look beautiful doll." Jace spoke. I blushed and looked him over. He wore dark jeans and a nice white button up shirt. His muscles could be seen through the shirt but not so much to be a distraction.

"Thank you, you look good yourself." He smiled down at me and lightly pecked my lips. Walking into the dining room King Thomas stood from his seated position.

"Jacen, I believe I haven't properly met your little mate." King Thomas said smiling down at me. He was a kind man but him being my king and my future father-in-law made me a bit nervous.

"Dad, Danni. Danni, dad." Jace introduced. The king stuck his hand out to shake mine. I firmly gripped it.

"Hello, your majesty." King Thomas laughed a deep friendly laugh and pulled me into a hug.

"Darling its Thomas or dad, not majesty." He smiled and motioned for us to sit down. Jace sat to my right as Thomas took the head of the table on the left of me. Grabbing my hand and lightly patting it the king caught my attention. "So Danni, is there any chance that in the near future I will be called grandpa?"



Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter is going to be a packed chapter!!

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Go check out my second book The Hunting! New chapter this Sunday!

Merry Christmas y'all
! I hope you all have an amazing time with your friends and family!

Be blessed!

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