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Soft, warm lips moved slowly over my own, sending a shockwave down to the pit of my stomach, awakening feelings I've never felt before. It seems as if a thousand butterflies awoke and are trying to escape from inside. I've never kissed a boy before so I copied Ryan's actions and let my lips move against his. We kissed for what seemed like forever but in all reality it was only a minute or two.

Ryan pulled away causing me to open my eyes and look down embarrassed. 'Maybe I did that wrong.' I thought to myself. I felt his stare on me and looked up to find him smiling. His hand traveled upwards and cupped my face, leaning in, he lightly pecked my lips.

"I don't know about you, but that was the best kiss I've ever had." Ryan said while touching his lips. I laughed in joy, knowing that I must have done something right to get that response.

"I guess I could say the same thing since that was my first kiss." I teased putting emphasis on the word was. Ryan sat up straighter and looked at me with a shocked face. "Wh-why are you looking at me like that?" I pointed to his face.

"How is that your first kiss? You're nineteen years old and look at you!" He motioned down my body. I looked down at myself, looked back at Ryan and shrugged. "Danni, you're beautiful! I'm surprised no one has taken a liking to you, heck, I'm surprised Todd hasn't tried to make a move on you."

For a split second I tensed up remember how just last night Todd acted towards me. I chuckled trying to cover up my mistake but It came out awkwardly. Ryan must have figured it out because his giddy face turned to a serious one. "Danni, did Todd try something on you? I swear, soon-to-be alpha or not, I'll beat the crap out of him!"

Ryan's emerald eyes turned to black orbs showing that his wolf was on edge. I needed to calm him down before one of us got hurt and I needed to do it fast. "No! No!" I quickly shouted. "Todd didn't try anything. He got a little too close for my personal liking but he didn't touch me or anything." By now his wolf retreated and Ryan slowly relaxed.

He sighed and ran his hands through his still damp hair. "Good, because if he ever lays a hand on you I will personally shove my hand where the sun don't shine and pluck his eye balls out from the inside." I couldn't take Ryan serious with his choice of words and began to laugh at his response.

Ryan may be scary when he's pissed but he needs to work on his threatening. "There's no need for that!" I laughed again and he joined in. My thigh started to vibrate and I jumped in fright, noticing it was just me receiving a text message, I pulled my phone out and opened the message.

*Andi: I'm staying over at Courtney's house tonight don't stay out too late ;) love ya XOXO

I wrote Andi back telling her to be careful and that I was about to head home. I slid my phone back into my jean's pocket and stood up from the bed. "I guess I'm going to head home now." Ryan's smile faulted a bit but then turned into a full on smile when something flashed behind his eyes, standing up he took a step closer.

"Okay, but don't you think I should get a goodbye kiss first?" He raised both eyebrow in a suggestive manor, his face now sporting a smirk, a sexy one at that! 'Oh, you want a goodbye kiss, huh?' I thought to myself, now returning the smirk I stepped closer to him, our bodies almost touching.

I stood up on the tip of my toes and slid my arms around his neck, pulling his head down closer to mine. I leaned in very slowly, teasing him for a bit. Instead of a full out kiss, like he expected, I pecked his lips quickly and pulled away, laughing as doing so. "You call that a kiss?" Ryan pouted, with a cute frown, reminding me of a puppy.

I laughed and walked to the door, opening it, I turned around to face him. "Hey Ryan?" He looked at me and nodded his head, telling me to continue. "I enjoyed your party." I smiled at him showing my sincerity.

"Me too." He returned the smile. "Goodnight Danni." And with that I made my way down stairs and out the front door.

As I made my way down the driveway I noticed how chilly the night air was and I mentally thanked Andi for choosing black skinny jeans and a white v-neck with a leather jacket as my outfit for tonight. I only regret wearing these high heeled leather boots. Since Andi took our only car to Courtney's I'm going to have to walk home. I got half way down the block and noticed our little beat up car still parked by the curb.

That anxious, bad feeling I had this morning returned and my wolf told me something was seriously wrong. Pulling my phone out I dialed Courtney's number. "Hello?" Courtney answered, sounding as if I just woke her up.


"Yes? Danni is that you?" In the background I heard sheets moving and then a light switch being flipped.

"Yeah it's me. Can I speak with Andi real quick?"

"Danni what are you talking about? Andi isn't here. I've been sick the last week and a half, I'm not allowed visitors till I get better. Doctors orders." My stomach dropped, all of a sudden I felt nauseous.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Sorry if I woke you up, I'll talk to you later." After she said goodbye I stood there a good five minutes trying to get my bearings. If Andi isn't with Courtney where could she be? I walked up to the little car and instantly I smelt Andi's bubble gum scent,still fresh, I knew she couldn't be far away. I inhaled deeply trying to track which way she went, following my instincts I came to an old popular trail we wolfs like to use while out on our daily run.

The bubble gum scene grew stronger as I walked deeper into the forest. With light feet I silently followed the trail but stopped when I heard a familiar voice. "This is your last warning! So help me, if you don't obey this time you will regret it!" Todd shouted angrily. I quietly made my way closer, crouching down and peering through the thick brush only to see Todd looming over a small pixie-like figure in a large clearing with a small pond to the left.

There's only two people that fit that description and one of them is me, leaving Andi as the other. My suspicions were confirmed when Andi answered him back. "You may be my mate but I have morals! If you want sex from me you need to put a ring on this finger!" She shouted holding up her left hand.

'Mate? Todd is Andi's mate? Why didn't she tell me?' Question after question popped in my head, confusing me even more.

"Fine! If you won't put out I'll go see sweet Danni. We both know Danni is too nice to say no, plus me being her future alpha she'll feel obligated to." He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. 'Over my dead body!' I shouted in my head.

"Over my dead body!" Andi shouted. If this wasn't a serious matter I would have laughed at that. What came next shocked the crap out of me. Andi pulled back her fist and swung straight at his face, hitting him in his jaw, making him stumble backwards. Beside the whole dog attack situation, Andi has never been known as the aggressive type, more like the motherly type.

Realizing what she did and how big of a mistake it was, Andi took off running through the wooded area. "Andi! Do you realize that you not only disrespected your alpha and mate but now running away!?" Todd shouted at her, running off in the direction of a fleeting Andi. One thing you're never to do is run from a male werewolf, you're mate at that.

They live for the chase, it's their natural instincts to chase after another and being mates make it even more so. I stood up from my crouching position and jogged slowly not wanting to catch up too fast and be caught ease dropping. I was so far behind I had to actually track their scent. I knew they were close by how full the air was of bubble gum and pine.

Finally I heard voices, stopping and hiding behind the closest tree I listened and peered around it watching the two mates. "Get off of me Todd!" Andi shouted. They laid there on the forest floor with Todd on top and Andi thrashing around to get out from his hold.

"Andi submit to me now!" Todd barked out. His wolf close to the edge. I waited for her to submit but she kept squirming making his wolf even more irritated. "ANDI!" He shouted. "If you do not submit that means you challenge me and my wolf will tear you apart, mate or not. I suggest you submit." He said, teeth clenched tightly. You could tell he was trying to hold his wolf back. "Andi! Submit NOW!" He roared the last part his canines now making their appearance.

"I'd rather die!" Andi spat at him. We all knew she didn't mean it, they're mates after all, naturally she loves him and he her. Todd's eyes turned pitch black hearing her comment and shifted into his light brown wolf. I had to do something and fast. If Todd's wolf is pushed any further he could lose all control and rip Andi to shreds.

I jumped out of my hiding spot and immediately shifting into my wolf, I ran into the clearing. Todd looked at me surprised to see my white wolf. Baring my canines I got into a defensive crouch. Todd looked a bit amused, seeing that his wolf was easily three times taller than mine. Not only were Andi and I shorter than the rest in human form but in our wolf forms too.

'Danni I suggest you leave. I'm going to punish your sister and I doubt you want to watch.' Todd mind linked. I didn't know what to do, I can't just leave knowing she's going to get punished. 'That's an alpha command.' He said harshly.

Seeing my hesitation, Andi linked me. 'He's right Danni. If you stay you're going to want to help me and you know that if you interfere you will be punished also.' She had a point but how am I suppose to just walk away knowing the pain my sister is about to under go?

As if Todd knew I wouldn't leave on my own I felt a presence behind me and turned to see a golden wolf with bright green eyes who emitted power nearly as strong as Todd himself. Our future beta, aka Ryan. I'm guessing Todd mind linked Ryan asking to escort me home because the next thing I know Ryan was picking me up by my hide with his mouth carefully, like a mom would her pup.

'Ryan, I can walk by myself.' I huffed and squirmed, his sharp teeth dug in deeper and I yelped in pain. He sighed and started walking in the direction of the pack house.

'I have to treat you like a pup who's in trouble, Todd ordered me. If you stop squirming it won't hurt.' The silence was awkward considering Ryan, the one guy I just made out with, is carrying my small wolf form by his mouth.

We made it to the pack house and Ryan released me from his hold. 'Go inside, shift, and get cleaned up, when Todd arrives he will punish you for ignoring his order earlier.' I knew Ryan was only doing what he was commanded to do so I held no hard feelings towards him.

I said goodnight and went inside mentally preparing myself for the punishment to come. 'Why didn't I just leave the clearing when asked the first time?' I questioned myself.



I had so much more I wanted to add to this chapter but I decided to wait till the next chapter.
How do you feel about Ryan? How about Todd and Andi's situation? Next chapter is going to be about Danni's punishment and introducing the whole " Mating Game" part! Can't wait! Believe me when I say the chapters to come will get better! Hang in there with me!! Thanks for the support! Comment, vote, fan! :) Be Blessed!

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