Punishment&Bad News

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I barely laid down in bed when I heard a knock at my door, I was too tired to get out of bed so I pretended to be asleep. "Danni I know you're awake." Todd said as he stepped inside my room. I laid there a minute longer slowing my breathing and heart rate down. "Those lame tricks can't fool your alpha, get up we need to talk."

I huffed and sat up. "Talk about what?" I asked trying to sound innocent. Apparently Todd saw through my act, but said nothing to show my gig was up. He walked over to my bed and sat down beside me. He sat there for a while contemplating what he would say next. He sighed and started to play with his hands in his lap. "Look Todd I'm sorry, I kn-"

Todd quickly cut me off. "How much did you hear Danni?" I sat there with a very confused looking face. "Did you hear what I said to make Andi slap me?" Then it clicked. He's talking about when he told Andi he would ask me for sex because she wasn't giving any to him.

I looked up at him, I'm sure he saw the fire of hatred burning in my eyes. "Yes Todd, I heard everything." I said through gritted teeth. When I spoke those words something flashed in his eyes, something that looked like regret.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I would never do that, honestly, I love your sister too much to be with any other girl. I know I'm known as a player but when I found out Andi was my mate, it's like everything changed. Just thinking about any other girl makes me sick to my stomach." I wanted to believe him, I truly did but there was one little thing that was keeping me from doing that.

"Todd I want to believe you but if you loved Andi so much why did you flirt with me last night?" I watched his face turn from confused to understanding.

"That Danni, was because I liked you. I thought you were very pretty and I wanted to shake you up a bit so I laid the charm on thick. When I left the kitchen I was nearly to my bed room when another door opened and out came Andi. She sniffed the air and looked down the hallway straight at me. My wolf immediately called out 'mate' as did hers. I tried pressuring her into letting me mark her but she told me she was too tired so I told her to meet me tonight at the party."

I sat there remembering the conversation I "overheard" from last night and the story seems to make sense so I'm not going to question it any further. "I believe you. And I forgive you for what you said." He looked relieved for a second but quickly changed to a stern business type face.

"Now that that's over let's talk about your punishment for disobeying me when I told you to leave the clearing." I looked down in regret. "Danni you need to learn to listen, it might not seem like a big deal but once you get a mate and you disobey him, he most likely will punish you. If he turns out to be a alpha it will be worse. Since you didn't commit a crime your punishment will be something simple yet tasking." I sighed showing him I understand.

He sat there for a few minutes thinking of "punishments". Knowing my luck I'm going to have to run patrol or help in the nursery throughout the day. I'd rather run patrol. Don't get me wrong babies are cute and sweet but once they lay a bomb I'm out! If it was my baby I'd be fine but why would I want to take care of someone else's babies' poopy diapers? No thank you!

"Got it!" Todd jumped up and turned facing where I was sitting on the bed. "You will train the preteen wolfs how to track since you're one of our best trackers and teach on mates and the whole mating process." I gave him a pointed look.

"No! Heck no!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Dani do not tell me no, what I say goes."

"Todd, how do you expect me to teach them about the whole mating process when I don't even know half of it? Plus it's sure to be awkward talking about sex to a bunch of kids!" I exclaimed.

"You heard my command, so be it." With that he turned and walked to my door. Right before leaving he turned around with a smirk plastered on his face. "Oh, and make sure you read up on the mating process, your punishment starts tomorrow nine o'clock sharp. Your punishment will end when all the pups learn to track and learn the mating process."

With that he walked out and I swear I heard him chuckle after closing the door. I flicked my bedside lamp off and fell into a deep sleep automatically.


I woke up to the annoying beeping of my alarm clock, it read seven thirty, which gives me a hour and a half before training. I rush through my morning routine and head down stairs to a kitchen full of pack members. The chatter is dropped as soon as I'm spotted and I receive a few death glares. Don't get me wrong they don't physically abuse me but mentally I'm scarred.

When they say, "sticks and stone may brake my bones, but words will never hurt me." they lied, words hurt the worst.

I don't know why they acted so cruel but I tried my best to please everyone and make myself as small as possible. I hurriedly walked to the pantry and grabbed a packet of pop tarts and made my way to the training field. When I reached the field it was eight forty. Todd and about five kids were already there, deep in conversation.

"How many kids are suppose to show up?" I questioned Todd while eating my pop tarts.

"Twenty one in this class, at twelve they leave for lunch as do you, and then you have to be back here at one for your second class which will consist of twenty nine kids. Each class is three hours long, got it?" He asked with a knowing smirk that my day is going to be long.

"Got it." By the time Todd left all twenty one kids had arrived and sat down in a circle surrounding me. "Okay, so today I'm teaching you the art of tracking." A brown haired girl around the age of ten raised her hand. "A question already?"

"I thought only a werewolf that is blessed with the tracking gift is able to track, how are we suppose to learn something that's impossible without the gift?" For a ten year old she already knows a lot.

"You are half correct and half incorrect. A normal were' is able to track a scent as long as it's fresh, while a gifted were' is able to track a scent even if its a week old and has rained multiple times. Does everyone understand?" Every kid nodded their head, while a few hands shot up wanting to ask their own questions. "Um one last question before we start. You with the green eyes, what's you're question?"

A boy around the age of 13 with brown hair and deep brown eyes stood up and crossed his arms over his chest, reminding me of someone. "How do we find out if we're gifted and how exactly are you going to teach us to track?"

"Well, when you shift for the first time you will be put through a series of test. They determined that I was gifted in tracking when I tracked and found a piece of clothing material they hid three months prior to the test, none of the other wolfs could track any of the other hidden items. They wanted to see how good I really was so they sent me back out and I found every hidden item. Now training you to track is simple but today we are merely discussing the details and then learning about the mating process. Tomorrow all the training will be done." The boy nodded in understanding and sat back down. I looked around and noticed how quiet and intrigued every kid was.

I looked at my watch, it read ten, dang I lost a hour already. Time to get a move on. "Okay the basics of tracking; number one: When in human form all our senses are heightened twice as much as a normal human, but when we are in our wolf form they are heightened ten times as a normal human. Number two: No matter what form you're in you need to be able to recognize the smell of the trees, flowers, animals, and any other thing in your surrounding area. This way you can push those scents away and focus on the odd ball scent that you need to find. It's fairly simple."

A couple of kids raised their hands and asked easy question and I answered them to the best of my abilities. A few kids would brake out of conversation and bicker about nothing of importance every once in awhile. I had to get us back on the main topic a few times but after some harsh looks the kids quieted down and let me resume.

I made eye contact with every kid, making sure they understood. "Number three: Tracking isn't always about scents. Even the best of trackers need a backup plan if they somehow lose a scent, thus leaving us with tracks. Every creature leaves some kind of track, sometimes without even knowing it. A werewolf can tend to shed their fur along the brush that brushes against us when running. Some creatures leaves footprints, poop, and other clues as in the remains of their dinner, aka, dead corpses. All of these simple things help in tracking. Any questions?"

Either I didn't explain well enough or the kids can't take so much information at once, I don't know but either way half the kids looked constipated. Then another little boy with the cutest dimples raised his hand. "Yes?"

He stood up and fumbled with his hands looking nervous. "What if the the person that you're searching for doesn't have a scent?"

That's the silliest question I've ever heard but in no way would I say that to the little boy's face, afraid to see his cute dimples disappear. Everything and everyone has a certain scent, that way you can find your mate and they can find you, that's just how God intended it.

"Well, like I said if you can't find a scent look for tracks or other clues."

"But what if there is no clues? How could someone just disappear?" The little boy was thinking so hard little creases where created on his tiny forehead while his eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I asked very interested in what he had to say.

"I heard my dad talking about a rogue that was seen by many of our men when patrolling the border the other day. They said they all saw the rogue and it was huge, bigger than the Alpha king himself! They said since he was so big they don't believe he was a rogue after all. So they chased him but when they chased after him he vanished. They couldn't find a scent or any clues. My dad said they got some of the best trackers out looking for anything to point to this rogue but they've found nothing."

Why wasn't anyone told about this? Why didn't they ask me to help track, just like Todd said, I am one of the best trackers. And a better question is how did a rogue just disappear with no evidence of being here? Remembering where we were I checked my watch again. "Crap, we have thirty minutes to discuss mates and the mating process!" I said mostly to myself but the kids heard and some ewed while others (mostly the thirteen and fourteen year old boys) commented with perverted jokes.

Back to answering the little boys question, "To be honest I have no idea how that's possible. Maybe it was just shadows playing tricks on the men's eyes or maybe it's just a rumor that's being spread throughout the pack, but never really happened? Who knows, but I suggest you stay away from the border till it's all worked out." The little boy nodded his head and sat down, still dwelling on the answer.

"Okay, moving on, a mate is your soul mate. The other half of you. Without your other half you feel empty and alone. Wolfs mate for life. You can find your mate after your first shift. For a boy it's at the age of sixteen, for a girl it's at the age of eighteen. When you find your mate there is four steps to the mating process. First is the mark. The male will bite the female on the flesh between the shoulders and the neck. The second step is the ceremony. It's practically a wedding but for were wolfs. The third step is the mating, as in having sex. And the last step is reproducing. You have to have a baby. To be honest the whole mating thing is over after the sex part but to keep our blood lines alive and well, we need to have children, so the elders on the council added the last step to keep our kind flourishing."

I don't know why the last rule was added, because once the ceremony is finished and you mate for the first time you have a ninety-eight percent chance of getting pregnant. "Now to be truthful its very rare to find your true mate. Now days most just take someone they fall for and mate them, but every here and there a lucky soul finds its other half."

A girl about the age of fourteen raised her hand, I nodded telling her to speak. "How do you know who your true mate is and have you found yours?" And this was the part I was dreading. I haven't found my mate yet so I wasn't a hundred percent sure if what I was about to say was true or not, oh well. If this goes wrong it's Todd's fault, I warned him that I wasn't educated in this department and he blew it off.

"No, I haven't found my mate yet, so I couldn't tell you from my own experience but I can tell you from what others have said." The girl looked sad for some reason but I didn't have time to get into it right now, maybe at lunch time I could pull her aside. "They say when your mate is in the same area as you, you smell the most intoxicating scent you've ever smelt, they also say when you lock eyes with your mate everything, time itself, stops and its like only you and your mate exist. So technically it's likes love at first sight."

All the boys in the class agreed that the whole mating business was sissy-ish and appalling while the girls found it romantic. I looked down at my watch once again and saw that it was eleven fifty. "Well that's practically all the information I have for you today, any last questions?" No one moved so I took that as a no. "Okay then, tomorrow I will actually train you to catch a scent and then track it so wear something you can get dirty in, just in case. You're dismissed."

The girl who looked sad was making her way back towards the pack house so I called out to her, asking her if I could have a word with her real quick."Yes ma'am?" she asked, shocking me for a moment.

"Um, let's not call me ma'am, it makes me feel old, just call me Danni."

"Okay, you wanted to talk to me Danni?" She fidgeted nervously.

"Yes, I did. First off you're not in trouble so you can relax." I saw her visibly relax, her shoulders dropping back to their natural position. "When you asked me about meeting a mate you looked sad, I was just wondering if you're okay and if you wanted to talk about anything."

"I was just thinking about how you haven't found your mate yet and it made me sad." I guess she noticed the confused face I sported and continued to further explain. "I just realized that if someone like you hasn't found their mate yet, what chance do I have in finding mine." I was a bit hurt when she said 'Someone like you'. "I mean look at you, you're beautiful. You have the dark long hair, the greenest eyes, and to top it off you have the prettiest heart in the pack, even though half of them treat you badly. I have none of that."

She looked so sad at the moment it made me want to cry. I reached over and hugged her. "You listen and listen close. You are beautiful, so very beautiful and don't you dare let anyone tell you different. You meet your mate when the time is right, so who cares if I haven't found my mate yet? It just means the time isn't right yet. Believe me, God will place 'mister right' in your life at the perfect moment. Got it?" I winked at her and she smiled, nodding her head. "Now go to lunch before those boys eat it all."

She giggled and hugged me, thanking me for being so "awesome". I just laughed and hugged her back. She then ran off to the pack house. I felt a nudge in my head knowing that someone was trying to mind link me so I removed the invisible wall.

All pack members who have not found their mate need to meet in the conference room tonight at six sharp. Meeting is mandatory. Todd's voice boomed with raw alpha power that I've never felt from him before.

I called out to Andi through mind link, Andi why does Todd sound different, like a true alpha?

Danni, where have you been? Didn't you attend the pack meeting this morning? Todd's father gave the alpha position over to him since he finally found his mate.
Andi sounded different too. That's because I am now your luna.

Did she just read my mind? Sorry, I didn't mean to stay in your head like that, Todd told me alphas and lunas can do that but its rude and takes away people's privacy. He disapproves of it.

Oh, okay. Well thanks for the information.
With that I headed to the house for lunch.


The day past by slowly but I actually enjoyed the whole teaching thing. Okay, that's a lie, I hated the teaching part but I loved spending time with the younger kids. Unlike the rest of the pack, the kids enjoyed my company and treated me with respect.

I made my way back to my room to take a quick nap and freshen up before the meeting. Feeling much better and not as smelly, I checked my phone and noticed I had ten minutes to get down to the conference room. As I walked past my mirror I notice how ratty my hair looked from being out in the heat today, deciding it would be best to at least try to look decent, I grabbed a hair tie and put my long, tangled hair into a messy bun.

When I entered the conference room all eyes focused on me. "What did I do this time?" I jokingly whispered to myself, knowing that every everyone clearly heard my little remark.

"Danni it's nice of you to join us." Todd said making all eyes travel to him. "We will be starting in five minutes when the rest of us arrive." I looked around, spotting Andi I made my way towards her.

"What are you doing here? I thought only nonmated wolfs had to show up?" I asked.

Leaning over she whispered, "Yes, that's true but since I am now luna I have to attend all meetings." Must be hard being mated to an alpha, so much responsibility and pressure, I don't think I could do it. I guess that's why she was the twin mated to an alpha and not me.

"Good evening." Todd spoke causing the whole room to go into an abrupt silence. " As some of you know the alpha king's son, Jace, has returned from his studies aboard. The king is ready to hand His son the position of king, but wants Jace to find his mate first. Being alpha and the king of alphas at that, the king is impatient and has come up with a solution in finding his son's mate."

A few whispers where heard throughout the room. Some of the females giggled with the though of being queen. "Can't you imagine being queen!" One girl squealed. "You would be envied by all other girls. Think of the riches, the power, and Jace himself!"

She's right, it would be amazing to have all those things, well I cant say that about the prince since I've never even set my eyes upon him, but she's forgetting one tiny thing. The responsibility to lead, not only a pack, but every pack! I, for one, would never be able to handle the pressure, but whoever ends up being the mate of the prince will have been born with the potential, that's just how it works.

"The given solution is simple, the king has created a "game" to help the male population find a mate, true mate or not. The game is held in the deepest part of the forest within the palace walls."

A game? Is the king serious? This is going to be good, note the sarcasm.

"The females will be released a hour before the males, giving the females time to run and find a place to bunker down. The males, after being released will chase after which ever female he chooses. When a male finds a suitable mate for him he must keep her safe and out of the reach of other males. If another male wants the female for himself he must challenge the first male. There is no killing, You just have to make the opposing male submit to you, once he submits to you, you win the female, but still have to keep other males away."

Wait, rewind. Did he seriously just say, 'you win the female.'? What are we, a prize?

"Excuse me alpha." I called out, raising my hand in showing respect.

"Yes, Danni?" Todd had a 'you better not make a scene' emotion plastered on his face. Boy, was I going to make a scene!

"You said the conquering male wins the female?" I raised one eye brow and crossed my arms over my chest, putting all my weight on one leg.

"Yes, You are correct, I did in fact say that."

"So you're implying that we, as females, are just prizes, that we are just possessions you males can win? I am no ones possession, and I will not be treated like some trophy!"

"Danni, I did not mean it like that. These are not my words, I am only reading from the letter the king sent to each pack. If you have a problem with the rules or statements I suggest you keep them to yourself. I'm sure the king wont be pleased with your opinions, do I make myself clear?"

I was fuming but I know my place and I was reminded by all the glares I received in the past two minutes of talking. "I understand." I might have lost this battle but I will win the war. It was simple, I just wont participate in the games.

"Now back to what I was saying, the male has to keep the female safe and away from other males til the game ends. We will arrive at the palace Sunday morning and sign everyone in and get situated. The game begins the very next day when the full moon is at its brightest, midnight, and will end by the next full moon, which will be a month from then. Last but not least the game is mandatory, every non-mated wolf must participate!"

Great, just great, now I lost the war.



This chapter was mostly a filler and information you needed to know about tracking and mates. Then the introduction of the games! I know it's not action packed but that is coming in the next few chapters.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if so vote comment and fan :) I appreciate it! Feel free to express your thoughts in the commenting area haha :) Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this, bless you!

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