Till Death Do Us Part

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Dedicated to one of my greatest friends! bmassey4, thanks for all the encouragement! I hope you enjoy this chapter :) love ya girl!


After a bit of begging and a few kisses, Jace agreed to going to Lauren and Brittany's ceremony. Both ceremonies were beautiful. While Lauren's was the more traditional type, Brittany's was creative and unique. After both ceremonies we danced and had fun. Jace had fun as well but was more alert and on guard than anything. We had over thirty guards with us and he still stayed right beside me the whole time.

The past two months had been nothing but pure bliss and happiness. Jace is all I could have ever hoped for. Not only is he a gentleman but he's a true prince charming. I've attended multiple meeting with him and other alphas, and while the other alphas would lose their calm, Jace was nothing but cool and collective. Thomas is practically my dad now.

Since I wasn't allowed to leave the palace unless Jace or the guards were with me, I spent a lot of my time with him, getting to know him better. Maria, Maggie, and Suzzie are the best of friends. They are also the biggest trouble makers in the palace. For older women they sure act like young teenagers.

"Danni! What are you smiling about?" Brittany asked.

"I bet she's thinking of Jace and what's going to happen tomorrow night." Lauren teased, making me blush.

"No, actually I was thinking of all the trouble Maria, Maggie, and Suzzie have gotten into the past two months." I laughed. The girls laughed with me, knowing exactly what I meant.

"So are you nervous?" Lauren asked.

"Why would I be nervous?"

"She means your ceremony is tomorrow and every pack is going to be here to see their new queen! Doesn't that make you nervous at all?" Brittany questioned.

"Maybe a little, but Jace will be right there so I'll be okay, he'll calm my nerves." The girls smiled at each other and then at me. "What?" I asked.

"You're going to be a wonderful queen Danni." Brittany said.

"Yes, you and Jace will rule great together, both of you are powerful yet hold love for your people."

"Thanks guys, it means a lot." I smiled. A clash was heard in the kitchen. "Remind me why you too picked to have a slumber party in the sitting room."

"Hello, it's the closest room to the kitchen and farthest floor from yours and Jace's floor." Lauren laughed.

"Let's go see what the troublesome three are up to." I laughed.

We walked to the kitchen and gasped when we entered it. "What happened in here?" Brittany asked with wide eyes.

The walls and counter tops were splattered with a sticky, thick substance that looked like chocolate chip cookie dough. I walked in and saw the culprits sitting on the floor, covered in mustard and ketchup. "Ladies." I spoke calmly. Maggie and Suzzie looked up with a sheepish smile, holding bottles of ketchup. Maria sat there holding holding two bottles of mustard and quickly hid them behind her back.

"They started it!" Maria called out, pointing in the sister's direction. A slice of meat fell from the ceiling. I looked up to see slices of meat stuck to the ceiling.

"That was her idea!" The sisters called out, also looking up at the meat. Lauren, Brittany, and I laughed.

"What are you three doing on the floor? I asked.

"Well, after throwing the cookie dough we started to clean it up from the floor. Maggie slipped and fell." Suzzie spoke.

"And when Suzzie came to help me up, she slipped and fell too." Maggie finished.

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