Information Overload

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Choking on my own spit, I began to cough and gasp for air. Jace lightly patted me on the back. "Dad!" He laughed out. The king laughed as well. I recovered and took a drink from my whine glass that only held water.

"What? I just want grand babies." He muttered. I smiled up at him and he returned the smile. "So I'm guessing your little mate was the one you ran after the other night during dinner with all the alphas." Thomas commented with a smirk. I looked at Jace shocked. Everyone knows that it is highly disrespectful to interrupt an alpha, but to interrupt multiple alphas is defiantly a death wish. Jace saw my reaction and probably heard my thoughts.

"Yes, it was Danni I went after that night." He said facing his father he turned more now facing me. "The night I found Jeffery and you in the woods." He explained. I thought back to that night. That was the second time I ever saw Jace in human form. He came running through the trees with a lethal look upon his face. Right then I should have known he wasn't just there as my king but as my mate.

"Danni, let me tell you how worked up he was." Thomas chuckled. "We were just sitting there and out of no where Jace and I hear you scream. Jace jumped up, causing his chair to clash to the ground, causing all the alphas to jump up in alert mode." The king laughed once more. His laugh was a kind gentle one that made you want to join in. I smiled and felt Jace's heated gaze. I looked to my right and saw love and adoration cross his face. I dropped my hand down under the table to grab his, lightly squeezing it.

"Anyways after he left we all just sat there and resumed eating. Then one alpha spoke up, I believe it was Reggie, Mike's father." At the mention of Mike I became a bit sick to my stomach. Which reminded me, I need to ask Jace what happened with Mike. "He asked if I knew what that was about. I predicted it was your mate so they all understood your sudden departure."

"Thank you, we wouldn't want a war to start just because I left the dinner table, now would we?" Jace laughed.

Dinner flew by with small talk and laughter. I never knew King Thomas was such a funny man. We also planned out our ceremony, which is to be held on the first of March, when the winter has ended and spring begans. The ceremony is going to be held outside in the garden and then the dance afterwards would be held in the ballroom. After dinner we said goodnight to Thomas, Maggie, and Suzzie, and headed to bed.


While changing into my sleepwear, which consisted of cotton shorts and one of Jace's shirts, I began to ponder on certain thoughts. I walked out of the bathroom and joined Jace on the bed. He was sitting there reading a small book. "What are you reading?" I asked, leaning over to see for myself. He pulled me closer to his side and closed the book to show me the front cover.

Surprisingly, it was the book I checked out from the library. "Maggie and Suzzie brought it here when they took all your clothes from your pack." He explained. "The real question is why does my little mate have the book?" He smiled down at me.

My cheeks warmed at the question. "Well, I was curious about you. I mean, I was curious about the mysterious black wolf that I kept bumping into." I lightly elbowed him in the side. "You had no scent and I wondered why, so I checked out the book and read up on the gifts, sadly I didn't actually get to read a lot."

"Checking up on me huh?" He chuckled. "Hiding my scent is a shield type gift. It protects me from being found when I'm in danger. Danni I have to ask you something." His tone changed to a more serious tone.

"Okay, ask away."

"Do you know why I have your powers?" He asked.

"What do you mean? You won't get my powers till we have have the ceremony and mate."

"That's what I thought until today. Danni, I had a meeting with some alphas today and in the mist of two of them arguing I silently wished they would stop. Suddenly I had a compromise come to mind and when I spoke it they calmed. It wasn't normal at all. They agreed and then acted like best friends."

"I honestly have no idea how that's possible. Maybe we should ask your father about this. He knows a lot more about mates and my powers than I do."

"Thats a good idea. We will ask him tomorrow, let's get some sleep." He lightly kissed my forehead and laid down, getting comfortable. After turning the lights off, I followed suit and covered up, snuggling up to Jace.

"Hey Jace."

"Hm?" He mumbled.

"What happened to Mike?" I asked. If I wasn't so aware of every inch of Jace I wouldn't have noticed how fast he tensed up. "Jace?" Slowly he turned to face me. It was dark but with the moonlight coming through the huge window I saw everything I needed to. Terror filled his eyes and I began to panic. "Jace where is Mike?"

"Dan, he disappeared. The officials, the council, even dad and I searched everywhere for him. No one can seem to find him. There's a warrant for his capture. The second anyone sees him they are to inform us." My heart began to pound in my chest. I grabbed it praying for it to not explode. "Doll, calm down. You're safe. I have twenty men watching over you all the time. There's no way he could get to you. Do you understand?" One hand grabbed the hand that was clutching my chest while his other hand grabbed my chin.

I nodded slowly. "Why weren't they with me today?" I asked with a shaky breath.

He laughed lightly. "They are trained to be invisible, literally, to even the best tracker. They were with you the whole time." With that news I relaxed.

"Wait so are they with us right now?" I looked around the dark room.

"No, silly. They are outside in the lobby though." He smiled. "I'll introduce you all soon." I smiled at him and he returned it while pulling me even closer. Within minutes I fell asleep.


When I woke it was only five in the morning. I looked over to see Jace still fast asleep. He hadn't shaved in a couple of days so his face was colored with dark scruffy hair. To be honest it made him even sexier. I laid there trying to fall back to sleep but my mind wouldn't shut down.

Everything that has happened with Mike, and Jace having my powers were running through my head. I still haven't asked Jace if Maria could move in and I haven't even asked about Lauren and Brittany's ceremonies. Seeing that I couldn't go back to sleep I pushed the covers off me.

As stealthy as I could be, I climbed out of the bed and threw on some slippers. Quietly I opened the door, I was expecting to see men in the lobby area but it was empty. I sniffed the air, wondering if I could smell them. It smelled clean but if I really concentrated hard I could smell a bit of coffee.

Deciding to tease them I walked over to the bar area and picked up the coffee pot. It was half full and still warm but not nearly enough to actually burn me. I grabbed a mug from the cabinet and went to pour me a cup. I grabbed a magazine and pretended to read it while I poured the coffee. Purposely I filled the mug to the rim and kept pouring till it ran over the side and onto the cabinet. "Crap!" I called out. I was hoping to hear a laugh or have someone stop me from over pouring.

I dropped the magazine and began to clean up the mess. "You know, one of you could help me with this. I mean what if I had burned myself?" I asked out loud. I waited for an answer but none came. I huffed and threw away the wet napkins I had used to clean the mess up. A thought came to me and I laughed to myself. "I wonder what Jace would have done if I had gotten burnt while under your watch." I said casually. A laughed sounded from across the bar.

"Ha! I knew I wasn't alone." A man appeared in front of me, making me jump. "A warning would have been great!" I gasped holding my chest. The man in front of me laughed again. He had blonde hair and rich brown eyes. He was around six feet tall and had a large built. He wore a black shirt, black pants, and black shoes, looking every bit of the part for a royal guard.

"Sorry." He laughed. "Jacen's order was to not be seen, I guess we just figured that meant from you too."

"It's okay. What's your name?" I asked, he raised an eyebrow in question. "I'm not telling Jace that you let me burn myself, I was just trying to get a rise out of one of you. Plus I would never lie to Jace." My answer seemed to be enough as he sat down and relaxed a bit.


"Hello Alec! It's nice to meet as least one of you!" I said looking around the room. This made Alec laugh. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking."

"I don't mind princess." He chirped happily. "I am twenty five."

"Oh, just call me Danni, I don't like princess." Alec laughed again. "You're younger than I thought. Are all of you that young?"

"No, I am the youngest. The oldest is what, thirty five?" He asked looking to his right.

"I'm only thirty two." Another voice said.

I laughed. Alec gave me a weird look. "Don't you find it funny that you're talking to "no one" yet someone answers you back? He thought about it then snorted.

"I see what you mean. Anyways why are you up so early?" He asked, making his own cup of coffee.

"I don't know, I just woke up and had a lot on my mind so I came out here."

"Danni?" A worried yet sleepy Jace came barging our of the room. He searched around the room, when his gaze landed on me he released a breath and relaxed. "I thought something happened to you." He said walking towards me. "I see you've met Alec." He smiled.

"Yes, he has been keeping me company, unlike the rest of them." I said and then stuck my tongue out playfully and looked all around the room. A chorus of male laughter rang throughout the room, making me smile.

"More like, she's been keeping us company." Alec chuckled. I playfully glared at him.

"You want to go talk to my father now?" Jace asked.

"Sure, but let's get out of our pjs and change into real clothes first." I replied.


We met with his father in the dinning room as we ate our breakfast. "So what did you two want to ask me?" Thomas asked.

"Dad, I have Danni's powers and we haven't mated yet. That's not normal, is something wrong?" Jace asked.

"No, nothing's wrong son. Danni do you remember meeting me when you were younger?" I nodded. "Do you remember what I told you about your powers?"

"You told me to hide my powers till I found my mate because it wouldn't be safe for me. I did that." I replied.

"Yes, I see. What else did I tell you?"

"That my power would become stronger when I mated with my mate?" It came out sounding more like a question. He chuckled.

"No, I said when you meet your mate you powers would become even more powerful. Since you two are mates he gets your power as you his. Now you can hide your scent and if you haven't noticed, you are a lot stronger than you were. I'm not entirely sure why it happened before you two mated but I have a hypothesis." He stopped and took a bite out of a muffin. Jace shifted in his seat impatiently.

"Dad!" Jace whined. "What's your hypothesis?" Thomas chuckled and swallowed his food before continuing.

"I'm guessing since Danni is from an alpha family with such strong powers and you are to be king, with a family background of kings and queens of extraordinary power, that when you claimed her you two instantly formed a mating bond."

"What's a mating bond?" I asked leaning forward.

"Mating bonds are very rare, happens maybe once every five hundred years. It's practically when the two wolfs of mates are so content with each other that even before the human side completes the mating, the wolfs are already bonded together. If your wolfs really did create a mating bond, you will be able to see what your mate sees, no matter the distance in between the two. Of course it will take practice."

I looked over at Jace to see what he thought about it, but his eyes were closed and forehead wrinkled in concentration. I felt a tiny nudge in my head alerting me that Jace wanted in. I opened my mind up to him. 'What are you doing?' I asked Jace.

'Shh babe, I'm trying to work this.' I huffed.

'I'm not a machine, Jace. I'm sure I could help you out though. Let me try something.' I looked at Jace and studied him, concentrating on pushing my view of him into his head. As I studied him I lost focus. Studying him left my mind as I openly began to check out my mate.

He wore dark jeans that fit perfectly, showing the muscles in his thighs. His shirt was a fitted white t-shirt that hugged his body, defining the muscles that hid underneath. My gaze traveled to his face. His jaw, now shaved, was strong and defined. His cheek bones were hard yet soft at the same time. I am so glad this man is mine. I thought to myself. His eyes were now open and looking at me with love. The blues were the most electric blue I've ever seen.

I realized Thomas and him were watching me with fascination. My face heated up and I looked away from Jace. "Well, from Danni's point of view I'd say I look sexy." My head snapped around to look at Jace. He had the biggest smirk in his face. "It worked!" He laughed.

"Really?" I asked now excited.

"Really!" He smiled and pulled me close. Leaning over he whispered in my ear, "I'm glad you're mine too, doll." I felt my face heat up again but I didn't care, I looked up and smiled at him.

Thomas cleared his throat and snapped us out of our little world. "Now every mating bond is different so you might be able to other things too, but we won't know till later. I suggest you too practice with every gift you have, get them down to perfection." Thomas looked at his watch and his eyes became wide. "Oh my, I am late for a meeting. See you kids later." With that he walked out the dinning room and left us alone.

"Jace I have a favor to ask." I sat there, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Sure, anything." He replied. I was right to go with the innocent look. I smiled inwardly.

"Well, I left behind one of my best friends, she's like my second mother. I was wondering if she could move in here."

"What's here name?" He asked.

"Maria." I stated.

"Okay." My head shot up. Jace was smiling down at me.

"Really?" I shouted. Jace nodded and laughed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I shot out of my chair and jumped on him. He kissed me and I returned it. Before it got to serious I pulled back. I ran my fingers through his hair and rested my hands at the back of his neck, lightly playing with his hair.

"Jace can I ask you something else?"

He smirked. "Buttering me up for a tough question, I see." He chuckled. I nodded.

"So...can we go to Lauren and Brittany's mating ceremony?" I asked pulling out the puppy dog eyes.



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