Hunters & Pups

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Danni's POV


Jace led me to a huge garage filled with expensive vehicles. I looked at them in awe. I might not know a lot about cars but I know a beauty when I see one. "How do you choose from all these?" I asked befuddled.

Jace chuckled and boy, was it sexy. "I usually just stick to one, a limo." I looked at him with confusion. "I just got home a week ago and I haven't went anywhere except when visiting other territories to discuss news and laws with other alphas, therefore I take the limo with my father. The other times I go out, I usually just shift to my wolf. Does this answer your question?" He smiled.

"Yes." I laughed. "So how will you decide today?"

"Hmm, why don't you pick!" He suggested. I looked up at him, surprise clearly written on my face.

"Okay, what about this one?" I asked, pointing to a beat up, paint peeling off, old Chevy, single bed pickup truck. It was probably the oldest of them all. No gloss, no personalized rims or interior, and no lifts, just a normal everyday farm truck.

Jace looked stunned to see this as my choice. "Really?" He asked. I nodded and walked over to the passenger side, waiting for him to unlock it. "Finally someone sees the beauty in my baby!" He exclaimed. I raised a brow at this. "My father hates her, calls her a rust bucket. Clearly she's not!" I laughed. He grabbed a set of keys from a metal box which held the rest of the keys for the remaining vehicles. After unlocking and opening my door for me, we climbed in and drove off towards the blue moon's pack territory.

It had been a good twenty minutes since entering the truck. I giggled to myself as he rambled on about the truck and how loyal it has been. Apparently he got the truck for his fifteenth birthday present and has had her ever since. He also told me about the times he wrecked it when he first was learning to drive and how his friends egged it and wrote funny sayings on the windows.

We laughed about silly things and acted as if we've known each other for forever. It was like we had a bond. Thinking this through I became curious. "Jace?" I asked and he turned to look at me and then faced back towards the road.

"Danni?" Jace mimicked.

"I was just thinking and I realized I barely met you this morning, yet it seems as if I've known you my whole life." I paused looked out my window, trying to find something to take interest in. "Why do I feel like there's a bond between us?" For unknown reasons I blushed and kept looking out the window.

When he never answered I peeked over at him. He looked like he had been caught with his hand in a cookie jar. He parked the truck making me take notice that we've arrived at the Blue Moon's pack house. I looked back at him. As if feeling my stare he turned to face me. His face quickly changed to a smile. "Because I am your future king, I believe it's just the loyal bond taking affect on you and your wolf." I don't know why, but my wolf was saddened by his answer.

"Oh, makes sense. Well I guess I'll see you later." I said while climbing out of the old truck, saddened a bit myself.

"If I didn't have things to do I would have loved to spend more time with you."

I turned around to face him. "Th-that's too bad then." I said a bit happier he wanted to spend more time with me. "Thanks again for tonight." With that I closed the door and made my way to the front door.

"Danni!" I turned around to see Jace leaning over to the passenger side window, wearing a smirk. "I wonder how your so called "mate" would feel about our kiss." He winked and pulled out the drive. My jaw dropped. He knew. This whole time Jace knew I lied to him about having a mate and never said anything, I wonder why.

I quickly jogged up to my room to change out of this dress. Finding some sweat pants I threw them and a loose shirt on. Yawning, I made my way to the bed. Laying there I thought back to the kiss. Even though I've only been kissed twice, his kiss was magical. I thought back, the feel of his lips, his tongue caressing mine, the warmth that flowed off him, and the way he held me as if he never wanted to let go. Magical, yep, that's the only way I could describe it.

I would never in a million years dream of kissing the prince and tonight I did not just that, but I practically "feeled" him up. It's like I had no control when we kissed. Automatically I started to compare Ryan's kiss with Jace's. When I kissed Ryan I felt butterflies, but with Jace...Forget the butterflies, I felt a fricken zoo inside me. It was like all the animals went haywire and were trying to escape their cages.

Thinking about Jace's question I realized something terrible. Jace knew I lied to him about having a mate but did he even realize Jeffery could be put to death tomorrow for something he really wasn't guilty of? Guilt washed over me, making my stomach roll in discomfort. I don't want innocent blood on my hands, heck I don't want any blood on my hands. As the last peacekeeper alive it just doesn't sit well with me. Trying to ignore the sickening feeling I fell into a dark sleep.

"It's your fault." I turned around in the bed and saw Jeffery standing in my door way. Suddenly his skin turned a grey shade with purple around his eyes and on his lips. A bullet lodged into his forehead. His finger nails filled with dirt while slowly decaying. "I'm dead because you lied! It's your fault!" He screamed while pointing a decayed finger in my direction. I jolted up breathing heavily.

Jumping off the bed I ran into the closet to find some running shoes. After slipping them on and placing my hair in a bun, I made my way downstairs and out the back door. A run always did me good when trying to clear my head. One of my favorite activities were running but mostly at night time. Something about the moonlight and peacefulness of the woods made running even more comforting.

I ran and ran and after that I ran some more. I couldn't get the image of a dead Jeffery out of my head. I didn't realize I was crying till I felt the wetness splash against my forearm. My sight started to blur. Realizing I just passed my pack's border line and am now on human forest territory, I stopped, leaning against a nearby tree. I turned to face it placing my forehead against the trunk. The floodgates opened and the tears poured out.

I wept for a man that tried to forcefully claim me just a few hours ago an he's not even dead yet. Why am I the one feeling guilty? I cried a few more minutes till soft fur rubbed against my arm, instantly calming me down. I turned to see the black wolf. He had a worried expression masking his face. 'Why are you crying?' He asked, laying down. His once deep voice was now softer than velvet. It sounded familiar but I couldn't place where I'd heard it at. I sat down beside him grabbing his head and placing it in my lap

"I've done something terrible." I cried. He looked confused.

'What do you mean?'

I told him how Jeffery might die tomorrow because of a lie I told the prince. I told him all the events of the night except for the kiss I shared with Jace. "How can I live with innocent blood on my hands?" I asked out loud. "If I do find my mate in the games tomorrow will he accept me as a murderer?" I questioned.

'If it were I, I would accept you. But you don't have to worry about any of that. I will fix it.' He said while rubbing his head against my hand.

"How can you fix it?" I asked.

'I'll talk to the prince, I'll explain everything.' Instantly the burden lifted off my shoulders. I ran my fingers through his midnight colored fur, making him purr. I started to giggle causing him to huff.

I wonder how your "mate" would feel about our kiss. Jace's voice rang through my head. I frowned and subconsciously stopped rubbing the wolf. How would my mate feel if he had seen the passionate kiss I shared with Jace? How would he feel if he knew just how much I liked this black wolf, a wolf I didn't even know? Question after question entered my head causing me to internally whimper. Apparently the wolf laying in my lap caught on to my miserable state.

"I kissed the prince!" I blurted out. The wolf looked up at me, cocking his head to the side. "I kissed the prince tonight and it was amazing! The thing is, I like you very much and I feel like there is a bond between us but also between me and Jace. He says it's just a loyal bond but I don't know. I'm suppose to be waiting for my mate yet here I am with two different people not knowing what the heck is going on and why I feel all these things that make no sense! I feel like one of those pack sluts. Am I slut?" I asked in one breath.

The wolf growled and sat up. 'No. Don't ever think that way about yourself. You're no slut. Tomorrow you will sign up for the games and Monday night you will find your mate. He will love you unconditionally and all these worries will magically disappear. I promise.' The calming sensation rested upon me once again and all my worries dissolved.

"You really believe that?" I looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity in them. He nodded his head. Hugging him, I thanked him. "Thank you for everything." I yawned. In a "your welcome" gesture he licked me and smiled. It looked quite creepy coming from a wolf. I laid down and turned on my side, facing the wolf. In return he walked closer and laid down beside me.

We laid there and just stared at each other. After a while a cold front blew in, making me shiver. It was the first week of November and soon the snow would come and blanket the green grass. Seeing me shiver the wolf inched closer to me. I felt his warmth radiating off him, inviting me in. With no hesitation I wrapped my arm around his mid section and cuddled closer. Within seconds I felt my eyelids grow heavy and slowly close. Before falling unconscious I felt his muzzle softly caress my cheek.

I was enjoying the deep peaceful sleep I was in until I heard gun fire. I bolted up, chilled to the bone and clothes soaked. I realized I was still on the Human territory from last night. The sky was a light purple and pink color with a few shades of yellow and orange. According to the sun it was about six o'clock in the morning. The cold front from last night must have brought in a bit of snow because the ground was littered with the white material.

Being in human form it would take me a good while to get home plus freezing from the wet clothes I wore wouldn't be too comfortable. I should have shifted last night before falling asleep. Looking around I noticed the wolf was gone and suddenly I grew sad. He didn't even say goodbye. My wolf howled in hurt. I ignored her and shifted to my wolf form. Her thick fur coat keeps me warm from the chilly wind. I looked down at my ripped clothes and sighed. Those sweat pants were my favorite pair.

I heard the cocking of a gun and looked up to see a hunter about a mile away aiming straight for me. Realizing I spotted him, he slowly raised his gun to his eye level. I took a step back ready to run but suddenly the cocking of another gun made me freeze. A few feet away from the first man stood another man. I might be able to dodge one man's bullets but two? Not a chance. Suddenly the black wolf stepped out of the brush behind me and trots up to me, licking my muzzle in a kissing manor.

One man cooed while the other just stared. Surprising not only me but the hunters as well, the wolf then walked around to my other side to where the men could see his actions and rubbed his head against my belly wagging his tail. The man that cooed clicked a button on the side of his gun and set it down against a tree. Most likely it was the safety button. "Look at that Jim!" The cooing man said to the other, who must be named Jim. "The white one is carrying pups and the black one must be the father."

"Dang nab it! I wanted her pelt. She's a beauty, huh?" Jim said in a country accent. "If only she wasn't carrying pups. What about the black one? Wanna take him?" Him asked while raising his gun, aiming in our direction once again.

Quickly thinking, I stood in front of the black wolf blocking the man's shot. Rubbing against him, I mimicked his actions and began to lick his muzzle. "Jim, leave em' be!" The first man shouted causing us to turn towards them.

"Fine. Just know you owe me a hunting trip." Jim said. The two men grabbed the guns and walked away engaging in conversation. After listening to their retreating steps to were I couldn't hear them any longer I turned to the black wolf. Raising an eyebrow.

'What?' He laughed.

'Do I really look pregnant?' I asked, seriously curious. I looked down at my belly.

He chuckled. 'No, you don't look pregnant. He only thought that because of my actions. You see the male wolf knows when his mate is carrying pups. The male will know before anyone, even the momma. So when I rubbed against your stomach he assumed I was doing it to comfort you and the babies.'

'But I'm not pregnant.' I said.

This time he laughed a full out belly laugh. 'Yes, I know you're not pregnant. I can smell you're still a virgin. But the hunters don't know that, they just assumed. It was an act to protect you.' He explained.

'Oh. Well thank you and let's not talk about how you smell me, that's weird and quite nasty.' I said scrunching up my face in disgust. This caused him to laugh once again.

'You're very welcome, and thank you for your actions too.' He winked and licked his mouth, which was quite a funny view in wolf form. I blushed realizing he was thanking me for kissing him. 'Come on, I'll walk you to your pack's border.' He offered and I followed him. Flanking behind him, I watched as his muscles flexed and taunt me in ways that made me squirm.

If this wolf's form is this delicious just imagine what his human form looks like! My wolf internally drooled. Entertaining the thought but not commenting back, I rolled my eyes.

'If I'm delicious now, I'm sure she'll find me irresistible later.' The wolf spoke through my head.

Stopping mid stride I asked, 'Were you listening to my thoughts?' He stopped and turned to me.

'Of course not!' He smiled. I raised a wolfish eyebrow and cocked my head to the side. 'Your wolf just pushed the thought at mine.'

'That little hussy!' I exclaimed. This made him send a deep chuckle through the link. Oh how I loved that chuckle!

'So are you ready for tomorrow?' He asked. I sighed and shook my head.

'I'm scared. I don't want to end up with someone crazy or abusive, you know?' I replied. You mean someone who's not like him? My wolf questioned me. Even though she was right I would never admit that out loud.

'I understand, I mean you're practically signing your life over today and tomorrow you'll find your mate, true or not.' He paused, turning around and taking a few steps closer, leaving us only a couple of inches between us. 'But don't worry, I'm sure everything's going to be fine.'

'Yeah.' I said, not totally confident in his words. 'So what about you? Are you nervous or scared about this thing?'

He huffed and puffed out his chest. 'Me? Nervous or scared? Nope!' I laughed and nudged him out of the way and walked passed him to resume the travel home.

'Sorry! I forgot that the big bad wolf isn't scared of anything!' I said mockingly.

He quickly resumed walking and caught up to me, taking lead once again. 'Well there is one thing I'm scared of.' He smirked.

'And what might that be?' I asked wagging my tail.

'I can't tell you, it's a secret!' He wiggled his nonexistent wolf eyebrows, causing a giggle to escape from me.

'Really? Come on. I can keep a secret, I promise I can!' I pleaded with him. He looked to be in deep thought for awhile, making me assume he would end up walking into a tree but before that was possible he looked at me with a sly smirk.

'How about we make a deal?' He asked. I cocked my head to the side in a curious gesture.

'Im listening.'

'Tomorrow night when the game starts I will come and find you and you'll let me claim you. After I claim you, I'll let you in on my secret fear.'

'Let you claim me just so I can know your little secret? No way buddy! I want more out of this deal.' I said playfully wagging my tail in a joking manor. Truthfully I was jumping in joy thinking about him claiming me. I know he'll treat me right, there's no doubt about that.

'What more do you need?' He laughed. 'Not only are you getting my darkest secret but you'll have me as a mate!' He smiled cheekily.

Deciding to play with him a bit I walked passed him and rubbed my tail across his face. 'And what if I don't want you as my mate?'

Surprising me, a deep growl emitted from him as he stepped in front of me. He looked a bit angry but mostly hurt. 'You don't want me as a mate?' He mumbled, a growl following. His wolf was the one who was mad, the man inside was the hurt one.

'I was playing! I'll take your deal but first you need to calm your wolf down and don't you dare growl at me again.' I said firmly. He lowered his head in shame.

'I apologize for my wolf's behavior. He's on edge with this whole mating game.' I smiled to myself but I guess he caught it. 'What? Why are you smiling like that?'

'So you are nervous!' I exclaimed. We had started walking once again. He huffed.

'I'm not nervous, well I am but not for reasons you think.'

'Why are you nervous? You can trust me.' I said, following behind him checking out his backside. What's gotten into you! Stop eye raping him! I said to my wolf. Excuse me? That is not me, that's all you hunny. She said with a chuckle.

We had arrived at my pack's border line, in unison we stopped and looked at each other. He sat down and I followed suit. 'I'm nervous for you.' He said finally breaking the silence.

'For me? What do you mean?' He looked down at his paws and back at me.

'I'm worried someone else will get to you before I can.' Hearing this my stomach tightened up. I felt the urge to comfort him. I stood and made my way closer to him.

'I won't let that happen and neither will you.' I said while rubbing against him. Instantly his wolf began to purr. I giggled and licked his cheek. 'I got to go now.' He whined like a puppy making me giggle even more. 'You're too cute when you act like a pup.'

'First off I'm not cute, handsome yes! Cute? No. Secondly, I am no pup.' He stood up and circled around me. I stood up and watched him carefully. He continued to circle around me but this time when reaching the position directly behind me he nipped my tail, making me yelp and pull my tail between my back legs.

He chuckled and circled again. This time nipping at my backside. I yelped and turned to face him. 'Hey, mister! Don't touch my bum! I will bite back.' I warmed, only receiving a laugh from him.

'I am no pup, I am a man. Remember that love.' He smirked and licked my cheek. Playfully I nipped at his muzzle. 'I like the feisty side of you love, it's quite cute.' I rolled my eyes but smiled at him. 'Get going, you have a long day ahead of you.'

Nodding, I ran towards the pack house only looking back to see him staring at my backside. 'Pervert!' I laughed. He shook his head, laughing, and disappeared through the trees. Quickly I shifted and grab a pair of clothes from a hollow tree.

Upon entering my room I noticed a dark figure standing in the middle of the room. I reached over and flipped the switch on only to grasp in fright. "Wha-what are you doing here?"



Sorry for the delay! I hate being sick:( anyways the next chapter is the start of the games!! Who is ready!!!

So who knows the M.B.W's one and only fear? The first person to guess it right will get the next chapter dedicated to them! Of course if you want a dedication you have to be following me so make sure you are, other wise I can't dedicate to you.

And who do you think is in Danni's room?

Next chapter = 15votes 10 comments!!

Bless your face! If you sneezed while reading this bless you!

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