Chat Noir × Reader

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( hey guys this is my first x reader please let me know what you guys think, i will add more onto the one-shots may add parts if it is needed)

(Y/N) your name
(F/D) favorite drink
(F/C) favorite colour
(E/C) eye colour
(H/S) hairstyle
(H/L) hair length 
(H/C) hair colour
(S/C) skin colour

- (Y/N) view -

The day slowly faded away as i spent my time at school, Adrien had been ignoring me for a while, as i sat in my chair with a pen in my mouth as i thought, when i looked at the board in class i hadn't noticed everyone had left and the last bell had gone, since it was Friday Adrien had fencing, i soon came out of my day dreams having my pen fall onto the ground

"Its already home time!?" I yelled, i grabbed my (F/C) bag and put my stuff away and picked my pen up as i quickly rushed out the door, i run down the staircase of school and trapped on the last step, i closed my eyes expecting to hit the ground but i felt arms around me and my face in someone's chest, i open my eyes and looked up, i was meet with green eyes, my (E/C) eyes looked back into his until i stepped back into reality, i stood up and smiled awkwardly at him, as i rubbed my head.

"Thanks for the save Adrien, i guess my clumsiness hasn't gone away" i said with a laugh at the end

"No worries, just try and be more careful " he said letting me go, i nodded

"I will, but i got to go, i was day dreaming in class for far to long haha" i said and started walking away

"Stay safe" he yelled as i rushed out of the school, i slowly slowed down and then came to a stop my (H/L) (H/C) fringe fell over my eyes, as i moved it behind my ear and looked around

"I...i haven't been to this part of Pairs before" i looked around holding my bag close, it was a little run down but nothing to the point it would scare me, when i stopped i saw a old abandoned warehouse "this looks interesting" i said to myself as i entered

- Chat Noir view -

I watched (Y/N) walk inside the warehouse, i let out a small sigh and jumped down onto the street below, i walked in after her, i saw her walking around her hair moving with her moments, i slowly walked up to her as she was looking at a cut up painting

" Good evening miss" i said in a sweet voice, i saw her jump and turn to me with some horror in her eyes, after a while that was replaced with happiness

"Chat, don't do that" she said as she lightly hit my arm, i laughed "were you following me ?" She asked.

"No, ladybug and i just happened to be looking for an akumatized person, but what are you doing here?" I asked back, i saw her lightly blushed.

"I made a fool of myself in front of a guy" she replied with

"Do you like this guy" i asked once again

"In a way" she sighed " i guess i do but his ignored me the last couple of weeks so i haven't bother to talk to him, until i tipped over my own foot and almost land face-first into the ground, luckily he was there to catch me" (Y/N) smile

"Well at less while you're here I won't ignore you" i said with a smirk as i watched her face go from (S/C) to red, i watched her slowly start backing away but i only followed

- (Y/N) view -

I saw lust in his eyes, it scared me a little but as my back felt a wall i knew i was trapped, he stopped right in front of me with his evil smirk

"Looks like your trapped between me and the wall" he said placing both hands beside my head, i could feel my face getting hotter

"Wh-what do you want ?" I asked as he moved his mouth closer to my ear, i could feel and hear him breathing and then a light giggle.

"You" he said, i felt lips on my cheek, he brought his lips inches away from mine "you're all i want " he added before licking my ear at the tip, i lightly gasped and pushed him away

"What's gotten into you" i said, my face burning from embarrassment, i tried to move past him, but he grabbed my arms and throw me to the ground as he kneed over me

"Nothing has gotten into me besides the fact that i lov- "

" (Y/N!) " a male voice said, when i looked over i saw Chat Noir standing in the doorway, when he noticed the other Chat Noir on top of me he run over and kick the fake Chat Noir off me and grabbed my hand to pull me into a hug " (Y/N) are you ok?" He said i looked at him and blinked.

"Y-yeah, thank god you made it in time before things got to far " i said with a laugh

"Damn it, you are always in the way of things Chat Noir " copycat said as he stood up and looked over, Chat Noir pull me behind him and took out his staff ready for a fight

"Don't lay another finger on (Y/N) or you will pay for it" Chat said as copycat came to attack

"You can't love ladybug and (Y/N) " copycat said as his attack was blocked by Chat Noir's staff, he pushed copycat off and extended his staff as the fight went on, i felt a hand on my shoulder and saw ladybug

"Come on, lets get you out of here" she said picking me up bridal style and left both Chat Noir and copycat to have their fight, i watched until i could no longer see them, i told Ladybug where i lived, and she nodded

- time skip -

After ladybug dropped me off at home i sat on my veranda with my (F/D) beside me, i let out a sigh and watched the sky turn darker, the stairs shine, i held my knees closed to my chest, i saw something land next to me and when i turned i saw it was Chat Noir

"Chat" as i called his name he looked down with a smile and then took a sit next to me he didn't say anything which made me sigh again and look away from him, i laid my head on my knees and watched the skies until i felt a hand on my head

"I'm sorry about today with the whole copycat thing" he said with a sigh

"Don't be sorry, i knew it wasn't you, you wouldn't do something like that " i said with a smile as i looked at him, he looked at me with a surprised look on his face

"You knew it wasn't me?" He asked.

"Yeah, you wouldn't just randomly start licking my ear or kissing me" I said picking up my drink and drinking the last of it

"How sure are you of that?" He said getting closer to my face.

"Fairly sure, you like Ladybug more than me or other people " i said looking at him still smiling "Are you ok? You look upset"

-Chat Noir view -

What she said played in my head, i didn't realize i had a sad look until she pointed it out, i snapped out of my daze and nodded

"Yeah I'm fine but you have that wrong, i do like you, so never think that i don't " i said with a smile, i felt my face burning up

"You do" she said with a bright red face i watched her look away and play with her fingers

"Don't go all shy on me" i cupped her cheeks and made her turn to look at me her eyes looked at mine and then looked around "you can't avoid eye contact with me, my lady" what i said made her look back at me, i leaned in and placed my lips on hers, her lips were soft and a little dry, when i let go i saw (Y/N) blushing bright red as i smiled and placed my forehead on hers "i like you more than ladybug, i love you more than her, as Chat noir and Adrien "


8:25pm Saturday

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now