Chat Noir x Reader part 2

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Its been about 3 years since chat and i had our fight, even tho he said everythings fine between us, he's been avoiding me ever since.

"Adrien, you have to know why Chat's been ignoring me" i asked while grabbing his sleeve.

"Sorry (Y/N) I've got no idea " he said with a soft smile, letting go of him i let out a small sigh.

"Does he hate me? Cause if he does he should tell it to my face!" I yelled at Adrien before running off.

" (Y/N)!" Adrien shouted out but i ignored him, i run, taken a rest on a bench in the park.

My legs hurt and my luangs were burning, i leaned back on the bench to calm my breathing.

" (Y/N)? Are you ok?" A voice said, looking up i saw Nino standing there, i let out a sigh.

"No" i said before putting my head into my hands "why is it when you love somebody they always find ways to hurt you?" I added while looking up at him.

"I-i don't know (N/N) if this is about Chat, i can't help you" Nino said as he sat next to me.

We sat there for a while, the silence was comfortable, i stood up and waved goodbye to Nino as i made my way home.

When i reached my home, i went to unlock the door, i stopped when i heard yelling and names being called out.

Walking to the footpath i looked around, only to be pushed back into a wall "get inside (Y/N)" Chat noir said before rushing off again.

I rushed to the footpath again and looked around to see what was happening.

Chat was defending Ladybug while she looked for a way to defeat the villain.

With out thinking i yelled at the villain making it look at me, i ran as it crashed into the wall that i had moved from.

" (Y/N)! I told you to stay inside" Chat yelled as he was about to run over to me.

"Stay right there Chat" i told him as i watched the villain, it stood up as rubble fell off it, their eyes locked onto mine as i felt chills go up my spine.

This villain, they followed my every move, as i walked back they walked forward.

"Get out of here, this is dangerous!" Chat yelled again, i stood my ground as the villain run at me, i quickly avoided their attack.

"Would you be quiet Chat, Ladybug needs to be defeated!" I yelled at him, my attention turned to him.

" and what about you! You're unablw to do anything here!" He yelled back.

"I can keep this thing on its toe's while you do what is needed" i told him " you have a job of looking after her! I can do something to at less help that!"

Chat be came silent as i carryed on with that i needed to do, my movements became slow, my arm scratched up from their claws.

As i moved around avoiding attacks my back was soon touching a wall, ducking down i moved behind them and quickly took out their balance from the legs.

"Ladybug, are you ready!" I yelled to her.

"Yup, get out of here now" she said and i listened, running off her and Chat landed behind me to deal with the akuma.

I came to a stop beside a car, leaning on it, i watched ladybug and Chat deal with the rest of it.

Sighing, i felt pain soon return to my arm, looking down i noticed my whole sleeve was cut to ribbons and the cuts still bleeding, a few had dryed up.

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now