Adrien/Chat noir Valentines Day

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Silence, no cars or people were out, the streets of Paris were quite

"3 am" i told myself as i laided stomach first on my bed " and I'm not tired damn it"

The full moon shined into my room, my window was wide open for any ally-cat to come inside, but no one came

" 4 am, early morning of Valentines, why was today the day i can't sleep" i rolled onto my side facing my wall " this sucks" i moaned in annoyances

"Restless?" A voice called making me step up fast with my cat pillow in my arms, the sound of moving made me narrow my eyes at the dark figure before me, soon Chat's face was inches away from mine "boo"

"Chat!" I yelled as i fell backwards onto my bed "could you please stop  scaring me like that" i told him as i slowly crawled my way to my pillows

"Sorry, thought I'd wake you up a little more" he laughed

"Not funny, I've had 2 nights without sleep and it's killing me" i said bluntly and rolled onto my stomach again

"Ok, it's not funny, do you have a lot on your mind ?" He asked as he jumpped onto the bed

"Not sure" i yawned, we sat there in silence before i felt chat more around "what are you doing?" I asked as i went to look at him

"Getting comfortable " he told me as he laid next to me, his green eyes seem to shine in the darkness "want to stay up until the sun goes down?"

"May as well, not like i have any plans today" i said "but aren't you going on a date with Ladybug today or tonight?"

"Nah, I'm just going to get rejected again, may as well spent it with a good friend" he said with a toothy grain, i smiled back as wel laid there and spoke about things we liked and disliked

My alarm went off for 7 i climed pver chat and turned the alarm off

"Eh, i have to get ready for school" i told Chat before getting off him, but i was forced back down by a hug "chat!" I laughed

"But I'm comfortable " he said

"But i have school" i told him as he slowly let go " I'll see you after school alright" i told him as i got out and headed to the bathroom

"Alright see you later" Chat said as he left the room, i got myself ready for school, i put my hair into (H/S) with a nice clean outfit, as i made my way to school i let out a yawn before a hand went on my shoulder

"Tired (Y/N)?" Adrien asked as i nodded with a smile

"Yeah, wasn't able to sleep, i told him as we entered the school and straight away Chloé was hugging Adrien "have fun" i waved goodbye and left Adrien there

I walked to class sitting next to Nathanaël, he was writing in a card all i could read out was to Marinette i smiled and turned my attention to Adrien who was getting cards from Chole, he looked at me with a annoyed looked, i only smiled and waved as he took his set next to nino

As classes started the teacher spoke about what concourse evil, witch was love, i listen about everything, class soon ended and as i walked out, i over heard Max, Kim and Marinette talkimg, i smiled as i watched Kim run off, i took a step back and felt someone behind me

"Sorry" i said turning around i saw Adrien "Adrien!, enjoy your time with Chole " i nudged his arm as he shock his head

"Why did you leave me there" he said

"It looked like you had fun" i said while walking away " I'll see you tomorrow Adrien, oh happy Valentines day "

"And to you!" He yelled making me smile a little, as i headed home i stopped at a book store not to far from school, as i read the back of one, a man knocked over a flower stande and started jumpping on them, then a lady throw her chocolate's at her date and walked off, i plaved the book away and quickly headed off

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