Chat Blanc

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Chat Noir vanished.
Adrien was missing.
Marinette was missing.
Ladybug? She spent all her time. searching for Chat Noir.
And where was he?
In a dark place.

Everyone was scared and upset, there were more akumas then normal, heros just like Ladybug and Chat Noir came to help.

Queen Bee, Rena Rouge and Canapce, three unknow new heros who are always beside Ladybug.

I was unable to help, they did so much, there was so many people and i just watched from the side lines.

Clenching my fist i turned my back on the chaos that stood before me, i needed to do something.

Rushing off from where i once stood i looked around for Chat Noir or anything that would help me find him.

There was nothing, leaning on a wall i looked to the sky, thoughs came to mind of what could have happened.

I didn't want anything bad to happen to him, Ladybug soon found me, she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"We will find him, you have my word" she said trying to make me feel better.

"What if we can't!" I yelled at her "he could have been akumatized, what if i made this happen all of this would have been my fault."

My eyes became blurry as my voice started to crack, Rena Rouge came beside Ladybug and pulled me into a hug.

I pushed myself away from her and looked them all in the eye's "we have to find him" i told them all

They all nodded and split up as they when searching, i pulled myself together and started my search by foot.

The day was fading fast and the street lights started turning on, i leanded on the railing at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Where is he" i took my phone out and sighed, looking over the city i questioned if I'd ever find him.

" (Y/N)?" I heared his voice, turning around was meet with nothing, i rushed around cheeking for him but he wasn't there.

"I'm going crazy" i said satting down, my back leaning on the wall, holding my head in my hands i felt horrible about myself.

" (Y/N) left your head " his voice called, i didn't want to listen to it " please (N/N) i want to see your face"

Slowly lefting my head all i saw was white then his green eyes and blonde hair, i felt sick.

"Ah there we are" he rubbed my cheek with his thumb, i looked away "look at me" i didn't listen, he forced my face to him.

"Now, let's sit a trap for the heros hmm?" He pulled me to my feet and held me a little above his head "that look is purfect on you"

Tears filled my eyes as he throw me to his left, i slid and stopped with my back hitting the railing.

I made it to my feet and went straight for the stairs just as i got to the first one, he grabbed my shirt and pulled me back blocking my way.

"Don't try that again" he said eyeing me up, i nodded fast and made my way to the other side far from him, looking around i noticed Rena Rouge jumping roofs.

I sat there thinking of a way to get her attention, i grabbed my phone and started texting everyone i had, thankfully Chole messaged back.

I smiled and turned my phone off when i hide it in my pocket. Chat would take glances at me and i would just act scared.

My act seem to have worked until i felt him pull me to my feet "you little rat" he said and pushed my against the wall, he found my phone and pulled it out "messaging people for help hmm"

"What, n-no its out of power" i cried but he only sniled while it turned on, my face when pale.

"Out of power huh!" He crushed it in his hand before holding me over the side of the tower, i grabbed onto his arm, now i was scared.

"Chat don't do this!" Ladybug said as she landed next to him, he looked over to her and sighed.

"Can't i get any alone time with (Y/N) here" he brought my face close to his as he smiled "as you can see, she's missed me".

"That's it!" I screamed in his ear making him drop me,standing up i stood next to ladybug, she throw her yo-yo and wrapped him up.

She walked over at him as she looked for the akuma, i stood back and sighed a little.

- Chat Blanc -

I walked as Ladybug looked around, i noticed (Y/N)'s face she looked disappointed.

"Don't fail me Adrien" Hawk moth said.

I rushed at Ladybug and broke out of her yo-yo pinning her to the ground i went for her earrings.

"I wont let you!" I looked up and was tackled to the ground looking up i saw (Y/N) trying to keep me pinned down.

"Haha this is cute (Y/N) trying to keep mt pinned down" i told her, my smile faded as i went to set up,i couldn't.

"That his ring Ladybug" (Y/N) said, i felt Ladybug grab my hand and start taking my ring off.

"Don't touch it!" I screamed "cataclysm" i broke free and went straight for Ladybug but thatbwas short lived when a scream broke out.

"(Y/N)!" Ladybug screamed, when i looked over i found (Y/N) stepping back covering part of her face.

"Stop acting!" I screamed at her her eyes showed fear, her tears fell endlessly, i grabbed her arm and pulled it away.

"Leave her alone chat!" Ladybug pushed me away making me see what had happened.

"No-no" i fell to my knees, (Y/N)'s face was becoming ash, looking to my hands i knew i had to act fast before she was gone "LB" i called "hurry and take my ring"

Ladybug rushed over and took the ring, she chrushed it and turned everything back to normal, rushing over to (Y/N)'s side she pushed me away.

"S-stay away from me!" She screamed and rushed down the stairs, as i looked to Ladybug my memory of what had just happened became blurry.

"Chat?" Ladybug questioned.


"Do you remember anything?" She asked

I shock my head "no, nothing" i said i stood up and looked at her " fill me in?"

-time skip-

Ladybug took me everything and now i was in search for (Y/N), i found her, she was walking around.

"There you are!" I called out with a smile she stopped and looked at me.

"Stay away from me!" She went to run off but i grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

"I had Ladybug tell me everything, I'm so sorry, i-i didn't mean any of it" i told her "hate me if you want but please don't leave me" i told her.

"Half of my face was missing Chat! The pain, I'll never forget that pain" she told me, i could ear her crying, holdinh her close a placed kisses on her head.

"I'm so sorry"

------- A/N ------

I'm so god damn sorry for never updating! I was so busy with my cosplay making and i also couldn't think of anything

I hope you all like this

I'll update when ever i can again i am so sorry

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now