Chat Noir X Reader

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I ran, my heart beating fast, breathing heavy,throat hurting even time i took a sharp breath, i was told to run and not look back, this day took a dark turn from being so full of colour

The sound of thunder and the sky filled with lighting was all i could see and hear, i placed my hand on to the top of a wall, jumping over i landed badly, quickly picked myself up and went to run once again

"You're going nowhere!" The Akumatized villain said as i looked behind me

"Leave her alone!" Ladybug yelled and held the villain back with her yo-yo, moving my attention a head of me i stopped in a hurry, i was cornered, my two options out of this mess way to jump into the water below or face my best friend who had been Akumatized

"I'm sorry!" I yelled as i held onto the metal bars " I'm sorry for what ever i did!" Turning around i saw them there

"You're not sorry!" They yelled back at me " if you were you'd never have done it!"

"I don't even know what i did to make you this mad! Believe me (B/F/N) (best friends name) why would i want to hurt you, you have been there for me when no one else was!" I shouted at her, she slowly walked over to me

"(Y/N), I'm s-so sorry" she said, i felt her arms go around me as i then embraced her " I'm so sorry, that your so stupid " her tone change so quickly,  before i could push her away she when behind me and held me in a head lock

" (Y/N)!" Chat yelled, he and Ladybug stood there stocked and unsure of what to do " W-we'll get you out of this"

"Good luck kitty, one move and its the end for her" and on time the rain started hiding my tears from being seen " both if you hand me you're miraculous and she wont get hurt "

"O-ok" Ladybug said as she slowly started reaching fornher earings, i watched as chat went for his ring

"Stop!" I yelled making them both look at me, as my friends guard went down a little i quickly got out of the head lock and pushed her over the metal bars

She grabbed my sleeve as she took me with her, i felt the water hit my face, i held my breath in as i looked over my friend for anything that could of turned her, i reached out and went to take her hair chip, her hand grabbed my wrist, only being a few inches away from it i grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled her closer

I took the hair clip out and started swimming, my friend followed behind trying to pull me down and grab the chip, once my head as out of the water i took a deep breath

"Chat!" I yelled, seeing him run to the bars " get ready for the akum-" i was cut off by being pulled into the water once again, looking down at my ankle to see a ball and chain, then a hand reaching for the chip, i quickly broke it and watched as the purple butterfly fly out if the water then slow watched everything become darker and harder to reach

I felt my lungs burn from the lack of oxygen, my ankle became lighter giving me a chance to swim out of the water, i was nearing closer, i broke the water with my head and filled my lungs with fresh air

" (Y/N)" i hear Chat yell as he then jumpped in to help me out "I'm so glad you're ok"

"S-same " i told him, Ladybug took me out of Chat's grips and made sure i wasn't hurt, i smiled and laughed a little

" (B/F/N) when home, i told her you'll call her later" Ladybug said as she took a step back "how did all this even happen"

I knew she was going to ask

"Well, there is this boy as school, she has a massive crush on him, pushing her in front of him wasn't a smart move because he just yelled at her, she then when to tell him her love he slapped all her books out from her arms" i told Ladybug " man i feel like a idiot" i rudded my head

"He must have had a bad day" Chat said

"I don't know" i replyed

"You should head off, Chat want to walk with her?" Ladybug asked

"Sure" Chat said as he lightly tapped my shoulder

"See ya LB" i said as she shock her head and left " (B/F/N) most really mad me to have been Akumatized"

"It probably shocked her" Chat said as i nodded, the silence was awkward, as i walked Chat kept offering to carry me home but i always replyed with a no

"Why not (Y/N), you alwayd like being held " he said in a flirting tone

" i know Chat, but when you feel like a jark, you replay the moments over and over again" i told him

" i see" was all he said, i stopped walking and kicked a small rock

"I'm such a idiot, why the hell didn't i think!" I yelled at myself as i sat on a box " I'd understand if she hates me"

"She won't hate you" Chat said, trying to reassure me "give her time and I'm sure you'll be friends again"

"I hope, I've known her since i started my school life "

"Thats a rather ling time" he said, all i did was nod, i hide my eyes with my knees " (Y/N)? "

I didn't respond " came on, don't be sad, when we get back I'll watch movies with you, o-or something else..." Chat said with a sigh and kneed down next to me and light patted my head " bad things like this always happen, but if someone really cares they'll be with you no matter how mad they will get, she may not talk to you for a while but if you get hurt she'll be there"

I nodded at what Chat said "th-thank you " i told him and pulled him into a hug, i felt him hug me back pulling me closer into him

"What are friends for?" He said and played with me hair "I'm always here for you "

--- A/N ---

Sorry this is a little short im going to try and make the next one longer, I'm glad everyone is enjoying this book, but if you have a request just comment what it is and we can take about it :D thank you everyone

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now