Adrien X Reader part 2

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- your view -

Waking up i was faced with Adrien next to me, letting out a scream i fell out of bed back first, as i laid on the ground in pain i watched Plagg fly around

"Hey, what kind of wakeup call was that" Plagg said

" (Y/N) are you ok?" Adrien asked helping me up from the ground

"Yeah my head hurts a little tho" i said rubbing my head as Plagg sat on my shoulder, i rubbes his head a little as he smiled

"Do you need any pain killers" he asked

"No, but you should be going, Marinette's probably worried " i said walking off into my bathroom, i splashed some water onto my face as i let out a sigh, i heard the bedroom door shut, sighing again i walked out to find no one there, i got changed and sat on my bed brushing my hair

" ah why do you look so unhappy" a voice said, as i looked to me window i saw a girl standing there wearing orange, white and some black, she had fox ears " the guy that was just here, is mine" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the window with her

" (Y/N) !" Adrien yelled, i looked down at him and saw him following after me as he was on the phone, soon he was out of view and i looked to see where i was going, i noticed the eiffel tower coming into view

"Wh-what are you going to do?" I asked but got nothing back, she held onto the top of the eiffel tower and held me over the side

"Im going to drop you as soon as they are here" she said

"Volpina! Let her go" Ladybug said as her and Chat Noir clamed up

"Stop right there or i will drop her " she said letting me go and then quickly grabbing me after i had a fall drop

"What do you want" Chat asked

"Your miraculous" Volpina said as she smiled

" Don't give them to her" i said and quickly grabbed her necklace, throwing it down to Ladybug doing so Volpina let go of me and i started free falling

-Chat Noir/Adrien's view-

I watched as Volpina let (Y/N) go as she fell my body just moved to save her, placing my staff into the eiffel tower, i extended it into her path, i stood on the end and caught her, she had her hands close into her chest until she relized she had been saved, she looked at me and sighed in relief

"Gr-great save" she said, i turned around and watched Ladybug talk with Volpina (aka) Lila, i sighed

"Ladybug, I'm taking (Y/N) home" i said as she gave me the thumbs up, i removed my staff and then headed off, i held onto (Y/N) so she wouldn't fall

"Adrien, are you alright?" She asked, i stopped on a roof and sighed again

"I-i broke up with Marinette " i said, she seemed shocked and worried

"What, but it though, did you like her?" She asked as i smiled a little

"Yeah, but i relized it wouldn't work, she and i could get hurt, thing could go wrong and ya know" i said as she nodded " but are you ok?"

"Yeah im fine" she said, i started moving again and landed in her room, i placed her down and she dropped to her knees "g-guess the shock is hitting me now"

"Im sure it will pass soon" i said patting her head, i could feel her shaking

"Y-yeah hopefully" she said as she slowly stood up with my help, i helpped her to her bed as she sat down with a sigh, i changed into Adrien as Plagg landed on her head

"Man, dosen't Volpina give up?" Plagg said sighing

"Not really, she must really have a thing for me" i sighed as well

"So Volpina is Lila?" (Y/N) asked as i nodded

"Yeah, she pretty much lie's about everything" i said rubbing my neck

"Do you think she will do this again"

"Maybe, but im hoping she well learn to leave me alone " i said walking over to her, i sat down next to her and yawned

"Someones tired haha" she laughed, i smiled a little to myself as i looked over at her, she held Plagg in her hand and patted his head as he enjoyed it " are you enjoying this Plagg" she asked as he nodded, i sat up and looked at the floor

"Hey" i said softly

"What is it?" She asked looking at me

"Why didnt you freak out last night about finding out im Chat Noir" i asked looking at her

"Haha, you normally say a few cat puns to me before Chat Noir became a thing, plus you both have or had a thing for ladybug also" she paused and looked away "i-i also, um, hehe sort of h-had a-a crush on him as well" i watched her ears go red

"Haha" i started laughing, She turned to me with a confused look

"Wh-whats so funny" she said while pouting

"You" i said claming myself " i should of seen that coming" i said rubbing head

"Plus" she puased making me look at her "i felt safe around the both of you and-and its just with you guys " she said sounding like she was panicking, she laughed nervously before sighing, she looked away as she rubbed the back of her neck

"Thats a good thing to know, your saftly is really important to me" i said looking at the ceiling, the silence came over us as i watched her pat Plagg, i let out a laugh as she looked at me "what?"

"Is someone getting jealous?" She asked

"What, no" i said as she quickly started rubbing my head "he-hey!" I yelled moving her hand off my head as she laughed "thats not funny"

"Yes it is" she said, i sighed standing up and transforming into Chat Noir, i was about to walk tonher window, but she pulled on my taill "hey, don't leave cause i upset you"

"Im not, im going to see how Marinette is and to let her know your fine" i said, she slowly let my Tail go and sighed, i could hear the sadness in the tone

"You still care for her don't you" she said "i don't understand why you ended it with her, the reason you gave me didn't make sense" she added when i looked at her she was looking at a photo of us from a few years ago

" i don't care as much for her as you think (Y/N)" i turned around to find her looking at me confused, as i walked over to her i placed my hand behind her head and placed my forehead on hers "She's my fighting partner nothing more"

" i know that but, oh never mind " she said with a sigh " just stay safe is all"

"I normally do stay safe, cause i have a princess waiting for me all the time and being worried" i said, i watched (Y/N) sit there confused, i moved away and placed my hand on her cheek and lightly rubbed it "I'm talking about you"

"Huh?" She went bright red as i smiled, i moved my hand to her chin and lefted it up a little i placed my lips onto her as i closed my eyes, i felt her lean in as well, i broke the kiss and looked at her as she looked away a little while blushing

"I'll be back soon" i said kissing her again and then left

- your view-

As Adrien left i sat there spechless, the guy i have had a crush on for 2 years just kissed me

"Wh-what should i do now" i said getting up and walking around, letting out a sigh i spent about 2 hours doing a few things, i laid on my bed reading a book

"Hey there" Adrien said making me drop the book on my face, i sat up and the book fell off, i looked over to find Adrien laughing at me, i sighed and throw a pillow at him making me smile

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now