Chat Blanc

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A purple butterfly that can turn the most emotionally people evil, two hero's could save the city from this butterfly, but sadly one fell into this darkness, this emotionally war inside him

"Chat Noir" i yelled from across the street

"I'm not Chat Noir, it's Chat Blanc!" He yelled, his suit was no longer black but white

"Snap out of this, this isn't you!" Ladybug yelled as she held onto her yo-yo and stood infront on me

"How do you know who i am!" Chat yelled "you never ask a thing about me "

"What was i supposed to do when we aren't allowed to know our ideas " Ladybug said

*Why, why was this all happening*

Chat Blanc stood there gripping his staff waiting for an opening, but Ladybug would always stop him, i sat on the ground shocked at what has happened to him

*was he coming for me?* i thought, the fear of this being my fault, the fear of him never coming back, it all could of been my fault

"Chat you need to stop this!" I yelled, making them both look at me, i stood up and walked past Ladybug

" (Y/N) don't go near him" she said, i just smiled at her

"Why are you like this?" I asked, Chat just looked at me " you shouldn't be like this "

"Then what should I be like?" He hissed at me "this is who i am"

"No its not!" I yelled again " you, you aren't like this, you made puns, you cared, you love ladybug"

"I think your talking about someone else " he said

I made a fist and slammed them into his chest " no, no I'm not, your the person I'm talk about" i said

" you are rather annoying" he said i felt a hand go around my neck and then i felt nothing but air under my feet " this, this may as well be your last day, no one would care if you just, disappeared" me smirked

-flash back-

"Adrien! Could you read something for me" i asked as i came to a stop behind him

"Sure" he turned to me and smiled "what do you want me to read?"

"I-its a letter for Chat, i already know he likes ladybug but, i wanted your opinion on this small thank you letter" i said while blushing

"If its to confess you're love to him, he wont gave the same love back" Adrien said, i shock my head and kept smiling

"Like i said i already know he likes Ladybug, this is also to let him know there is someine else out there looking out for him and who loves him for who he is" i said, Adrien took the letter from me and read over it

"My, this is some letter" he said smirking "he would just rip this up, since it's not from Ladybug " he did just that, he started ripping the letter up

"I-if it was bad you could of just said so" i softly said, my heart shattered into pieces, the paper, my letter fell to the school floor as Adrien started turning away " you're such jerk Adrien, i would expect this from Chloé, but not you!" I run past him, never looking his way, neved hearing him calling my name nor for me to come back

I run as far as i could, but ended up at the eiffel tower, my breathing was heavy and my legs were weak, sitting down beside the leg of the tower i leaned my head on it, my tears dryed up, but my heart was still braking, my body shock

"Clam down (Y/N), i-its going to be ok" i said, but my voice cracked and my tears started again "th-this is just great" i lowed my head, i watched as everyone walked past, some looked at me and whispered as the past by, i didn't care, my confidence started failing me, thats when i noticed chat standing in front of me

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now