Chat Noir X Reader

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(V/N) villain name
(D/H/C) different hair colors
Your power is Telekinesis
(D/E/C) different eye colour

I stood in front of the eiffel tower as the wind blow softly, the sound of peopls talking echoed in my head as i  maked a fist, i looked up from the ground the talking seemed to stop and was replaced by a man's voice

"Hello, (Y/N) I'm Haukmoth and i have a proposals for you, take Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous and give them to me, with that i will grant you the power to do so, what do you say, will you join me (V/N)" he said, i smirked

"Yes, of cause, i will lead you my mind" i said with a giggle and then i couldn't feel my body, it was moving on its own, i felt so much hate inside me, as i past a window i looked at it my hair was (D/H/C) and in (H/S) my eyes were (D/E/C) i could see a evil smile on my face then left to search for Chat Noir and Ladybug

- Chat Noir view-

I stood on a roof and noticed some people running away, when i landed next to them i saw it was (Y/N) she had been Akumatized

" (Y/N) " i called as she then laughed

"It's (V/N)" she said and some how throwing a car at me but i dogged, when i looked at her, her mask looked just like running mascara that's been rubbed over her eyes, she started walking over and leaned down "give me your ring Chat, or i will hurt you" she added as she kicked me to my back and placed her (F/C) boot on my chest " hand me your miraculous Chat" her voice sounding hasher

"Leave him alone" Ladybug said as she throw her yo-yo, but a street light stopped the yo-yo from hitting (Y/N), i throw (Y/N) off of me and i stood up, i quickly went to Ladybug

"What happened, (Y/N)" i asked but her eyes gave me a cold look

"Why should i tell a hero lik-" she puased before ending her sentence but smiled " i guess i could tell you" she said making me blink

"Who did this to you" i asked taking a step closer

"You" she said making me freezes in place "your love for Ladybug made me so heartbroken, everything i hear is about her, her looks, her brains and seeing you flirt with her" she dropped to her knees and started to cry

- (Y/N) view-

I started fake crying, this was Haukmoth's plan, trick Chat Noir into feeling guilty and make him drop his guard

"Why is she so important, don't you care for the people around you" i yelled, i saw Ladybug jump back a little at my out burst, i noticed Chat slowly getting closer

"" he couldn't finish his sentence as i cut him off

"I had fallen in love with you, she dosen't love you the way i do, she never will" i held my hands over my face as i smiled, i felt a hand on my shoulders as i looked up my smile turned to a sad frown

"I-i'm sorry" he said his ears were down and so was his guard, i quickly pinned him to the ground, i hide my face and started laughing like a crazy person, my smiled was ear to ear as he looked at me shocked

"Idiot, you idiot, your going to get hurt " i said while laughing

"Chat!" Ladybug yelled as she started running over

"Oh no, no, this shall not do" i sat up and looked at her, she quickly stopped and jumpped back from a chat " hand me your miraculous, or your little cat here will get hurt" my hand went around Chat's neck

" (V/N) whata are you doing!" Haukmoth yelled "this wasn't the plan" i could feel him trying to take his powers back but failed

"Alright, you can have my miraculous, if you come and take them yourself" Ladybug said, i smiled and got up, i removed my hand from Chat's neck

"No messing with me bug" i said smirking, as i went to grabbed her earings, Chat's staff went around my neck "idiot" i said smiling more then before, i grabbed his staff and throw him over my back so he could hit the ground, i jumpped back and grabbed a pole "come on, lets fight then"

-Ladybug's view-

(Y/N) run at me but Chat blocked her attack and pushed her back

"Use lucky charm now!" He yelled as he kept (Y/N) busy, i used lucky charm and was given knock out gas , i looked around and my eyes landed on (Y/N), i run over and went to place it on her  but a car hit me and the helmet was sent flying out of my hand and landed next to her

"Oh my" she said picking it up, her touch seemed to make it go off

"Chat get back" i yelled as he run over to me, soon (Y/N) covered her mouth and nose and throw the gas over to us but it stopped working "seemes like your going for a nap " i said walking to her

"Haha, no way" she jumpped onto a building and started escaping, Chat and i run after her, her movements started to slow and so did her reaction

"Chat, i think the Akuma is in her necklace" i said pointing to a heart shaped locket

"Right," he said as he went to grab it, as she turned around i watched as Chat grabbed the necklaces just as she jumpped making the chain brake (Y/N) !" He yelled as i noticed her leap was short, Chat throw the necklace at me and went to grab her

- Chat Noir view -

I leaped after (Y/N), i catched her before she could hit the ground, i held her bridal style as she started changing back to normal, her (H/L) (H/D) was back and her clothes were normal again, i jumpped onto the roof Ladybug was on

"Well, that's over" she said handing my (Y/N)'s necklace, i took it from her and sighed a little

"I will take her back home, i will stay until she wakes" i said as Ladybug nodded and left, i did the same and headed to (Y/N)'house

-Time skip-

I walked around (Y/N)'s room and looked at photos of her with me as Adrien, i smiled softly as i heard moving, when i went to look i saw her sitting up and looking around confused

"Your awake" i said making her jump" sorry" i added

"Sorry? " she asked confused

"For everything" i said walking over "here let me put this on you" i added as i sat behind her to put her necklace on

"What do you mean?" She asked again as i let out a sigh, i explained to her what happened and what she said

"I-i said that, im so sorry" she said turning to me "i-i was having a really bad day, so so "she stumbled over her words as she tryed to explain things to me but she puased and let out a sigh "I'm just sorry if i hurt anyone "

"Everyone is fine" i said patting her shoulder, as the silence came i placed my other hand on her other shoulder and pulled her into a hug " did i hurt you to the point of braking down?" I asked

" no, you didn't, just don't listen to what was said went i wasn't myself" she said hugging me back, i smiled and placed a kiss on her head and then a kiss on her ear making her blush, i stayed close to her ear and softly said

"Your every important to me, (Y/N)" i moved away seeing her blush more as i justed smiled for a while, i could feel myself leaning closer into her, the mood just took control and i kissed her softly, my eyes were shut as i felt her lips on mine as she lightly kissed me back

" you also important to me" she said as she broke away from the kiss and looked at me, i smiled and kissed her once again

( A/N )

Hope you guys enjoyed this one, big thanks to deadpoolxharleyquinn for bringing up Telekinesis for a power

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now