Adrien X reader

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Every time i became alone, my emotions would run wild, I'd be extremely happy but as soon as my lover wasn't there, tears would fall down may checks.

"Say, (Y/N) aren't you and (B/f/N) coming to the show tonight?" Chole asked.

"Ah, um, yeah, of cause we are" i lied.

"If so, wear something, cute" she said turning her head away before walking off.

I stood there, my whole body was heavy like a boulder, looking at my hands i noticed they were sweaty.

"I-i should head home" i softly said to myself, a small sigh left my lips before walking away.

I knew i could be easly replaced, but i kept fighting for something that wasn't ment to be.

Once i opened my door, my heart stopped, heat rised to my face, my body stiff.

"Oh (Y/N), welcome home dear" my mother said, then he turned around.

"Hey, (N/N), you ended up leaving you textbook at school again" Adrien said with a smile.

"Ah, thank you Adrien" i said as i made eye contact.

"It's no worry, shouldn't (B/F/N) be doing here soon?" He asked.

"No! Um h-he wanted to meet me there tonight" i replyed while laughing "I'm going to be getting ready now and leaving soon after"

"Alright" mum said with a confused look, as started walking off, i could feel his eyes on my back, almost like he knew something.

Feeling my back against the door, i slid down it, every inch of myself hate him "why is he such a nice guy" i softly sream at myself.

After hearing the front door shut my heart picks up speed with regret, soon i rushed to my window and watched him.

He turned and faced my with a smile that made my blood boil with hate, i stomped off toward my bathroom, i spent 30 minutes getting ready.

"Time to leave" i said to myself as i grabbed my bag and quickly left the house, i walked to the movies and stopped shy of it.

Everyone i knew was there, even (B/F/N), i felt my phone vibrate, when i saw it was a break up text, i knew i was being replaced.

After one more glance i turned away and left, i walked around the city, i past a house with the raido on.

"Weather repost, looks like there will be a store out tonight"  the reporter said, i just kept moving until i stopped infornt of the Eiffel Tower.

I stood there watching the lights come to life, the street become less crowded and the clear sky darkened.

"Bad luck?" I questioned myself as the rain came down, everyone ran to get cover, i stood there with my head to the ground.

My (H/C) hair stuck to my face, my dress felt like it was hugging my body, the wind cold as it could ever be and no one beside me.

My vision became blurry with every blink, soon my tears mixed with rain,  my sob's drained out by the rain.

I could feel my emotions, did i hate him or was i anger at myself for everything that had happen.

A hand tounched my shoulder and i knew, turning my head i looked at him, his blonde hair stucking to his face and his clothes hugging him as well.

"A..Adri..en" i spoke out, bit he said nothing, grabbing my hand he rushed inside his car, throwing a towel over my head he started drying it.

"Sir, where are we heading" his driver said.

Adren spoke"Home, nathalie once back, get (Y/N) dry clothes, I'll take her to the guest bedroom" and just like that the agreed.

The car ride was short and i waa rushed again by Adrien into the gurst bathroom with out a word, i stood there for a while.

Once i accepted what had happen, I locked the door, the shower i took was long and relaxing, the clothes were perfect fit.

As i walked to the door i watched as it swag open, there stood Adrien, i looked and at the ground.

"He was a pig" Adrien said

"No he was-"

"yes he was! And you know that" he yelled cuting me off, he grabbed my hand, he pulled my along to the kitchen "drink up" he said handing a mug.

Looking at it  it was (F/D) my eyes widen and looked at him right away " how did you know!" I asked

"You always buy" he said, he started drinking his as i looked at mine.

"Thank you" i softly said, the slince that Adrien and i shared from that day, wasn't filled with hate but with kindness for each other

---- A/N ----

Sorry that this is short and i took so long to make a new story, hopefully I'll get started on a new one again and have it up soon

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now