Chat noir x Reader

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Thank you rainbowpowerX4 for this request, hope its to your liking~

Every time you step outside the world always seems to be against you, the weather was rather moody, it would rain heavily or lightly, maybe not at all, but the wind was died, it never picked up, it was always still

Headlights of cars seem to light your way as you walked, it wasn't to late, maybe around 5 or 6 at night, but the sun had vanish from your eyes, the sky showing a small amount of orange as the dark colours started talking over

The eiffel tower always was showing off with its bright colours, witch seem to light the heavens from below it, everything seemed quite, quiter then normal, setting on a wall, your legs hang off, your breathing always seemed uneasy

But you were waiting for someone, waiting for them to turn up, waiting to see that famous black leather suit, waiting for the cat of the night, waiting and waiting, but nothing, *did he forget, was he busy?*

Everything was different, he wasn't normally late, he would always be on time, he would always came, even if you were late, jumpping off the wall you once sat on, you started your journey to find Chat Noir

As you walked, headlights of cars slowly became fewer and fewer, soon there were none and the street lighrs brighten the darkness, looking down ally ways, there was nothing, looking in the old and worn out buildings, the sound of people echoed around

Stepping closer and closer to the sound, everything started making sense, *fighting?*, it was echoing, the sound of meat being punched and kicked to the sound of bricks being broken, soon the sceen came into view, nothing more then men

Men that were beating up your one and only Chat Noir, seeing the horror before your eyes, your body acted on its own

"Stop this" you cried, all they did was look and laugh

"What is a little girl doing out here?" One of the men asked walking over

" (Y/N)" Chat yelled as he looked at you with one eye open

"I can easily do this" kicking the man in between the legs all.the males voices hissed from the view of their comrade "leave Chat alone!" You cried once again as you walked closer, all the men looked at each other and left

" (Y/N) why are you here?" Chat asked as he stood, rushing over you held him up

"You didn't show up so i came looking for you, good thing i did too" you told him with a smile of relief , but your showed your worries about him

"If they didn't pick to leave, you could of been badly hurt " chat said

"Juat like you are" you said almost hissed the words out as you started walking "I'm going to get you all patched up"

"No, i can do it myself" he said trying to move out of your grasp

"Chat, for once relie on me, it wiuld be easier for me to help you then you do it alone" i told him, i could hear his sighes he did from under his breath

"Fine, but only this once " he told, noddeding away i agreed to him, i didn't know what i was agreeing to buy once i was home with Chat i sat him on my bed

"Alright, stay here and I'll get the first aid" i said rushing off to get the first aid, as i walked back Chat sat there taking his top half off

"Once you're finished im leaving " he told me, i shcok my head

"You are staying here the night, i want to make sure you're alright, Chat" i told him as i started working my magic, cleaning his cuts and wrapping his chest "what happened?"

I herd a sigh and then silence, but soon his voice broke it with " I was beinging cocky, i thought i coukd taken them on, alone, but that i learnt that doing things alone isn't always the best thing" he said and laughed a little

"I swear Chat you are to reckless" i sighed as i focused on his arm "but I'm just glad i didn't find you badly hurt or" i puased and so did my actions "or" i couldn't finish, every time i tried my words got stuck

" or worse" he said finishing my words for me, i slowly nodded and got back to my job, the slince once again came back, this time no one broke it

"There" i said standing up and stepping back, i had finally finished treating Chat's wounds "how do you feel?"

"I better then before" he said flashing his toothy grain as i smiled to him "hey, if i stay the night, you, you can't freak out by who you see in the morning" he added

" of cause i won't freak, i probably don't even know you" i laughed

"Haha, right" chat said, his tone sounding quite " look, (Y/N)-" i quickly cut Chat off

"Hey, want something to eat and drink?" I asked smiling, he blinked at me and shock his head "alright then, well, it's late, I'll sort out the sofa bed"

"Alright" Chat said as he put his top half back on, as i sorted the bed out i let out a small sigh, i grabbed a cover and a few pillows

"You can have ny bed, its softer so it wouldn't hurt you as you move" i smiled

"Its your bed, I'll have the sofa" he said smiling as i shock my head

" i don't want to wake up at night with you in pain" i said sitting on the sofa bed as he sighed rubbing his head

"Ok, ok, i see your point, so i guess, good night?" He questioned witched made me laugh softly

"Yeah, I'm just gonna get changed and head off" i said grabbing my night wear and heading to the bath room

- Chat Noir's view-

She's making me stay here, all because j got coky about my role, ince she left for the bath room i let out a sigh, once she was finished she walked out and turn the light out

"Night Chat" she said walking to her bed

" Night, (Y/N)" i said and watched her clim into the sofa bed and pulled the cover over her, i sighed a little and ran my fingers throw my hair as i watched her, my miraculous Run out of time and i transformed into Adrien

"Man, you sure do owe me a lot of cheese" Plagg said as he laid on my shoulder

"Shh, (Y/N) is asleep she could wake up soon" i softly said as i went to lay down, her bed was soft and comfortable, i took my white jacket off and foldind it onto the floor before shutting my eyes

- time skip to morning -

I started opening my eyes, the sun was shining across my face as i blinked, looking to my side i saw (Y/N) sitting up still half asleep

"Morning, (Y/N) " i said, i knew i wasn't going to get out of this early

"Huh?" She looked at me and rubbed her eyes " Adrien?" She questioned "but, chat was st-" her words came to a stop as she relized "am i really that stupid?"

"Haha no your not" i said laughing

" yes i am, out of everyone i know its you" she said, i could see the blush forming on her cheeks " how was i so blind "

"Well, my whole personally changes doesn't it" i said walking over to her

" oh cause it does, you idiot, your more different" she said well playing with her hair, i placed a hand on her shoulder as she looked at me

"I should really thank you for last night and you were right, your bed is great" i said smiling, she smiled back to me

"Promise me that you will come right to me if your hurt?" She asked

"Promise" i said as we hocked pinkys



Hope you enjoyed this, i have comic con this weekend so i may beslow in posting for a while

But i hope everyone is enjoying this book of one shots

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now