Chat Noir x Reader

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(F/S) Favorite Sweets

"Merry Christmas " i said to Marinette as i left her parents store, walking along the path i had taken early to get there, i stopped at the lage Christmas tree, the Christmas lights around it were breath taking.

I sighed lightly before jumpping at the sound of something being broken next to me, looking i noticed Chat Noir with a pained look on his face, soon he noticed me and it was replaced with shock.

" (Y/N)!" He yelled in surprise.

"Um h-hey" i said with a little wave.

"I-i'm sorry if i scared you " he said rubbing his neck.

"No, no, you just surprised me a little since i wasn't expecting anyone here" i said, opening a box of (F/S) and handing it to him "take one" i smiled at him.

"Ah, thank you" he said and took one with a smile.

"No worries " i looked at his ring and sighed a little "you should get going" i saod as i started hearing beeping.

"I'll see you later, Merry Christmas " he said and ran off, i closed the box of (F/S), i sat on a bench not far from the tree as i watched the lights change colours.

The snow started falling again, slowly covering the top of my (F/C) hat, i pushed my chin closer to my scaf as i sat on the bench for a few hours.

" (Y/N)?" A voice called when i looked up i saw Ladybug standing there

"Ah, Ladybug, Merry Christmas " i said smiling at her

"Merry Christmas, what are you doing here alone?" She asked

"I wasn't alone i had Chat but, but he had to leave" i said holding my box of sweets closer to me

"Well i have to head off and find Adrien, he isn't home" she said

"What!" I yelled making her step back " i-i'll help look" i said putting my sweets down and standing up, i watched her smile and nodd at me before heading off and i soon did the same thing, leaving my sweets behind

"Adrien!" I yelled before turning a corner and seeing Adrien talking with a Santa Claus "Adrien!" I smiled as he then looked to see me, i ran over to him and stopped inches away from his face

" (Y-Y/N)? What are you doing " he questioned

"Looking for you, everyone is worried " i said as he blinked and sighed "I know, Santa here is taking me home"

"M-may i come ?" I asked looking up to the Santa infront of me as he smiled and nodded "thank you" i pulled Adrien onto the slid, as insat down it started moving

"Is everyone really looking for me" he asked as i nodded

"Yeah, i had to find out from Ladybug since i left my phone at home" after i said that i relized i didn't have my sweets with me " and i forgot my sweets"

"Your sweets?" He questioned

"Yeah my (F/S) i must of left them on the bench as i ran off" i sighed and watched the buildings pass by as silence fall over us, we arrived at Adrien's place as we all got off, Adrien offered Santa to stay for dinner but before Adrien could say anything to his dad Ladybug came between him and Santa

"Your fathers right" Ladybug said as i stood there in disbelief, soon i watched Adrien get taken inside and Ladybug go after Santa Claus, i stood there frozen in my spot

" why, why" i softly said and ran after Ladybug, i couldn't find her and ended back at Adrien's place while out of breath, soon i turned around to head off, after a few steps i saw something fly past me "what?"

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now