Adrien X Reader part 1

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(C/N) Country Name

- Adrien's view-

Paris was always beautiful in spring, flowers bloomed showing off their bright colour witch always made the city feel more cheerful, but today wasn't like that, today was rather upsetting

"I'm leaving for (C/N) in a week" she told me, i stood there shocked

"Why!?" I yelled making her flinch "why must you leave?"

"You know my parents travel for work" she replied

"How long are you leaving for?" I asked, oh how i wish i never said that

" I'm not sure, a few weeks, months or maybe even years " she told me, her voice braking a little everytime she spoke

Silence took over as none of us had anything else to say, we stood there i was looking at her but she was looking at the ground

"I-i'm going to go" she said and walked away, i tryed to call out but my words were stuck in my throat

As her figure slowly faded away with the crowd of people, i felt my heart hurt, placing a hand over it, i let out a sigh

"A week huh?" Plagg said to me " you have a small time galp now don't ya" he added

"Yeah, but I'll make her fall for me with in a week" i told Plagg as i looked at him, i wondered off from where i was

- (Y/N)'s view -

I walked away from Adrien, i didn't hear him call out to stop me, i didn't feel a hand on my shoulder, i didn't get anything, he let me walk away, as i returned home, i sat on my bed in the empty room, all of my photographs has been taken down from the walls

"Why must I have to go with them to (C/N) it sounds boring " i said to myself, before letting out a sigh

The memories that i made here in this room played in my head

- flash back to moving in-

"(Y/N) go unpack upstairs" my mother said

"Alright" i told her as i rushed up to my new room, then i opened it, i looked to find a lager room, built in bookshelf and a small deck under the window, as well as stairs heading to the room top "i love this room"

"Thought you would" my dad said from my door way "why not unpack and call if you need a hand" he told me before walking away

"Alright" i said walking to my window "i can see the Eiffel tower from here" i told myself as i smiled

- End of flash back-

I stood up from my bed and opened my window, as i stood on the deck i climbed the stairs to the roof top, it was a lager area just like my room, plants and chairs were sit up here

"I first meet Chat up here" i said and sighed

- flash back, first meet Chat Noir-

" I'm going to watch the sun set" i told my parents, the called back in agreement before i made my way to the rood top, holding my (F/D) in my lovely  (F/C) cup, as i sat it down i heard a light thud, turning i noticed a blonde hair boy with a black suit

"First off, don't scream " he told me, i looked at him before taking a second look

"Are you a striper, cause if you are please leave " i told him

"Whats with people always thinking that!" He yelled and placed his hands on his side

"Well, you are wearing black leather" i told him as i stood up, i walked over to him and pulled a little of his suit "yup its leather"

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now