Adrien x Reader

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(N/N) nickname

The clouds were gray, everything smelt wet, i gazed at the clouds, everything seemed sad, of cause i felt the sadness of the world

*why is today the only day i forget my  unberaller * i scolded myself as i thought of it, the sound of thunder and the cars driving fast rang in my ears

Another sigh left my mouth as the rain started pooring down

"I hate this" i softly said to myself

" the rain?" A male voice asked, looking up i noticed Adrien standing next to me, his green eyes staring at the dark clouds

"Yeah" was all i said, standing there in silence, it wasn't awkward, it never was, Adrien and i have our own way of understanding each other with out full sentences

- *flash back, first day of school*-

My eyes locked on with other people as the stared at me, i felt sick, nervous and unsure, as i took my first step up the stairs i heard talking

"Adrien! Get back in the car" a female said, turning i got a glance of blonde hair and green eyes as the person past me

"I'm going to school and you can't stop me" the boy said, i quickly looked to the lady seeing her shacking her head before getting in the car, i turn my gaze to the boy seeing him standing at the door "I'm sorry you had to see that"

"N-no its fine, no need for sorrys" i said placing my hands up in defense as i laughed nervously

"I'm Adrien " he said walking down to me, i looked at him as he smiled, some how he maded me feel at ease

" I'm  (Y/N), its nice to meet you Adrien " i said smiling at him as we shock hands and headed inside together, as we walked in a girl run to him and hugged him, calling him all  sort of name

"Chloé, please stop " he said pushing the blonde off him "I've got to head to the office with (y/n) here" he pointed to me, the blonde looked at me and then turned in discussed, i sighed as my hand was quickly taken, i got pulled my Adrien as he left the blonde behide

"Eh, i am so sorry about her" he said "she dosen't stop with the whole name calling and stuff" he smiled

"Its fine" i said returning the smile, after being told our classes, i found out I'm with Adrien in every class, witch was great, we both sat down at places we were told i sat in the back with a boy named Nathanaël

-*end of flash back*-

It's been over a year since then, I had a crush on him but i also knew his heart was taken by Ladybug, i let out a deep sigh

" (N/N) " Adrien called softly, i turned slowly and was meet with his amazing green eyes, i gazed into his eyes, my (E/C) eyes worked their way around his face, picking up small details people wouldn't normal see " want me to walk you home?" He asked smiling

" sure" i said smiling, my heart hurt a little tho, i held the ends of my (F/C) backpack, as he opened his unberaller, then we started walking, my shoes kept making a splash every time i hit a puddle

"Is something on your mind?" He asked, i hesitated for a little but shock my head a 'no' as slince took over, but this time i felt the awkwardness for the first time, i grabbed my bag more as i looked forward

- * flash back, end of week 1 * -

"So who's your favourite superhero" i asked Adrien as i placed my bag down

" Ladybug " he said almost cutting me off "what about you?"

"I'll have to go with Chat Noir" i said smiling

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now