Reader and their Cat

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This is for AwesomeKitty18 sorry its short but i hope this will be alright

Happy new years everyone

(P/N) pet name

The day was beautiful, i leaned on my window strocking my cat, (P/N) soon leaped out of my arms and walked around before carling into a ball.on my (F/C) rug, sighing it couldn't help but smile

"Is thus a cat thing? sometimes Chat even ends up sleeping there himself" i said crossing my arms, i sighed lightly and looked out my window " but i guess thats the cat side of him"

When i looked outside i watched tbe birds fly around "well better get mpving if this first anniversary thing will work out" i said smiling as i rubbed my cats head before grabbing my jacket and running off

I called into Marinette's parents bakery for a few sweets, after paying i walked out and headed to a store for what i needed, the line was small so i finished quicker then normal, leaving me more time to get a new toy for my cat (P/N)

"What should i get her, we have been together of a year now" i said tapping my chin as a thiught cane to mind " i know"

Heading to the pet store i grabed a hand full of different toys, heading to the cashier they added it all up and then told me the price, paying what i owed i soon left

I power walked all the way home, opening my now unlocked door, i walked inside and shut it before i headed to my bed room, i saw my cat asleep on the rug

"Guess she didn't move" i softly said with a smile and entered my bedroom, i put the bags on my computer desk and unpacked everything

-time skip-

It was dark and i had my beanbag facing my window so i could see the fireworks with (P/N), i sat there waiting for the fireworks to start, my cat laid in my lap as i eat my sweets, i looked to my clock as it read *11:59 pm*

" less then a minute now" i said and watched the night sky be filled with colours of every kind, i watched in amazement "happy anniversary (P/N)" i softly said as my cat meowed and purred at me

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now