Adrien x Chat Noir Reader

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What if Master Fu had been given kindness from another instead of Adrien Agreste?

-Chat Noir view-

I could feel the rain hitting my face, my back on the ground, my eye half open, Ladybug was shouting my name over and over but the rain drowned her out, i slowly sat up, my side was cut, bruise were starting  to show up and i started walking away

Ladybug had saved Paris once again and even with her luck charm my side still didn't heal, while lost in thought i ended up at the Agreste mansion

"Why am i here?" I questioned myself, i ended up watching the blonde walk around his room until

"Chat!, what happened to you" his window now open as he called out to me, i just stood on top of the roof that was opposite to his room " come in side so i can look at you're side " he told me

I went to speak but instead my body listened to him, i jumpped into his room landing awkwardly on the floor, standing up i was then lead to the bathroom

"Hurt again huh?" He said, my mind gose blinked when I'm hurt and always end up here

"Yeah, another battle with a akuma " i said smiling proudly to myself, i heard a sigh from Adrien as he pulled out the first aid kit

I unzipped my suit down to my belt and took it off, sitting on his bath tub with half my suit on i turned my attention to his bathroom window

"This will hurt" he told me as i nodded, this is how it was, Adrien would always sort out my wounds and i, I'd give him advice about anything, if it was for dating I'd tell him

" so, have you asked you're crush out yet? Or even spoken to her?" I questioned making him go red

"N-not yet, she and i have been rather busy" he told me as i nodded " she is to busy with (F/S) (favorite subject)  to talk with me and photoshoots have been to much for myself"

"I'm sure things will sort out after a while" i told him and he seemed to agree to what i said, i spent a few hours with him so i could rest for a while before leaving

- next day (Y/N) view-

My side still hurts and what made it worst was my side bag resting on it, i took a deep breath then let out a long sigh when i saw my school in view

" (Y/N)!" Someone yelled, i stopped and looking around like a lost puppy, then noticed Adrien walking over

"Adrien?" I questioned as he nodded

"I wanted to ask, if you would like to meet at the park after school?" He asked

"Sure, sounds like f-" "Adrien!" Chole yelled as she pulled Adrien into a hug and knocking me over, i held my side and held in the tears

" (Y/N) are you ok?" Adrien asked as he pulled Chole off him and walked over

"Y-yeah, just g-great" i lied to him "I'm gonna head to the nurses offince "

"I'll come"

"N-no, its fine" i said and quickly headed off

- Adrien's view-

I watched as (Y/N) walked off and i followed, i was quite so she wouldn't hear me, as she headed into the nurses offince i reopened the door and looked to see, (Y/N)'s side with blood

"What the hell happened to you?!" I yelled as i walked in, i shut the door and blocked it from her

"A-Adrien! Get out!" She yelled and covered herself but the quick action made her grad herself in pain

"Tell me what happened to you" i demanded from her, i watched her look away, her back now facing me

"I-i can't" she paused " i can't tell you because i promised " she yelled

" are you getting abused at home?" I asked, her head picked up and looked at me

"What?, no, no I'm fine at home" she told me

"Did you get attacked!" I asked as i walked closer to her "if you did, you need to tell th-"

" guess as much as you want Adrien, i wont tell you" she said cutting me off from talking i stood there looking at her, i could see the sad look on her face

Slince, thats what stood between us, until

" this promise i have made must forever stay a secret " she said looking at me, her (E/C) eye stood out with confidence, her body seem to stand it's ground and that's whwn i realized

" ah" was all i could get out as i smiled at her, i made my way over and sighed " sit down, I'll fix it up"

With that she sat on the bed as i grabbed the frist aid kit, whwn i stood infront of her she looked away blushing

" so, answer me this" her eyes watched as i kneed down " why do you always come to me?"


"Why do you come to me to wrap up your wounds " i told her

"I-i don't know what you're talking about " she said

"Is that so, Chat?" I said while smirking, i watched as her face brightened up more as i then started re-wrapping her wound "glad i could help "

"You're always a help Adrien " she said

"Well, promise me this, you'll always come to me when you need help" i told her as she smiled and wrapped her pinky in mine


--- A/N ---

This is a request from @kittykat59gammer

I hope this is to your liking

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now