Chat Noir X Miraculous Reader

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Request from _Thedemon_ here you are
Hope you like it

(K/N) Kiwani name
(M/N) Miraculous name
(M/P) Miraculous power

- 2 years ago-

I stood in the rain beside the eiffel tower, my transform slowly wearing off, the dark clouds hide all the light the sun gave off, leaving everything looking gray and dull.

Letting the rain hit my face as i watched the top of the tower, there stood Chat Noir and Ladybug, Ladybug had kissed Chat Noir with no hesitation and he didn't push her off.

I stood there socking wet in my (F/C) jacket, my dark red shirt and black pants, my Kwani now asleep in my jacket pocket.

I was frozen, unable to move away from the action that had just taken place, as they pulled away from their kiss i was able to turn away and run.

No one called for me, the only noise i could hear was my heart braking

"Why did i even love him" i yelled, stopping at a set of lights i stood in the middle of the road, no one was out, it was quite "i hate him" i cried, i held my hand over my heart has i felt it hurt "i hate them both"

- present time -

I sat on top of the eiffel tower watching over the city, i let out a small sigh as i watched as couples walk around in melting snow, it was still rather chilly, since Christmas wasn't that long ago.

"A new start huh?" I softly said to myself as i let my legs dangle off the eage, my hair blowing in the wind.

" (M/N) " a voice called from beside me, when i looked up i saw Chat Noir standing there with a shocked looked

"Oh, its you" i said with a discussed looked "what do you want Chat"

"Nothing, i just wasn't expect-" "then shut up" i said cutting him off, he stood there, hand frozen to his head as i stood up "i don't care"

"Whats you're problem" he said almost yelling

"You're my problem Chat" i yelled at him, making him flinch " your been on you're high horses for so long you didn't notice i cut you out of my life, this is the first time in 2 years I've transformed into (M/N) "

" (M/N) " Chat said softly as i sighed

" screw this, leave me alone Chat" i said and left him standing there "he's got balls for facing me" i added as i landed on a roof, making my way home i noticed Ladybug making her way to the tower

Once i got home i turned back to my normal self as my Kwani flow onto my bed "I'm tired of him thinking he can walk all over me" i yelled

"Tone it down (Y/N) he probably doesn't kmow what's happening" (K/N) said

"Sorry" i softly said before sitting next to my bed, as i looked at my ceiling "i bet he does tho and he wants to make things better, i did confess my feelings to him that day as well, he never gave me a answer" i paused and stood up " until i saw them kissing on the damn eiffel tower!" I yelled again and made a fist but let out a sigh and sat down

I put my head into my hands as the rested on my knees "what should i do? I-i still love him even tho i hate him " i said as i felt the tears hit my leg

"Talk to him" (K/N) said from behind

"And have him laugh at me, no thank you, I'd rather have him be happy with Ladybug then feeling guilty for my pain that i coursed myself" i said but (K/N) said nothing back

"Everything is against me"

"That's life (Y/N) " my Kwani said before sighing, i sat there in silence as i thought of everything

*if it's my fault then i should apologize for it* i thought and stood up "(K/N), transform me" i said and transformed into (M/N) i jumpped out of my window and landed on a roof not far from my window

I run roof tops looking for Chat, the sky was a light orange and red "its almost night" i saod as i jumpped onto the footpath, looking to my left and right i was soon hit across the face with a stuff, i was sent flying but landed well as i saw Chat standing there

He didn't look happy, i stood my ground and grabbed my weapon, he ran at me but i blocked his attack and pushed him back as i watched a yo-yo go around his staff

" (M/N) Puppeteer has a toy of him and making him do this" Ladybug said from on top of a roof

"Right!" I yelled so she could hear me, chat broke free, i quickly held Chat's arms around his head as he struggled to get free, i lost my gripping and he got free, turning he back handed me and grabbed my top half of my suit

I kicked his stomach and he dropped me, grabbing my my weapon i stood up and headed to the Eiffel tower, as i climbed up Chat followed from behind, he grabbed my ankle a few times but i kicked his face, once i was at the top and so was he, we stood there eyeing each other up

"Snap out of it Chat" i yelled and went to punch him, he dodged and punch my stomach macking me fall to my knees in pain but quickly got to my feet as i used my (M/P) to attack Chat with "it failed!?"

"I've seen you use that attack all the time (M/N) i kmow how to dodge it " he said and walked closer to me, he grabbed my arm " you should think about where you are standing "

"Wha-" i was cut off with Chat's hand around my throat and holding me in the air

" (M/N) !" Ladybug yelled as she held the akumatized weapon, i could feel Chat gripping on my neck more as he then held me over the eage

"Looks like I'll see who you are soon" he smirked "and when i do, I'll drop you afterwards "

"Don't you dear Chat!" Ladybug yelled  but just as she started yelling agai  my time way up, my mask fadded from my face and my suit did the same, i was held there in my normal clothes

My jacket blowing rapidly in the wind  along with my pants, Chat stood there with a smile before he dropped me, i watched as that smile soon fadded

" (Y/N?) " he questioned but quickly took action, the wind blow my hair around as i heard Ladybug saying something, my eyes wear covered with black before i felt something soft

" (Y/N?) Are you ok?" I heard ladybug say, but shock must of taken over "h-hey you're ok now"

I didn't say anything, Chat must of sat up and held me close as he played with my hair

*how did he kmow this clamed me?* i questioned in my head as i heard Ladybug soon leave

" so you're (M/N) huh" he said softly, all i did was nodd, silence took over but he then asked "I'm sorry" my eyes shot open and i slowly lefted my head to see him looking at me "I'm sorry i didn't return your feelings"

I went to speak but nothing came out, i sat there mouth open but only to have lips placed on them, i had watched Chat quickly move in to fill thegapthat was there as he pulled awayhe looked right at me and smiled

"Does that answers your question?" He said, i still sat there mouth open but tears falling down my cheeks as i then nodded and wipped my tears away

" i-it does Chat"

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now