Chat Blanc X Reader

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Chat Noir had been acting weird, just like Adrien if i tryed to talk to any of them they would ignore me, sighing i sat on a wall, soon i over heard two people talking

"Did you hear (Y/N)'s has been dating and sleeping with random guys" a girl said

"What?, i didn't know this and i thought she was sweet and shy" the other said, i felt my heart braking

*what if Adrien and Chat heard this and didn't know this was a lie* i though, i grabbed my stuff and got off the wall making a run for it, i tryed calling Adrien and he didn't pick up, jumping down a few stairs, i relized i was going to run into Ladybug

"Ahh! Move!" I yelled, once she heard me she did what i said as i run, tripping over and landed on the grass, i quickly got to my feet and looked over at her

"Are you alright?" She asked

"I'm fine, but do you know where Chat is?" I asked rather fast

"Um, i haven't seen him at all" she said tapping her cheek, i let out a sigh and smiled

"Ah, alright" i looked to my side to notice a few girls looking over then watched them look away, the same i had on i didn't relize my smile had faded "I'll see you around Ladybug" i said walking away from her, i spent most of the day looking for Adrien and Chat, i even went to Adrien's place, but they haven't seen him at all, i had walked to the Eiffel Tower to get away from everything, it was late and i still hadn't haerd anything

"Why did this have to happen?" I asked my self " why me, i wish i could just find Adrien and Chat so they can know the truth " i added, i looked up to the Eiffel tower to see the lights, i smiled a little but sighed as saddness washed over me once again

" (Y/N) ?" Marinette questioned

"Marinette, what are you doing out here so late?" I asked as she stood next to me looking at the Eiffel tower

"I wanted to see how you were, since those lie's are going around" she said looking at me, i smiled a little at her then looked up

"Im hurting" i said as i dropped my view to the ground "the people i love are slowly leaving, I've already lost two"

"And who are they?" She asked as i chuckled a little

"Chat Noir and Adrien " i said looking over at her i could feel myself breaking

" (Y/N) " she said softly, she was about to pull me into a hug when a staff came in between us, stepping back i looked around until i noticed a white suit and blonde hair

"Chat Noir?" I asked softly as he looked right at me

"It's Chat Blanc " he said walking over

"Leave (Y/N) alone" Marinette yelled as she stepped in front of me

"Stay away from her Marinette" he said pushing her aside

"Marin-" "Don't call her name" Chat yelled as he cut me off looking at him i could see sadness and pain in his eyes, but that vhanged as he held me into the air by my throat as i tryed to breath i couldn't get anything, every time i blinked tears started bluring everything

"Chat leave her alone" i thought Marinette said but what i could see from my blury eyes were red " drop her right now" Ladybug said but Chat didn't listen, i could feel everything slowly becoming numb, thing were slowly going black

"Why do you care?" He asked

"Everyone is just lying, she isn't like that, someone is just picking on her " Ladybug said, Chat let go of my throat and i landed on the ground, Ladybug throw her yo-yo at Chat but he blocked with his arm, as it wrapped around his arm, he pulled her over to him and she landed on the ground, chat removed the yo-yo, he focused back on me, i was on the grond just trying to get everything back to normal

"Why would someone want to pick on you? Your nothing, your worthless" he said grabbing me by the shirt my (H/L) hair fell from my shoulder, looking at him i softly smile

"Maybe your right" i said as he looked at me shocked " your right, i am nothing, im worthless and im other things" Chat just looked at me with shock, his grip was lose and i fell from his grip

" (Y/N) " he said softly, he then sighed and kneed down in front of me, his hand reached out to me

"Chat, don't you dear touch her" Ladybug said

"Ladybug, its alright, this is between Chat and i" i said looking over at her, she was shocked and looked away, i turned to Chat who had placed his hand on my neck, he softly rubbed the bruise he had made

"Im sorry, i got upset, i hated you, because you never told me about having soemone in your life" he said, his hand then moved to my shoulder as he placed the other one on the other side, i smiled at him

"I don't have anyone in my life Chat, everything is a lie, Marinette was the only one to believe me when i told her i only had two people i love".i said softly sighing

"Who are they?" He asked

" you and Adrien " i said looking at him, he was surprised from what i said, Chat removed his hands and i slowly stood up, i watched him stand up right away and help me balance

"Ladybug, the Akuma is in my bell" he said grabbing his bell and braking it off and throwing it to Ladybug, she catched it and looked at him

"What are you going to do?" She asked

"Take (Y/N) home and" he paused to look at me " and let her know my secret " he said looking back to Ladybug, she nodded slowly as Chat pulled me into him as he then picked me up bridal style before leaving Ladybug behind, i held onto Chat as we headed home, as he opened my window he stepped inside and placed me on my bed, when i looked at him he was back into his black suit

"Black always looks better on you" i said laughing a little awkwardly, i heard him sigh and look away

"I'm really sorry for how i acted earlier, i guess jealously got the better of me " he said laughing nervously

" you should of just come to me if you wanted the truth, people lie most of the time to feel better" i said sighing and looking away

" (Y/N) " he said softly, as i went to looked at him i watched him tower over me, be pushed me back onto my bed and then placed both his hands next to my head " can you forgive me for being a jerk to you?"

"We are friends so of cause " i said smiling, i watched him smile and then felt him kissing my neck " wh-what are you doing?"

"Just kissing the bruise i made" he said and went back to kissing my neck, i felt my face getting hot, soon Chat finished and looked at me, i watched him lean in and came inches away from my lips, i then watched as his mask dissappeared followed by his ears and suit, while in shock Adrien who was now on top of me filled the gap between our lips, as he kissed me i started caming back to my sense, he pulled away smiling at me then it faded away " (Y/N) whats wrong" his voice sounding worried, i didn't notice until now that i was crying

"I-i'm just glad you're alright, I've been so worried about you " i said wipping my tears away

"Worried about me? What about you, you've been having the worst week and yet here you are crying for me" he said pulling me into a hug, i stayed in his arms for a while until i clamed down, his heart was beating normally, i closed my eyes and just focused on it, with out meaning to i had fallen asleep im Adrien's arms

- A/N -

Sorry for taking so long, I'm going to do a few Chat Blanc as well and hopefully this time i can do research on it for better ideas on what he is like, may do the next Chat x read a little darker or something lets wait and see on how a feel i REALLY hope the start is ok, if you guys hate ot and want a new one let me know right away so i can change it to something better, also sorry if it seems rushed just wanted to update

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now