Chat Noir x Reader

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What was i meant to do?
He couldn't tell me why.
Could he really be leaving me?
Was i that unwanted?

I stood in my bedroom, my (F/C) walls seem darker them normal, my room felt empty, everything seem monochrome, they fade into black.

My (E/C) eye's now dull and puffy, my smiled broken, my full body mirror stood in the corner, the white colour seemed faded as well.

Was i a joke?
Did my time mean nothing?

Questions fulled my mind, my heart slowly breaking, as i sat on the end of my bed, the once soft bed that i loved wasn't there, it felt lumpy and hard.

Everytime i close my eyes i can see everything playing out once again, my throat started burning, as i opened my eyes i looked to the sky.

The bright blue sky never changed, the white fuffly clouds there still high in the sky, the colours there bright and lively.

"Maybe a walk?" I questioned, i wasn't to sure if i should, but i soon got changed into more comfy cloths.

Would i see him outside?
Would he be with her ?
Should i even go out?

Sighing i left the house of monochrome, the sun blinded my eyes, after a few blinks i could see the colours, the folowers in the gardens were full of colour.

This would normally make me smile, but a sigh was its replacement, as i took myself around Paris and noticed little things i use to love didn't make me smile.

Stopping at the entrance to the park i took a look, there wasn't anything happening, the day seemed boring looking away and started walking once again.

Leaning on a wall i closed my eyes, the silence was soon replaced with screaming, opening my eyes i watched as people ran.

Questioning their actions i took a look to see what they are running from, my eyes wided from what i saw a dinosaur walking around.

I took a step back, then i took off running, not looking back i ran into a ally way, hiding behind a bin i started claming my breathing.

My heart beatting loudly, slowly i moved around to take a look, the dinosaur hadn't come after me, letting out a sigh of relief, i felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"It's ok (Y/N)" Chat said with a soft smile, i slowly nodded as he helpped me to my feet, i was scared, ny body was shaking "lets get you out of here"

He picked me up bridle style and rushed out of the ally way, he made his way to the roof tops and placed me down softly.

"You should be out of the way now" i nodded at his words " i should be back soon" he said, saying our good-bye's i watched him assist Ladybug.

They were a great team, able to over come any problems that faced them, children and adult's love them, i looked at ny hands seeing them shake.

"I just need to stay calm" i told myself while taking deep breathes, after soon time i was calm, Chat and Ladybug had finley put a stop to the dinosaur and whomever controlled it.

Could i be wrong?
Was i seeing things wrong?
Did he say what me ment?


uestion after question filles ny mind once again "was i wrong?" I told myself, seeing the beauty of Paris before me, i felt my worries slowly fade away.

A smile came to my lips as inlooked down a little "(Y/N)" Chat called to me, turning i gave him a smile.

"What is it Chat?" I questioned, he rubbed the back of his neck, his face was deep in thought but a smile made it to his lips.

"Would you like to watch the sunset with me?" He asked a small blush made its way to his checks as i agrred to join him.

Only having a few hours to waste before sunset, he and i spoke while sitting on the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I view was amazing, the breezes was cold, i was enjoying myself instead of over thinking.

"And at the end of the day, mum would have a basket full of (F/S) (favorite sweets) waiting for me" i said whike laughing, he let out a small chuckle.

"That sounds great" he said, his ryes were looking to the sky, his face showing the thinking he was doing once again.

I turned i look at the sky seeing the colours started to change, i sat next to Chat.

The sky was beautiful, the red and orgen mixing together, the purple and drak blue fading to become one, the stars shined as the moon filled the streets with its own light.

Looking around i was reminded why inloves every small thing that i see, it had its own beauty.

"(Y/N)" Chat called my name softly as i felt his hanf on top of him, he seemed embarrassed by the action he just took "w-would you like to do this again?"

"Of cause" i said, he looked at him with a lager smile.

"Really?" He said, the excitement filled his voice as i nodded, he looked back to the night sky with a smile on his face.

I looked back to the sky myself smiking softly, closing my eyes i felt the wind against my face.

I felt happy with him

----- A/N ----

I am going to be in Melbourne for 10 day starting at 5 am thursday (21/12/17)  morning, this will be my last update until next year.

If you have a requests please DM me the information.

I will get to the requests next year every new one shoot that start in the new year and ends will have the year number so i can keep track on how long this has been going.

Have a great Christmas and a happy new years everyone.

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now