Chat Noir/Adrien X Reader

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(H/S) hair style

- Chat Noir view-

I sat on top of the eiffel tower as the lights of Pairs lit up the night, a sigh except from my lips as i leaned back letting the wind blow around me, i was deep in thought soon i snapped out, i stood up and used my staff to get down, as i landed on the ground, i noticed a (F/C) jacket (H/L) (H/C) in a (H/S), i heard a sigh coming from them and i walked over

"Why the long face, Princess " i said, then they turned and looked at me their (E/C) were breath taking

"It's nothing, really" she said looking away

"Well if it was nothing then why are your eyes puffy" i asked as i watched her look at me a little shocked before slowly relaxing again

"If i tell you, keep it between us?" She said looking at her hands as i nodded

"Of cause, a cat's promise " i said with a smile " the name is Chat Noir

" (Y/N) " she puased " well, I've been having a really hard week, this girl named Chloé, she's been getting at me cause i hang out with this guy she likes" she puased again but sighed " she keeps saying i stole him" she said rubbing her forehead

"What's this guys name" i said i knew who she was talking about, i knew who she was and her problem

"His name is Adrien, Adrien agreste, his a famous male model" she said waving her arm like she didn't care

" dose this Chloé have a reason for being mean" i asked as i leaned on the bench, her face seem to light up with red

"Well, i did have a small crush on him but" she puased for a while

"But?" I questioned

"But, after everything, it sort of drifted away, i never talk with him or anything, thanks to chloé" she said in a harsh tone, i sighed a little and jumpped over to sit next to her

" i can't offer any help but, maybe if you ignore her?" I asked as i looked at her

"Been there done that, didn't work out well" she said as she got up "thank for the help tho, see ya around" she said with a smile and a wave before walking off

"Wait" i said as i run over to her, she stoped and looked at me with a confused look " if you want someone to talk to, I'm always here at this time " i said looking at her, her confused look changed to a happy one as she smiled

"Thanks Chat, i may take you up on that offer " she said and walked away once again, i let out a sigh and once i was alone i transformed into into Adrien

"Well, is there a love triangle " Plagg said as he flew into my face

"No there isn't plagg, i-i like Ladybug anyway" i said as i started walking away

- (Y/N) view- ( next day at school)

"Kept away from him or i will hurt you" Chloé said as she left the girls locker room, i let out a sigh as walked out soon after, i had just finished sports and had Adrien on my team

"This isn't going to end" i sighed sadly as i walked to the classroom, i sat in the back with Nathanaël as i felt Chloé looking right at me, thankfully this was the last class of the day and it was Math

-time skip-

Maths had finished and we had groups of two and i was with Adrien, i had my forehead on my locker as i thought about the things chloé could do, i felt a hand on my shoulder and when i looked i saw Adrien standing there with a sad experience

"Are you alright ?" He asked as i stood up straight and nodded and then looked away " why are You acting so weird?" He asked again, i just stood there looking at the ground as i heard him sigh and start walking away

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now