Adrien X Reader part 1

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Adrien and i have been friends since childhood, his sweet, kind hearted and just an adorable little kids, but as the years past, Adrien seemed to be acting alot different then before, he would leave class at weird time along with Marinette, sometimes they both were late for school

" where have you been" i asked as he power walked into school

"I've been, ah, bu-busy, yeah busy" he said rubbing his neck, letting out a sigh i noticed Marinette coming in

"or maybe you two were doing stuff together " i said as Marinette froze and both blushed brightly

"What!" Marinette yelled then covered her mouth "it-its nothing like that " she laughed nervously

"Then why are the both of you leaving class at weird times and always missing school" i shouted but clamed myself

" (Y/N) clam down, we aren't doing anything that will hurt us, i promise" he said patting my head, i smiled softly to myself and nodded

"Im glad, i don't want anything bad happening to the both of you" i said as they started walking away, i could feel my heart beating fast and loudly, I've had a crush on Adrien for about 2 years now way before Marinette knew him, i let out a sigh and quickly headed to class

"Miss (L/N) your late" the teacher said and then told me to sit down, as i did, i noticed Marinette was sitting in Nino's spot and Nino was with Ayla, sitting down i rubbed the back of my neck as i watched them, they were getting really friendly with each other

*whats got them close?* i thought and sighed as i started paying attention to the class, as the bell rang, Adrien walked out with Marinette so i quickly got everything and followed behind them, i watched them hold hands and Marinette place her head on his shoulder as he smiled, i stopped following them, i watched them walk away, i lowered my head as i held back my tears

"Why" i said to myself softly as i made two fist

" (Y/N)?" Adrien called to me but i just turned my head to my side " h-hey whats wrong?" He asked

"I-its nothing" i said softly my voice slowly starting to brake

"Come on you can tell me if somethings wrong, we're friends aren't we?" He said placing his hand on my shoulder, i quickly slapped it of making Marinette gasp

"If we are friends, why didn't you tell me your with Marinette " i said still looking away, he didn't say anything but sighed "thats what i thought" i started walking away but he grabbed my arm

" (Y/N) look at me" he said, i sighed and looked at him, his eyes widen as he saw the tears going down my cheeks, i felt his grasp soften, i snached my arms back and quickly made a run for it " (Y/N)"

* why, why does it have to be her, i wanted to be with him, he was mine i know more about him* i thought, i tripped over nothing, i landed on my face and slowly got up to my feet, i stood there as my tears hit the ground

" (Y/N!) " I heard Adrien yell, i quickly run off as footsteps followed behind " please stop! We need to talk" he said

"Leave me a lone" i told him as i run home with him following behind, i took the back ways as in hope i had lost him with my short cuts, as i made my way up to my room i let out a sigh and opened my door

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now