Chat Blanc x Reader

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- 2 weeks ago -

"I hate you!" Chat yelled at me, before he run away

"Chat!" I yelled back running after him, snow under my shoes, the cold air in my face as it maded my lips hurt and my nose run, but no matter how much i ran i couldn't find him " Chat! Where are you !" Silence was my only response " where are you?" My voice was low and slowly braking

- Christmas Eve -

I sat in my room, looking outside the open window, the cold air blowing inside along with falling snow, Ladybug had been coming over for the last week and a half after fining out Chat and i had a fight, she was trying to cheer me up

"Come on (Y/N) lets go make snow angles " she said from behind me

"No thank you" i said bluntly

"Th-thats fine, we could do some-" " no thank you " i said cutting her off

"Well, i should get going, I'll be back tonight" she said leaving my room from the window

"See ya" i sighed

" Don't worry, I'll find Chat and bring him home " she said with a smile

"I know, thanks " i smiled a little to her, once she left i let out a long sigh, getting myself ready to head out, i put my scaf, gloves and jacket on, along with my shoes.

I walked around Paris, the eiffel tower stood tall with snow on it, i stood infront of it as snow once again.

" (Y/N) " a male voice called, turning i saw Max walking over to me " its good to see you outside for once"

I laughed a little " yeah, and Christmas is tomorrow, so i guess it was good timing" i said looking away from him

"It is, anyway see you later" he waved and walked away before i could say good bye

" (N/N)? " i heard a voice call, knowing who it was i turned around to see Chat, but not in his normal black suit, it was while, while like the snow.

" Chat?" I questioned, he walked closer but i took a step back making him stop

"What? Are you scared of me?" He asked

"Why are you wearing white" i questioned

"Because I'm more stronger now, that whole Chat Noir thing wasn't working, but now being Chat Blanc i feel so much power" he saod smiling

"But, but you were fine with Chat Noir, i-i don't really like this new look of yours " i said, my legs shacking a little

"Oh, come on (Y/N) you'll get use to this look" he started walking over again, but i just kept backing away " come here, I'm not going to hurt you" he puased and smiled "much".

After he said that he used his cataclysm to attack me with, i dogged the attack and ran as fast as i could away from him

"Chat Noir, would never do this !" I yelled as he laughed

"Well dear, he is no longer here" Chat Blanc said as he followed behind me, i ran around looking for a place to hide but i stopped, turning around i was just able to move from his cataclysm that touch the Eiffel tower leg, we both stood there and looked at the Eiffel tower.

It was black and started to crumble away, large metal beam fell beside me, looking to it i felt my face lose colour.

"Come on, move" Chat Blanc yelled, he grabbed my hand and started running with me behind him

"Why are you saving me, don't you want me died!?" I yelled

"Yeah, i do but also i don't!" He yelled back, i quickly slipped my hand out of his and came to a stop, he looked back at me and quickly stopped moving, i held into the ends of my jacket as i sighed a little

"Just leav-" i was cut off with Chat Blanc pushing and rolling with me as another metal beam fall where i stood

"Right now, my life is also in danger" he stood up and picked me up bridal style and started running again, i watched as the Eiffel tower fall and soon was no longer standing there, i felt emptyness in my heart as i put my head on Chat's chest as i listened to his heartbeat

-time skip-

I sat on Adrien's bed as Chat walked around trying to get a hold of Ladybug

"Damn it" he said and throw his staff on the sofa

"Wh-why are we here at Adrien's place?" I questioned as he let out a sigh

"Because he isn't at gome right now and its safer then being in the street" he growled before walking to the window and left

" oh" was all i said i sat there lost in my thoughts until i let out a small sigh "1 hours until Christmas " i said looking at the clock, everything felt was slow, when Chat came back he held out a brown bag to me

"You haven't had dinner yet" he said beofre eatting from his bag, nodded i grabbed it and started eatting myself

Silence grow in the room as Chat and i eat in different places, i was on the bed and he, he was on the next level

"What happened to you Chat?" I asked but nothing came back, after letting out a sigh i heard talking

"After our fight, i left, i went to the Eiffel tower to clear my mind but" he puased and sighed " you caused such a emotionally effect on me that, i became akumatized" he said, i stayed quite as he kept talking

"Ladybug has had emotionally effects on me, but nothing like this, maybe i feel more for you then i do her?" He said questioning himself before letting out a sigh "but the fight was stupid, you should have come right to me, but things went out of hand "

"I know!" I half yelled " i know, i didn't come to you because it would effect you, that was my problem no one else but mine" i added but silence was there to greet me once again but soon foot steps filled the silence and Chat was soon infront of me, i didn't look up from my spot on the floor.

I felt leather under my chin as it lefted my head up, my eyes were greeted with green

"You can always rely on me, no matter the problem" Chat said, i let out a sigh just as my alarm went off for midnight "Merry Christmas my Dear" Chat added before leaning in and giving me a soft kiss, i melted into it as i wrapped my arms around his neck

I broke away to get air "Merry Christmas Chat" i saw Chat smirking after i spoke he put his forehead onto mine as i smiled

--- A/N ---

Merry Christmas everyone, have a great day

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now