Adrien X Reader

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Snow, it covered Paris, it covered everything as it fell, cars had a blanket of white over it as well as trees, it was going to become a white Christmas

Leting out a sigh i watched as people walked past my building, they run, walked and sometimes stood there on the foot path looking at a love letter or message from their love ones

I sat there with my (F/D), everything was peaceful, everything was quite inside my home, because i was the only one here.

My Parents had a work party they had to attend, i wanted to spend Christmas ev with them for the first time in years, but that never falls through, letting out another sigh i stood up from where i had been sitting down, my cup now empty as i washed it up and pleaced it away.

Walking around the house, i looked for books to read, having nothing there i grow tired of my home and graded my (F/C) jacket and my shoes before leaving the house, locking it before i left, stepping out into the cold, i let out a breath of hot air and it was clear to see.

"It's going to get colder" i softly said to myself, before i walked off, placing my hands into my pockets i watched as couples walked hand in hand with each other and cuddled on the benches in the park, i looked up to see the Eiffel tower not to far from where i was.

"It's lovely isn't?" A voice said from my right

"It is" i said and let out a sigh "not with Chole this Christmas ev?" I asked turning to Adrien who was looking at the Eiffel tower

"No, not really looking for to it, to be honest " he said looking down to me

"Why is that?" I asked

"Because its not the same any more" he replied

"Ah" i paused "i kmow how that feels, my parents are at a work party" i sighed

" and mine dad is at work" he said

" want to spend Christmas ev with me then?" I asked looking up at him with a smile as he then nodded

"I'd love that, thank you (Y/N) " he smiled warmly to me

"No worries, friends need to stay together, right!" I yelled the last part as i started walking off as Adrien laughed from behind me

"Thats right" he said as i heard footsteps coming to me "shall we get something to eat before we start our walk around Paris?"

"That would be great, i haven't had dinner yet" i said smiling

"Its almost like a date, wouldn't you say" he said looking down at me, i didn't look at him as i felt my face heat up from what he said

"N-not really its just to friends getting food together " i said and looked to my side

"Ture" he said and softly giggled before grabbing my hand and guided my to a restaurant not to far from us.

As we entered the restaurant we were guided to a table for two and then handed us our menu's, i looked over the choices and picked (F/F) ( favorite food) and (F/D), then Adrien ordered

" so (Y/N) why are you out so late ?" Adrien asked

"While, i didn't have anything better to do, Chat was taking his sweet time to get to mine, but he never showed up, i was hoping to spend this night with him or someone else " i explained with a sigh

"Ah i see"

"But he most likely out with ladybug, knowing him" i sighed " can't believe I've known him for about 4 years " i said with a laugh

"Really, its been that long?" Adrien questioned

"It has, I've known you for about the same time" i said while smiling

"Its been a wonderful 4 years" he said making me blush, i looked away as our drinks were served to us

"Adrien, can i ask you something "

"What is it?" Adrien questioned

"Do you, do you still like Ladybug?" I asked looking at him

"No, i got over her rather quickly, i guess it was just a school kid crush" he laughed as i joined, we spoke for hours as we had dinner, Adrien had paid before we left to walk around

" less then an hour untill midnight " i said looking down at my phone

"Then lets head to the Christmas tree" he said as i nodded and follwed behind him

The lights were bright, everything looked great, i took my phone out and got it into my camera setting

"Adrien come here" i said as he walked over

"Whats up?" He asked

"Come take a photo with me " i smiled as he nodded in agreement, i turned the camera to my from camera  and stood next to Adrien in front if the tree.


I took the photo, as i looked at it i couldn't help but smile more

"Thanks for taking the photo with me" i said

"Its no worries, it will make a great wallpaper, let me talk one for mine " he said and pulled me beside him, i smiled as he took the photo

"This is so much fun" i said laughing lightly

"It is, you always make things better (N/N) " Adrien said patting my head

"You haven't called me that in a while" i smiled " oh, i forgot, i have a gift for you, but i left it at home" i sighed

"Its fine, I'll just get it off you on Christmas day anyway" he smiled as i nodded

We sat down on a bench and watched the lights for a while, i looked at my phone and sighed

"1 minute until Christmas " i softly said

"Its so colse but it feels so far away" he said as i nodded

"It feels like time just slowed down"

"It does" he said as silence took place until i heard him sigh " ( Y/N) " he said

" yeah?"

"Would you, you don't have to" i watched Adrien staelrt turning bright red " but, would you consider going out with me?" He said turning his blushing face away from me

" as in being your girlfriend ?" I asked as i felt my face heat up

"Yes, would you ever consider having me as your boyfriend!" He stood up and yelled in embarrassment

I couldn't help but giggle at his actions making him look at me confused, i looked up with a smile on my face

" (Y/N?) " he questioned before instood up and took his hand

" yes" was all i said before looking at the sky to see it was snowing again "yes, I'll consider having you as my boyfriend" i looked over at him as he stood there shocked but soon smiled out of happiness

" (Y/N) " he said and held me in hug before letting go and looking at me " Merry Christmas "

"Merry Christmas, Adrien " i said and kissed him softly on the lips and placing my forehead on his

Snow, cold as always, but my heart was warm enough to keep it away from me, my Christmas wish came ture and stayed ture for years to come

--- A/N --

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Years

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now