Chat Noir X Reader

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- Chat Noir's view-

The last time i spoke with (Y/N) it was a fight about how she should stay safe when in danger, i only wanted her safe and yet as i stood on the eiffel tower with Ladybug beside me i couldn't help but sigh

"Her where abouts is eatting at you, aren't they?" Ladybug said looking at me

"Yeah, i just want her to be safe" i said, my voice cracking a little, i could feel the tears wanting to fall but i wouldn't have it, not at this moment

"We will find her Chat, no matter what " she said trying to reassure me

"Thanks LB" i said, faking a smile "I'm going to head off and look for her more tomorrow " i added before leaving, i used my staff to help me home, i opened and closed my window in the bathroom, i transformed back to Adrien as Plagg flow above me, closing my bathroom door

"We will find her Adrien" Plagg said trying to cheer me up

"Hopefully, its been a few days and i don't even know where to start" i sighed "maybe i could ask around tomorrow" i said looking out my window

"If you want to do that, rest early and get up early " Plagg said flying around me, i sighed sitting at the end of my bed

"I hope she isn't hurt" i said running my figers in my hair as i fell back on my bed " i should look everywhere, with or with out Ladybug " i closed my eyes, i didn't know how tired i was until i rewoke to the sound of birds

"Adrien, time to get up" plagg said above my face as i looked at him, setting up i rubbed my face a little, my hair was a little messy

"Alright" i said standing up "Plagg, claws out " i transformed into Chat Noir and left my bedroom, i went out to look for (Y/N) once again going over places i have checked before, i went to her places and saw no one there, sighing i took my leave, soon i made my way into the abandoned places of Paris, checking them and soon coming across a room with no light

" (Y/N) " i called, nothing, i walked inside and started looking around, broken boxes, ripped up fabric, i stopped when i heard crying "hello?"

"W-who's there?" Their voice sounded harsh and dried, but i could make out that it was female

"Chat Noir" i answerd

"Chat" they sound happy, i saw movement from a corner and my eyes widen, it was (Y/N), she looked tired, i walked over and placed my hands on her cheek

"I found you" i said i could see she was confused "i can't believe i found you, (Y/N) " i placed my forehead on hers and stroked her cheeks

"You've been looking for me ?" She questioned

"Of cause i have!" I yelled with happiness in my voice

"C-can we leave, i can't see in darknees" she said shyly, i grabbed her hand and walked her out of the dark room, she stopped and i did the same, i watched as her eyes focused, she looked around, until she looked over at me with a smile

"Lets get going" i said pulling her over to me and picking her up bridal style "hold on" i smirked as she did as i said, i then started junpping roof tops and jumpped into my room

"Why are we at Adrien's place?" She asked looking at me, all i did was smile

"Because i know this place is safe, go have a shower and I'll let Adrien know you returned" i said placing her on her feet, i went to leave but she grabbed my arm "whats wrong ?"

"I'm sorry about our fight a few days ago, i know you want me to be safe, but i also want the same for you" she said looking at her feet, i felt her hand let go, i patted her head smiling

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now