Chat Noir x Reader part 1

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I sat on my (F/C) sofa ignoring how awkward the silence felt, every time i glanced over he would have the same unsettling look on his face.

"I can't take this" i screamed, lurching myself off the sofa i once sat on, pacing back and forth "why is this so awkward " i questioned him.

"Ah-umm, maybe its me?" He questioned himself and that didn't help me.

"We have the rules down but something doesn't fit" i cried while leaning on the front door.

" (Y/N), you could be tired, i heard you playing video games most of last night, I'm sure after some sleep things will sort themselfs out" he said trying to reassure me.

I looked at hin almost wanted to kill him but sighed, i gave up "maybe i did over do it, hopefully sleep helps out" i told him as he smiled and stood up.

"Thats great, lets head to bed and sort things out tomorrow then" and with that he walked to his bedroom opposite of mine, i sighed as i watched green come from his room.

"Who are you really?" I questioned myself, i wasn't afraid of him, i never thought I'd want to know who he was "whoes behind the mask Chat Noir" i said softly before walking to my own bedroom.

- skip to morning-

The smell of bacon and eggs awoke me, i started removing myself out of bed, opening my door i walked out in my baggy knee high shirt.

"Something smells nice Chat" I said complaining him, soon the sound of something bring dropped and a high pitched voice woke me up a little more.

"Th-thanks (Y/N)" he said, i blinked seeing noone but the island that stood between me and the kitchen.

I stood there for a good few seconds before realizing that i didn't tell him i was awake "I'm gonna take a shower" i said and left for my bedroom again.

-time skip-

Around midday i watched from my bedroom window as ladybug, Chat noir and the three new heros fighting an akuma.

Their fight seems harsh, i wanted to cook something for Chat but he could be back at any time, sighing and called up Marinettes parent's.

I asked for a cake, just telling them small details, saying how its a thank you cake, they said it would be done in a few days, smiling about that i thanked them and hung up.

Looking to the window again i saw they were finished and were having a small chat before the split up, i saw Chat heading back this way and the other four going their own way.

"That was a work out" Chat said

"Seemed like it" another voice said "now then, I'mgoing to eat my cheese in peace"

"Alright then plagg, I'll be out here for a while" Chat said, i wish i could walk out there but i knew i couldn't, i would have loved to hear about the fight that had happen, the details would be more clear then watching from so far.

I kept watching the outside as i thought about how i felt for Chat, I've lived with him for 6 months but ive known him for 4 years.

Leaning my head back i sighed a little, i knew my answer, getting up i stood on my carpet and hyped myself up, i was going shopping.

As i gradded my clothes, plain black paints, a (F/C) shirt along with my shoes and a jumper, i gradded my bag and opened my door "Chat, I'm heading out, I'll quickly run to the door" i told him.

"O-ok" he said, walking to the hall way i shut my door and ran for the door "how long will you be out for?" He added

"Maybe the whole day, I'll knock if I'm back early" i told him, my back facing him "did you want anything?"

Befor he could say someone with a high pitched voice called out "more cheese" i laughed lightly

"Alright then" i smiled waved to chat awkwardly without looking and left the appartment, closing the door i sighed.

As i wondered around Paris you'd think I'd be able to find everything i wanted but sadly no, i spent hours looking for dresses or anything that looked cute.

I took my phone out and looked at the time 2 30pm sighing i leand back to think "maybe marinette?" I questioned "she would ask questions"

After eatting at a local cafe i went for another look around, as i walked into a clothes shop i looked at the dresses but nothing looked cute or elegant to me.

But just as i was about to leave i turned my head and there it was, i grabbed it and went to the changing room.

As i changed into the dress it stopped just above my knees, the sleeves were short, the top wasnt to low cut, everything fited perfectly and i felt cute.

Removing the dress and changing into my clothes i left to go buy the dress, once i paid for the dress i found 2 inch heel shoes that i also got.

As i finished shopping i had a few different bags with me, as i looked to the sky i saw it was dark already.

I made my way home with a smile on my face, as i stood outside the door i knocked twice and waited.

"Ok come in" chat called out, as i opened the door and walked inside, his bedroom door was shut but i went stright to my bedroom.

I spent most of the night thinking about what i could do for chat "dinner date? To many people would want photos of him" i sighed " maybe a picnic?"

I walked to my window looking out to the lights of Paris, opening my window i felt the cold breeze of the night, i was claming and relaxing.

Sitting next to my window i watched the street lights, the moths were drown to it, looking to my door i could hear wishers i smiled softly and turned my attention to the outside world.

I stood up and then walked out of my bedroom, the livingroom was empty, i looked around for Chat only to find a note on the kitchen top.

Dear (Y/N)

I'm sorry i can't tell you in person but i wont be back for a few days, my personal life has called for me and I'll be taking a leave from being Chat Noir. I hope i haven't hurt your feelings in anyway, but life calls, you know.

From Chat Noir

I smiled lightly as i folded the note up "guess I'm alone for a while, my plans out the window as well" i laugh lightly as i held the note in my hand.

I placed my hand over my heart as felt it hurt, looking to the moon i found it was becoming blurry "please stay safe Chat, I'd like to welcome you home when you return" i spoke but the silence was what replied to me.

--------- A/N -----------

Sorry i haven't uploaded in a while, been unsure what to wrtie up, also been busy with sewing and family things

I'll be making a part two to this if people like it enough.

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now