Chat Noir X Reader part 1

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This is for @TaraMullis hope this worked well

-Chat Noirs view-

"Come on my lady, why can't you tell me who you are" i asked her, my hand holding onto her wrist

"Because our identity must stay a secret, you know this" she shouted as pulled her hand away " stop asking" she told me before she left

"I hate this whole secret identity thing" i yelled hoping she could hear me, but to my disappointment nothing was said back, i stood there looking into the darkness, then a soft voice broke it

" she turned you down again?" This voice belonged to (Y/N) a girl I've known for a few years "just keep trying "

"Why?" I said bluntly

"Why? Because if you love her you need to show that you'll never let her go" she said, the voice that shared happyness with everyone

I stood there laughing at what she said " idiot" my voice seemed dark " what advice would you have now?" I asked " you can't even keep a guy interested in you for more then a couple of days if lucky a week"

"You keep out of my love life Chat" she said, that happy tone slowly fading away

"But everything i said was true, you can't love anyone, nor would they want to love you" i told her i turned around and finally faced her, there she stood, her (E/C) eyes stood out with the help of the moon

"Shut up" She mumbled , i could tell by her tone she was holding back, she would open her mouth a close it, trying to say something

" aha, you can't even think of a come back, you're an idiot, never able to do anything on your own" i said and then laughed

She was silent, the clouds covered the moon leaving everything dark, i watched her turn around and walk off, following behind i kept going, insulting her, then she stopped making me do the same

"You should take a good hard look at you're self Chat, I'm not the one who runs after same girl, you don't know her, she's a stranger, a no body and you fell for her so hard you can't even get back up" she told me, her voice was calm but harsh

"ah! what would you know!? you don't even know who i am yet here you are, becoming close to another stranger maybe even falling for me, but you already knew i loved her, i don't care for what is behind that mask, i lov-" i was cut of but laughing

" falling for you? who in their right mind would fall for a cocky, stuck up idiot of a cat, like you?!" she turned and looked at me, i felt a chill run down my spine, the look in her eyes, it was hate, hate towards me " but you are right, i don't know who you are, i never cared, i was just happy to see you smile, but now, why should i stick my neck out to help you with you're lovebug" she said mocking my voice

" don't mock me" i yelled at her, i bared my teeth in anger at her, she took a step closer to me

"I'll do what i want Chat, you can't stop me, i'll mock you, i'll hate you, but-but the fact that i'd be the one caught in this crossfire of you and your emotions" she paused, i could see her fist shaking from anger " me out of everyone, someone who is always there, this always happens to the kind people they get crushed into dust because of people like you" she was right in front of me,

after what she said i was ready to rip into her, i grabbed her shoulders and held her there " never compare me to people like that, i don't care what you do (Y/N) stay out of my life from now own, or i'll make you sorry " i told her and pushed her away from me

" make me sorry ? your the one who needs to be sorry!" her voice screamed and echoed in the silent night, the later it had gotten the more the cold picked up and the more i could see her heavy breathing

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now