Adrien X Reader

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Adrien had a photoshoot today, im not sure why, but i choose to tag along, i sat on a bench in the park with a juice box in hand, as Adrien posed for photos, the park wasn't busy like it normally was, a few kids and adults

"This is going to be a long day" i sighed

"Hey there" someone said, as they walked over

"Um, hi?" I said as they sat down next to me and then put their arms behind me and the other side, i moved a away from his so i was on the eage of the bench

"What is a lovely lady like yourself doing here?" He said looking at me

"I'm with a-" "She's with me" Adrien said cutting me off and pulling me into him

"Dude, im having a conversation with her" the guy said while getting up

"While i have to end that conversation for the fact we're leaving " Adrien said turning around and walking off with me

"Good timing" i said with a sigh of relief as i smiled at Adrien, he nodded to me, we walk to were he was having his photoshoot, he spoke with the people before telling them good bye

"Want to grab something to eat?" Adrien asked, i nodded as he lead the way, walking behind him i could feel eyes on me, i let out another sigh as i felt arms go around my neck "you shouldn't walk so far be hind"

"Sorry, guess i was lost in thought and didn't relize my speed dropped" i said with a small laugh

"Don't be sorry" he said patting my head and grabbing my hand as he walked " where do you want to eat ?"

"Anywhere is fine" i said smiling, i felt like this was a date, even tho I've known Adrien since day one of his first day

"I know a place " he said and quickened his paste, i softly nodded knowing he wouldn't see me, we soon came across a lovely restaurant, it wasn't to busy, he pulled me inside getting a table with two chairs, he pulled mine out for me and i sat an down as he pushed it in

"Th-thank you" i said with blushing lightly

"No worries (Y/N) why not order, get anything you want" Adrien said with a lager smile on his face, i started to get more embarrassed and pulled the menu close to my face as i looked it over, but sadly my time with Adrien quickly ended, the sound of things crashing and people screaming, maybe me looked up from the menu

"Whats happening?" I asked looking at the madness, but i didn't get a answer, looking to were i thought Adrien was, i was faced with a emptry chair " huh? " panick started to take over " Adrien!" I yelled getting up from my set and heading out of the restaurant, i heard a crash and not to far from me was a car upside down

"Im the only weather girl around here" a girl cried, she was making harsh winds that blow cars Into the sky, she didn't care were they landed, i watched her leave until the sound of cars crashing snaped me out of my daze, i was soon picked up and thrown over someones shoulder as i watched where i last stood get crushed by a car

"You need to be careful" the voice almost sounded like Adrien, then i looked i saw black cat ears

"Oh Chat, sorry, i guess i was in shock" i rubbed my head as he stopped ontop of a roof top and placed me down

"Well good thing i was close by " he said, showing of his teeth as he did so " so (Y/N) what are you doing out here looking all prettyed up?" Chat asked, i blinked at him for a while

"Shouldn't you be helping Ladybug interested of flirting with me ?" I asked, but he was right, i was all prettyed up, i just wanted to look cute for the day

"Yeah, i guess i should, I'll be back my lady" he said winking at me before he left, i stood there confused until i relized i was on the roof top still, i run to the eage of the roof to watch the fight from below, Ladybug and Chat Noir work well together, i stepped back and watched from afar as they followed this "stormy weather" to the KIDZ+ studio, they soon left my view as i sat on the roof waiting

-Chat Noir/Adrien's view-

Ladybug and i had followed stormy weather into the studio, we looked around and soon found her in a room, running and kicking open the door she looked at us shocked, Ladybug used her yo-yo at stormy weather but it couldn't reach as she used her power to stop it

"Give me your miraculous" she demand before shutting the lights off and leaving us there, i grabbed Ladybugs hand and went after stormy weather, once on the roof of the KIDZ+ studio i quickly got my staff and blocked attacks as Ladybug used her lucky charm, getting a towel i couldn't help but comment on it, making her sigh and face plam herself, she looked around and then told me what to do, i quickly distracted stormy weather as i ran, i used my cataclysm on built bored as it came down, Ladybug the grabbed stormy weather's parasol and broke it in two

"Well I'm off, I've got a date" i said and run off to were i left (Y/N), i jump beside her making her jump a little "sorry for just leaving you like that princess, lets get you down from here" i picked her up and started heading off back to her place

"I-i'm having lunch with Adrien, Chat" she called, i smiled to her

"Don't worry about him, his fine with me taking over" i said smirking at her as she started blushing, i made it to her room and placed her on the bed "well i better get going before you see me with out my mask, and you wouldn't be able to resist me " i winked and left her bedroom

- (Y/N) view -

Chat left my room, i sat on my bed blushing like a mad man

"His just being a flirt" i said as i stood up and made my way to the kitchen i heard a knock at my door, i opened it and saw Adrien standing there

"Hey, sorry for just running off like that" he said rubbing his head and then handed me some flowers "here, a way to say sorry"

"Um" i looked at them and blushed " th-thank you" i took them and smiled " come on in" i said and walked Adrien inside

"Thanks (Y/N) " he said with a smile as he walked inside

"Its no worries would you like a drink of some sort?" I asked as i turned to him

"No I'm fine " he smiled " (Y/N) " he said

"Yeah?" I asked turning my body his way, he grabbed me and pulled me into him, grabbing my chin and making me look up to him, i felt butterflies in my stomach

"I've wanted to do this since the first day i saw you" he said before placing his lips onto mine, his lips were soft and a little sweet, i slowly melted into the kiss and shut my eyes "that was better then i thought it would ever be " he added after braking the kiss

"I-it was" i said blushing like a mad man once again, as he kissed my cheek and smiled as he did

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now