Adrien X Reader

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Winnter had come and snow was falling, letting out a sigh i waited for Adrien to finish his winnter photoshoot, i sat on a step with my (F/C) coat my (H/L) (H/C) was in a (H/S) i rubbed my hands together as i breathed hot air onto them making my breath see able

"Adrien, more to the left!" I herd the photographer yell as i watched Adrien sigh, i soon stood up and walked over to see what everyone was doing, it seemed like everyone was slowly packing up, once the photographer was happy with the poses Adrien had done, he started packing up, i had my back to Adrien as i watched everyone

" (Y/N) " Adrien called as i turned to see him walking over

"Adrien, what is it" i said looking at him with my (E/C) as he smiled and grabbed my hands

"Your hands are freezing, come with me" he said pulling me along with him

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To sit in the car while we wait " he said with a smile, i nodded as he opened the door for me, i got in as his driver turnes the heater on, Adrien sat next to me and shut the door, i felt the car slowly warming up, Adrien grabbed my hands again and placed them on his chest, i lightly blushed and looked at him

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked as he lightly blushed

"Keeping your hands warm" he replied, i nodded and sat there in silence, it felt awkward for me but my hands did start feeling warmer, i felt the car start moving " are we off to another shoot?" Adrien asked his driver as he nodded, i heard Adrien sigh, i moved my hands and put my belt on as he did the same "sorry about all this" he added

"It's fine, i find it funny seeing you trying to get into half of the poses they ask you do to" i said laughing, i heard him giggle a little as well as he sighed

"Yeah, its annoying but some times funny" he said looking out the window

I let out a sigh as i looked at my hands, I've known Adrien since his first day and that was almost 3 years ago, i turned to look out the window on my side, the snow covered everything, the trees, building and the road, i smiled a little as i watched some kids having a snowball fight

- Adrien's view -

I looked over at (Y/N) seeing her looking out the window, i smiled softly at her as she was deep in thought, soon we came to a stop and i looked at the building we were outside

"Alright, come on (Y/N) let get this photoshoot over with" i said with a sigh, i got out and helped her out before shutting the door and walking inside, i held her hand not wanting to lose her

"So where abouts is the shoot" she asked

"Just down here" i said looking over to her, i saw she was a little unsettled "don't worry, if something happens I'm here to protect you" i added with a smile as she lightly blushed

"R-right" she said, i opened a door and saw no one there, i sighed and took my phone out to see where everyone was, i sighed and hang up

"Their late" i said turning the light on, there was a sofa and some things already setup, i sat down and yawned a little

"How long will they be?" (Y/N) asked, i looked.over at her and smiled, she had a curious look on her face

"About an hour maybe less, they didn't really say" i said as she sat down next to me "if you want, you can go look around" i added

"No thanks, i rather wait with you" she said straching a little, i smirked at her, she seemed to notice and blushed bright red and looked away a little "its just, i don't want to get lost is all" she said looking at her hands

"Is that so?" I said in a husky voice making her blush more, i started playing with her hair, i smiled more as i then started giggling, she looked at me and crossed her arms

"Stop teasing me" she said lightly pulling my cheeks

"Sorry but i couldn't help it" i said smiling lightly, I've had a crush on (Y/N) since the first day we meet, i sighed as i stood up "lets have a look around, may find a better place to wait at" i said pulling her up from the sofa

"Ok" she said following behind me, her hands were cold in mine, as we walked around the building, it was dark in some placed of the building, i looked back at (Y/N), her (E/C) were beautiful i didn't realize i had stopped walking "are you alright ?" She asked and i snapped out of my daze

"Yeah, im find" i said looking away blushing

- Time skip -

We got back to the room we were in before, she sat down as i shut the door behind us, i looked at her as she looked at her hands, i smirked and turned the lighr off

"Wh-what?" She said

"Must be a power out" i said walking over to her, i stood infront of her "(Y/N)" i said softly

"Yes?" She answered

" i have a early Christmas present for you" i said slowly leaning in

"You do? If i knew that i wouldn't have left your at home" she said with a sigh "but i wont be able to see your gift" she added as i smiles

"That's fine, you don't need to...see it" i said in a husky low voice before laying my lips on hers, they were soft and sweet

- (Y/N) view-

His lips were warm, i could feel his hands playing around with my hair messing it up, as he moved away for air, i could feel the cold on my lips, soon his lips were placed on my neck and he started kissing my neck,

"A-Adrien" i said in a moan as i felt him smiling, he moved his hand down my back but stopped as the sound of doors opening echoed in the building, i heard him sigh and sat up

"I guess this will have to wait until later" he said walking away, the lights got turned on by him " i will be back you can just wait here if you want"

"O-ok" i said looking at him, i watched him smile as he walk back over and leaned close to my hear and softly said

"I love you (Y/N) " i was shocked at his words and as he then left, i soon smiled and said to myself

"I love you too, Adrien "

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now