Adrien X Reader part 2

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-Adrien's view-

"Marinette? What are you doing bere?" I asked

"I came to stop (Y/N) but i guess i was late" she said rubbing her neck

"Same here, i guess we have to wait now" i told her, but i was mostly telling myself

"Marinette, Adrien?" A voice called "shouldn't you guys be at home ?"

I looked behind Marinette and there stood (Y/N) she was tolding her carry on suitcase and her small handbag

" (Y/N) !" Marinette yelled and run to her, Marinette tripped over her own foot and (Y/N) stopped her before hitting the ground "i-we-you, you should be gone"

"Well" she paused and looked to her left " a cat told me a few things and, i was able to convince my parents to let me stay here" she said looking to Marinette

"Chat, right?" I managed to stay as (Y/N) nodded at me " w-we should get going, want to stay at mine or?"

"If thats ok ? Just for tonight anyway " she said and let Marinette go, she grabbed the suit case and dragged it out so (Y/N) would have to follow and she did, i smiled and followed behind

"My drivers here so we can go with him, Marinette, i can drop you off at home if you want" i asked as she shock her head

"No thinks Adrien, i have my own ride, see you later" she said and walked off, i turned my attention to (Y/N), my jeart was beating fast i just took a deep breathe and let it go

"Let me take that" i said and put her suit case in the back as she got in, i soon followed behind and sat across from her and smiled

- (Y/N)'s view -

Adrien looked out the window making things awkward, mostly for me tho, i sat there looking around the car, until i sighed a little

"Are you alright, (N/N) " Adrien said with smiled

"Um, yeah I'm fine" i told him as i returned the smile

"Once we get there I'll take you to the guest room and then we can eat in my room if you like?" He asked

"That sounds nice, thanks Adrien" i smiled " i sort of wonder if chat will be shocked that i stayed " i softly said

"I'm sure he will be over the moon (Y/N)" Adrien said tooking his set belt off and sat next to me, then put his belt back on " i mean, you are a friend to him"

"Hmm, thats true, god, haha im nervous " i said looking away

"Nervous about what?" Adrien asked

"About living here on my own, i do adorable France but I'm just scared something bad will happen " i told Adrien

Before he could speak he was cut short as the driver spoke, he let us know we had arrived, i thanked me and got out after Adrien, who wdnt and got my suit case

-time skip-

Adrien had walked off from his room to go and the chief, i sat alone in his room bored, i let out a small sigh as i turned on the tv

"Ladybug and Chat Noir saved the day again" the news reporter said as i changed channel

"It's been a couple of years since they came into the spot light" i told myself as i thought "if they never became who they are, would-"

"Dinners done" Adrien said as he walked over "ah, you put the tv on, good timing "

"Yeah" i puased and helped him with one of the plates " hey Adrien, what do you think would of happen of Cgat and Ladybug wasn't hero's and just normal people?"

He took his time thinking

"I don't know, maybe people that are friend now would be come strangers or meet years later" he said

"Maybe" i replyed

"Why did you ask?"

"Just wondering is all" i told him with a smile before eating, we sat there in silence until i put my plate on the table "somethings been bothering me"

Adrien just looked at me as i looked away a little

"Do you like Marinette ?" I asked when i was able to, he just looked at me and it made me feel uncomfortable so i sighed and turned my attention on the tv

Time was so slow i would consistently check my phone for the time, every time it seem like a minute had just past when it felt like hours, i stood up and grabbed my plate

"I'm going to take this to the kitchen" i told Adrien as he nodded, i walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen, as i walked inside, i let out a loud sigh " he probably does like Marinette"

"Who likes Marinette?" I heard Adrien say

"Adri-chat?" I had turned tonsee Chat leaning on the table i sighed and smiled " thought you were Adrien for a second there"

"Ah, well its not, so who likes Marinette?" He asked

"Maybe Adrien " i said as i started washing my plate up "they are cute together and Marinette had a big crush on him for so many years, i also think jr has a small thing for her" i told him as i poimted my figer at him witch had bubbles on

"What if Marinette's dating Nathanaël?" Chat said

"Then good for them both!" I shouted woth happyness and then laughed as i dryed the plate " wait, why aren't you surprised that I'm still here"

"Ah, hmm, inhad a hunch?" He questioned himself

I eyed him up before walking my way over and leaving the plate on the table, i watched him back away

I smirked " Don't run away kitty kitty, im going to find out who you are" i told him and went to grab him but he jumpped over me and run out the kitchen door, i followed behind and watched him sit on the railing of the stairs

"Don't do it (Y/N)" he said as i got closer "stay away!" I jumpped at him but he jumpped the his right, i hit the railing then looked at him and jumpped at him again but he started heading to Adrien's room

"Get back here Chat!" I yelled and run after him, he run into Adrien's room, shutting the door i quickly opened it to find him trapped "no where to go now"

"Think about what you're doing" he said

" i am" then i paused and looked around the room "where's Adrien?" I questioned and went to look for him instead of dealing with chat

"He-he, he's in the shower!" Chat yelles

"I don't hear wate-"

"He's having a bath!" Chat cut me off, i looked at Chat as i then opened the door " (Y/N)!"

Then it clicked, i looked at chat, i started puting Adrien's face with Chat's, i fwlt my cheeks heat up

"You, you little rat!" I yelled at Chat as he stood there confused " i can't believe how stupid i was, all this time"


"Adrien stop playing dumb" i told him, he stood there shocked "all this time, i should have known, thats why chat wasn't surprised about me being here" i told then i watched hom fave plam himself

"Eh, was it that easy to tell?" He said

"Haha! Knew it" i said as he turned back into Adrien "that's, that's new"

"Yeah, but, i don't like Marinette at all, besides a friend" he said

" haha yeah, you should have told me when i said cause it felt like forever " i said, taking a deep brather i walked over to Adrien and kissed he's cheek

" (y-y/n) ?"

"I like you, so, don't think I'll tell someone about you being Chat Noir alright"

"Thanks (N/N)"  he said kissing my forehead


Gonna try amd get a valentines chapter up tonight so it maybe off maybe sone lemons ;)

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now