Adrien X reader

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I let out a soft sigh as i watched the teacher write on the bored about our lesson, we were put into groups of two, i got up from my desk and took my set next to Adrien as Nino sat next to Alya and Marinette sst next to Nathanaël.

"Hey (Y/N) " Adrien said with a smile

"Hey Adrien, do you know what you want to do for this project? " i asked as i opened up my notebook, i saw him thinking before a sigh excepted from his mouth

"Well it is about ancient Egypt but I'm not sure about what time period we could do" he said looking over to me, i nodded in agreement

"Ture, we can do some research later if you want ?" I asked as the final bell rang

"Yeah, shall we do the work at your place?" He asked and i nodded

"Yeah, lets head over there now" i said getting up as he smiled

- Adrien's view -

I watched (Y/N) walk away and i let out a sigh, as everyone left i started packing my things away

"You have a big thing for her" Plagg said coming put of my bag

"Yeah i do, she's just so pretty, she's smart, she's just incredible " i said with a smile on my face, i grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom, i saw (Y/N) waiting outside for me, i made my way over to her, i placed my hand on her shoulder and made her jump "haha sorry (Y/N) "

"Its fine" she said rubbing her head "shall we go, i called mum to let her know your coming over "

"Yeah, good plan" i said walking with her, i looked at her hand and went to grab it but stopped myself, i sighed looking away until i felt her grabbing my hand and pulling me into a shop

"Sorry i wanted to get something give me a sce" she said walking off with me behind her "sir do you have my gift? " she asked and the man nodded handing her a small box, she paid and started walking away

"What did you get" i asked

"Its for Chat, i didn't get it in time for his birthday, so I'm giving it to him tonight" she said i felt happy inside

"Can i see what it is?"

"No" she said putting it in her bag

-time skip -

We sat in her room after doing 4 hours of homework, she had her feet on the bed and her back on the ground

"I can't do this anymore " she said throwing her book in the air and it landed on her face

"I agree, lets call it a night" i said as i stood up, she sat up and sighed

"Adrien, there's something i need to tell you

"What is it (Y/N) " i stood there with fear in my heart as i heard her sigh

"W-well you see, iknowthatyourchatnoir" she yelled and didn't breathe with what she said in the end

"What?" I said as she stood up and got the box from before, she handed it right to me as she looked away

"I know your Chat Noir and i wanted to give this to you, but i didn't get it in time, so here" she said, i stood there shocked, as i grabbed the box and i opened it to see a black and green coloured bracelet, when i looked inside i saw the name Chat Noir written

"(Y/N) thank you" i said looking at her, i watched her nodded as her face was bright red, i put the box down and walked over to her to the point i was towering over "i have to give you soemthing in return" i said with a smile

"You don't ha- " i cut her off with a kiss on her lips, when i broke away from air i watched her as she slowly realize what i did "you, you kiss me" she said

"Because i love you (Y/N)" i cupped her cheeks and went to kiss her again but instead i catched her from fainting, i smiled and kissed her cheek


Sorry this is sort i will hopefully make the next Adrien X reader a little longer

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now